What would you do? (Possible solution!)

I wouldn't say anything, nothing good can come from it. Some people just have their own style. Its not like your dating her. I make girls do the pencil test before I date them anyway. :)

plehbah said:
I told myself I would not replay to this topic any more, but then an idea struck!

Get her a big houseplant for Christmas. When she unwraps it, and stands there holding it by the root-ball and admiring it, and tells you that she doesn't have a pot for it, you tell her to plant it in her cleavage.

Space utilized, horrible problem concealed; problem solved.

This idea is my Christmas gift to you, my friend.

That was a classic Plehbah, I'm glad your back :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:

So, you think 50 something women aren't sexy? So be it. You're entitled to your opinion (and so is she).
Lots of guys think older women are sexy. I have an ex who is 57, has D cup fun bags, and she looks sexy to me. Of course, I just bought two calendars yesterday of bikini and lingerie babes, and I don't think any of them are older than 25. Beauty, and sexy, is in the eye of the beholder.
If I made comments about everyone on the planet that I had issues with, I wouldn't have time to sleep. This woman you describe is her own person, with just as many rights as you; did you ever think that maybe she thinks YOU are a complete jerk? Maybe you wear your pants too tight (or stare at her chest too often)??? She might think you are some kind of perv, and that she is being too generous with you in keeping her mouth shut.
Personally, I find many types of women (of all ages) incredibly sexy. Tell her I said so.

mikeofaustin said:
What you're actually witnessing here is a carry over from her younger years. Think of it, how long have you had the same hair style? Do you buy the same brand jeans? You like the same colors in shirts? This is just her way of being the same person she used to be without her knowing that the curtains aren't white anymore. It's not her fault.

If you look back at a photo of you in high school you see someone totally different. BUT, because as the years went on, your gradual change of appearance wasn't noticeable in the mirror. It's not to her either. She still thinks that this is a good thing.... and by God, it is good to her.

I say, let her flaunt those babies until no end. Let her live dang it. At least she's not a cougar, then it would be a different story.

In her mind, shes beautiful... and self esteem is a wonderful thing.

However, if you wanted to 'make her aware'... you should comment some day (at a get together) about how hot she looks flaunting those babies ( in a freindly kind of way of course)... She'll probably blush, but the next day, she'll think about what you said and analyze it for herself.

I once dated a girl with fakes (which looked great btw). some of her attire had very low cut shirts that showed her stomach, not to mention her breasts. But, to me, it was normal too because I too got used to it. One day, we're sitting in a restaurant waiting to get our food, and I notice this waiter loitering around behind us for a long time. I made no mind of it until I happen to look up to see her nipple was hanging out. This was after about 15 minutes. I simply didn't notice it because I was used to the 'environment'.

So, you have to think about people getting used to things over time without being aware.

Good advice, your a smart man Mike.

If SHE feels attractive in what she wears, then it is her Right to wear it. It doesn't matter one bit what you--or anyone else for that matter--thinks about it.

You are not her fashion consultant.

Let her be herself. Its not hurting anyone and you will only end up hurting her. Its the holidays,,,

thrillathahunt said:
I agree. If Lady Gaga can wear what she wants, anyone can wear what they want!

DUDE SHUT IT!!!! i FREAKING love love love lady gaga!!!
i cant wait to see her on new years eve in miami!!!
she says shes going to wear a dress made out of bubbles... and when she sings the
one song "speechless" .... all the bubbles pop! ill have my cam ready!!!
ill be sure to snap a few pics of that nonsense!

Im a Taylor Swift kind of guy, Lady Gaga scares me.

Johnnysan said:
So, you think 50 something women aren't sexy? So be it. You're entitled to your opinion (and so is she).
Lots of guys think older women are sexy. I have an ex who is 57, has D cup fun bags, and she looks sexy to me. Of course, I just bought two calendars yesterday of bikini and lingerie babes, and I don't think any of them are older than 25. Beauty, and sexy, is in the eye of the beholder.
If I made comments about everyone on the planet that I had issues with, I wouldn't have time to sleep. This woman you describe is her own person, with just as many rights as you; did you ever think that maybe she thinks YOU are a complete jerk? Maybe you wear your pants too tight (or stare at her chest too often)??? She might think you are some kind of perv, and that she is being too generous with you in keeping her mouth shut.
Personally, I find many types of women (of all ages) incredibly sexy. Tell her I said so.

Oh, thank you so much for your reply, saves me a lot of typing. And retyping. My thoughts exactly. If she is comfortable in the way she looks, what business is it of yours? Good God, we all age, we all get older, and we all miss what we use to look like. Or at least I do. But, hey, that's life. The ability to find someone that can really look inside a person, and see what goodness lies there, is the difference between holding someone you love close to you at night, sleeping soundly, and nuking popcorn, watching crap-ass tv, till the dawn comes seeping in through the blinds, alone.
Happy Holidays,

Personally, I'd much rather see this woman you speak of than some adolescent poser with his britches half-way down his a$$ and a ball cap on backwards...


I would not say a word to her if it was me. She has a mirror and knows how she is dressed. You are coworkers so it could also be mistaken as sexual harassment.

Double Ditto here..." Personally, I'd much rather see this woman you speak of than some adolescent poser with his britches half-way down his a$$ and a ball cap on backwards..."

Some towns have actually pass a law against the pants halfway down, including increasing fines per incident, one of the towns that passed the law is also where I want to move in a couple years so that is good for me................ What is sad is that for most of these fools they don't even realize they have reached the peak of their earning potential...

Leave the woman alone. Why should you care if she shows off her breasts? When you get older you'll appreciate checking out any woman boobs you can lay you eyes on. If any woman wants to show off her body either enjoy the view or stop blocking mine. Check out this 63 year woman. Pass her prime? Not to me.


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BIG61AL said:
Leave the woman alone. Why should you care if she shows off her breasts? When you get older you'll appreciate checking out any woman boobs you can lay you eyes on. If any woman wants to show off her body either enjoy the view or stop blocking mine. Check out this 63 year woman. Pass her prime? Not to me.

money allows people who are past their prime .... TO NOT BE!
thats why rich people always AGE fairly well.

K*E*L*L*Y said:
BIG61AL said:
Leave the woman alone. Why should you care if she shows off her breasts? When you get older you'll appreciate checking out any woman boobs you can lay you eyes on. If any woman wants to show off her body either enjoy the view or stop blocking mine. Check out this 63 year woman. Pass her prime? Not to me.

money allows people who are past their prime .... TO NOT BE!
thats why rich people always AGE fairly well.

Yeah, you don't look bad for 87 Kelly :D

shaun7 said:
K*E*L*L*Y said:
BIG61AL said:
Leave the woman alone. Why should you care if she shows off her breasts? When you get older you'll appreciate checking out any woman boobs you can lay you eyes on. If any woman wants to show off her body either enjoy the view or stop blocking mine. Check out this 63 year woman. Pass her prime? Not to me.

money allows people who are past their prime .... TO NOT BE!
thats why rich people always AGE fairly well.

Yeah, you don't look bad for 87 Kelly :D

omg.... im 90 THANKS!

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