What is your most frustrating site to detect?

I know exactly what you mean. I have spent alot of time this summer in an area that was a town at the end of the 1800's and have had the same results. There is over 50 acres at that spot and I get hits every couple of feet. I start off with low discrimination but after an hour or so of digging everything my patience runs out and I start cherry picking looking for big silver. I know that there is a great chance of finding silver there, but man it's hard to locate. So far I have dug a couple of old spoons, Pounds of old square nails (Hey Nick, Wanna bid on some? ;D ) Railroad spikes, Horse tack, and a Brooch I posted in "What is it" awhile back. This location haunts me, It's in my mind often and I can't stop hunting there because I know there is good stuff to be found.
If it was'nt such a peaceful and pleasant spot to spend an afternoon I would probably give up on it. Yeah, my spot is near the railroad also. Seems like the old railroad spots are full of iron and can slaw.
Don't give up on your spot. Take a break and re-think it. I have learned alot from the veteran hunters here and they all say that you have to clean out a spot first if you want to find the deep good stuff.


Stone's River Civil war battle field. The rangers keep chasing me around. ;D Just kidding.

My Yard!! The previous occupants absolutely loved fixing things with metal wire. We removed hoards of it and nails too when we moved here. One other oddity-he had a truck here and it didn't have a key to start it, he had rigged up a light switch! Creative, no?

Any site that ain't forthcomin' with the booty!

Giving No Quarter since 1959,

For me it's our 125 year old city park.

It's been flooded on average every 30 years by the Arkansas river which deposited from 3-6" of mud on each flood. I've dug many 1800's coins in one area where the mud wasn't so deep. Mostly around 6-9", but the other areas I recover coins as deep as 10" and only get back to the 1930's.

It's frustrating to know the old coins are there, but can't get to them. I haven't found a detector that will get below 10" in that park.

Steve, it calls to me every time I pass it. It is just such a bad place. They built the highway opposite the tracks to that is out, there was a lumber yard on the other side of the tracks, and to boot, the ground is hard packed gravel.

It kills me to not be able to detect there but the digging is so hard with all the stones, it would take me years to "clean it out" of the junk. I just have to dream about it and spend my time on other sites.

have to say RR tracks by an old park. The normal spikes, trash and hypodermic needles

my yard is kinda frustrating... the house is 1830s, and the original owners were farmers. i'm running my machine on all metal hoping to find a horseshoe or other relics (i think that would be so cool). , tho i did find an axe head amd part of a couple shovels) so far ive found lots of square nails and hot rocks. i've only found 3 pennies the oldest was a 1970... and around the driveway is loaded with car parts from my dad being a mechanic and fixing cars in our driveway. man, do they sound like coins on the detector... :( i'm still determined to look for the old coins and anything else i may find...

An old stage coach stop next to some modern RR tracks with power lines over the tracks. It keeps giving me false signals and alot of backgorund noise. I only tried it once so far so I will have to give it another go and really fiddle around with my settings.


In parks around Shelter Houses that have picnic tables and Bar-B-Que's. I know
there has to be coins and jewelry, but there is just so many pull tabs and soda
cans that my machine rings like a slot machine. They also are loaded with
foil and tin.

Rhododendron Grove in Highland Park. Had a pond across the street everyone swam in back in the 1830's for many years. It's now a concrete pond.
Sooo much trash there now and the overhead power lines...

Still the same park grove for almost 180 years...

But..silly me...a glutton for punishment....I'll keep trying it. I know it's under there.


My home! :-[

I live on a farm, that I have tracked the ownership of, back before the civil war. The house is old enough, that it has a handlaid stone foundation, and hand hewn log in the oldest part. I've hunted various areas, and other than some old harness rings, I haven't found anything more than 50-60 years old, and NO coins older than 20 years!

I know there has been activity here for hundreds of years, but I'll be damned if I can find anything good! ???

I think the worst was schools right after Easter with the gold bug....all metal makes the same sound, even the TINIEST bit of foil from one of those easter candies set it off and it was my first time detecting! lol It made me nuts! I have found campsites with all the can slaw and pulltabs and such are the worst since then but hey....I get excited over just about every find anyway! lol

I have been hunting an old church, built in 1889. I have been there five times and find nothing but square nails, the last time I went I found a 1995 nickle. Why am I not finding anything, I thought for sure this was going to be a great site to hunt. >:(

The only place I have to hunt locally (and comfortably, living in the 'hood) is the infamous state park down the street that once housed a very large Catholic girls' school that was about 100 yrs. old when they closed it, although I know there were buildings back there that got razed and damn if I find much back there before it's time to pack up and go make dinner >:( Today's notable finds consist of a condom wrapper, a quarter, and a voodoo/ pagan/ Wiccan spell consisting of about 50 pennies, a broken cigar, a note, and a bunch of candy (including blue candy canes? WTF?). I took the note and 1 penny- since I have come home I got chocolate all over my shirt making dessert, dumped my whole canister of cornmeal all over the floor, and ALMOST ruined dinner- the plate that the food was cooling on hit the floor and broke, luckily the food didn't touch the floor.
Wow, that sure is frustrating- but the pie turned out good.

I'm working an underwater site that was used as an illegal dump for several years. in order to get to the good stuff you have to take out the trash literally. couple that with a 6 month season at best then throw in crappy weather and slippery rocks plus add in it is a fishing hotspot and you start to understand the difficulties.

to date I have over 120 lbs of sinkers,70 plus lures,about a mile of barbed wire,and enough modern boat parts to weight limit my half ton pickup.

but I wouldn't change a thing, you never know what is coming next.

my most frusterating site is in issaquah which is also next to a railway station. Don't go there and to detect anymore because I'm tired of it. haha

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