What I am working on


Gold Member
Apr 1, 2004
Northern Nevada
Detector(s) used
Dowsing Rods and a Ranger Tell Examiner
Sorry I have not been around
The last month I have been away enjoying myself only coming home when I have to...My old lap top does not always keep me in contact with the outside world. I am mapping an old time legend of a cave of gold. I have been looking for an open entrance to it...the only way in and out is via big sand washes..So anytime it looks like rain I have to get out of there..I spend the nights about 40 miles away at Sand mountain because it is safe from thunder Storms...Besides that I have my old Honda and I can play in the sand in the evenings...I have located some of the areas Okie dowsed for me but no entrance yet...Yes I am having a lot of fun..this cave system is very large....Art

Sand 132 001.jpgwashout 023.jpg

Art, sounds like it could be fun just for the experience of being there. Is Nevada still nice this time of year in the outdoors?

Freezing every night….The days have been mostly in the 50’s…Much easier to hunt in the 50’s than when it is in the 100’s…I will keep at until the snow comes…My oldest son is down from Alaska so it adds to my experience….Art

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Yeah, since your oldest son is from Alaska, he would be used to the cooler temperatures.

He has been mining up there for about 13 years now….He loves it….Art

Hey guys…We had a light dusting of snow last night….Right now we have some rain…I guess my adventure may be over…when I get home I will have some photo’s to share …Art

This is what I have been looking into.....
Nevada’s Lost Cave of Gold
Frustration and failure were two companions of Hank Knight. Knight strolled into Churchill County in 1882. Knight picked poked and dug into the arid earth of the Painted Hills.
Hank Knights luck changed during one of his trips into the mountains. He traced a promising vein of volcanic rock through a crevice and ended up in the middle of a natural cavity. He raised his torch and found that he was inside of a gigantic gold nugget.
Knight decided to sink a shaft straight down into the cave. Knight’s energy was trained so he returned to town. On his death bed , Knight gave his friends directions to the mine. I hid the entrance and you will have trouble finding it. I covered the shaft with desert wood and brush. The crevice that leads to the cave is covered with stones and dirt.
The cave of gold was a dim memory in 1933 when a prospector George Foster succeeded in obtaining financial backing from a group of investors. He announced he had discovered the cave and when the investors tried to screw him he dropped out of sight.
He was traced to Phoenix in the 1940’s. He was living in a hotel and enjoying life. He said that the cave was real and that he returned periodically to replenish his bank account.
Treasure tip..Research indicates that Hank Knight’s find is between the communities of Painted Hills and Sand Springs which are ghost towns. Look for volcanic ruptures in the area northwest of sand mountain.

This is where the entrance is....It now has water coming from it...Art
Sand 132 005.jpg

You climb up the hill and you find this
Sand 132 004.jpg

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This is all on a Navy Electronic bombing site...Nothing out there but Radar sites and the targets...Art

Diexie Valley 002.jpgDiexie Valley 004.jpgSand 004.jpg

So far I have followed this cave and all it’s side shafts for about 30 miles....Art

At Nome Alaska, supposed to have some good salmon fishing near the gold mining claims. I've never been there yet, would be nice!

Thanks for sharing this Art, its interesting and nice to know your out in the field doing it.

Hey Ocean....When I feel good enough I go...the years just keep getting harder.Whoever named these days as the golden years must have been young....Art

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Let me start with a little background. In the 60's and 70's I was busy raising a family and working 12 hours a day 7 days a week from June until September. When I did get some time off we would go camping. I did some panning and knew a few full time miners.
In 81 my place of work shut down. I was able to take an early retirement but with a lot of restrictions if I worked. The first few years I worked and started to prospect. Then I realized with the retirement restrictions they were taking most of my retirement money away from me so I became a full time miner.
At first I helped my Nephew operate a 12 inch dredge on the Bear River and prospected with a 2 inch dredge .I've worked on the Feather River with 2, 4 and 6 inch dredges. I worked on the three forks of the American River with 6 and 8 inch dredges. I have worked 50 foot under water with a 8 inch dredge and that was no fun at all..
In 1997 I had to come out of the water because of a heart problem. I still wanted to look for gold, so I started to prospect with Electronic devices. One of them used rods to follow the signal that it made. In 2002 I started to learn about Dowsing. I found that many of the things I had learned using the electronic device could also be used with Dowsing. I developed may skills with the rods and found many ounces of gold.

In 2004 I started looking for large treasure. It took a lot of time to learn how to research areas and was a whole new ballgame…..

As I have become more home bound I started to map Dowse…At first I was real bad at it…As I have progress I have gotten better and better..No it is not perfect but it will get you in the right area….Art

hey Art, thanks for the thread. i have enjoyed it very much as it is interesting to hear about others having so much fun.
keep up the good work.

That’s what live is all about...I raised a good family and provided for them..Now I don’t do anything that is not fun....Art

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