What do YOU know about Sweden?

I Know they got alot of Blonds :thumbsup:

Whether that's good or bad, depends on
if your looking at them or asking them questions ;D

Greetings, When I was a kid growing up in the upper peninsula there were lots of Swedes in the area and several
of our friends we Swedes and most of their last names ended with 'son'. Like Jackson. Peterson, Johnson. The men
were hard workers and the women were all good cooks. And from my experience, growing up with them, they
were all friendly and good-hearted people.
That covers what I know about them.

I know I've never met anybody from Sweden I didn't like, and of course the Ladies.

Dear group;
Believe it or not, some of the nicest hot rods in the world are built in garages throughout Sweden. Why this is, I have NO idea! I think it has something to do with those really long winters though.
Your friend;

6.5 x 55 - was a very highly accurite rifle

--mandatory military service out of high school -- and your part of the nation guard till your either 55 or 65 i think -- fully automatic weapons stored in all homes * so no rampage shooting issues since --any rampagers neighbors are all as well armed as they are -- --rampager (bang) neighbors -- bang bang bang bang bang --end of rampager .

swedes helped the finns stay free from both the russians in early WW2 until the nazis moved in (after hitler attacked russia) and helped the finns fight the russians ---later on arms from sweden and vollunteers helped the finns oust the nazis out of finland during late WW2

ChristmasRed said:
wasn't it the Swedes who have the scary Christmas goat?
Dear ChristmasRed;
That is correct. They build them out of hay (straw) which of course leads the kids to light it up! It's becoming a Christmas tradition in Sweden to see how long the goat will last before someone sends it up in smoke and flames.
Your friend;

Hoss Cartwright had a Swedish mother, they unleashed ABBA on the world, I have a buddy on Facebook from Sweden and I think their language needs to buy a vowel. I like their knives. Both versions.

I know they have a Tawana Brawley wannabe :laughing7: If you're not from the NY area just google her and you'll get my drift :laughing9:

In the latest news they are starting to riot and burn cars. what is the reason? The Wikileak thing or the Mohamed dog cartoon?

Frankn said:
In the latest news they are starting to riot and burn cars. what is the reason? The Wikileak thing or the Mohamed dog cartoon?

I think u mean the attempted terrorist attack, one idiot tryed to blow himself in the city of Stockholm yesterday... He had 6 pipe bombs and a backpack filled with more explosive and nails.... This is the first terrorist attack we ever been in. He had wrote a suicide note that Our children,brother and sisters shall die, tho we dint care about the Mohamed carton. And because that we shall be punished. I'm more anti now than ever in my life for radical Muslims.

jeff of pa said:
I Know they got alot of Blonds :thumbsup:

Whether that's good or bad, depends on
if your looking at them or asking them questions ;D

That's correct Jeff, good one there :tongue3:

I'm impressed, i did thought u newed less about Sweden! :headbang: :headbang:
The goat we have is a cult thing for us, and we love to burn the big one down! :laughing7:
Out meatballs are great! And the tax is to high...
Bork Bork i looooove him too! Hes my uncle u know ;D
And Texas, thx!
I did see that you like the girls too :thumbsup: me too!
And one thing more, we are kings when it comes to drink alcohol and party.
Txh all!! And happy hunting.

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