Whats your favorite/funniest Nickname, how did you get it?

Re: What's your favorite/funniest Nickname, how did you get it?

my mother used to babysit the neighborhood kids to earn some cash--several of them in a group while their folks worked---once in my mid 20's upon coming home from a long sea voyage I came home to visit her ---I had a large thick beard & I was a rather large guy at the time 6 ' 1" and 300 lbs)---my mother told them my name was "ivan" ---one of the small fries ---having trouble with "ivan" said--"I D bear" or basically Ivan's a bear (to her I was a big and hairy and rather "freindly" bear)---for several years that was my nick name with those "kids" and momeven called me it also because it "tickled" her and she thought it was "funny"-- later on I took the bear as my "spirit guide animal" being part native american----nice & fuzzy if not bothered--but quite fierce if bothered---no one today calls me it however-----since mom sadly pasted on several years back------as I often say ----yes I'm kind of a big teddy bear type guy---but always remember even a teddy bear is still a bear and bears have fangs and claws and an evil temper if you mess with them----Ivan

Re: What's your favorite/funniest Nickname, how did you get it?

Boy...this is hilarious! :D

Thanks... I really needed a good laugh...the last few weeks were pretty stressful!

Great idea for a post BDoo! That's a pretty funny nickname, it kept me laughing for a while! Never had very many nicknames... I can only think of one. My mom use to give my little brother & I identical hair cuts when we were kids. Some of the other kids started calling us "Helmet." :-\ :'( When I think about it now... our hair cuts looked like the round motorcycle helmets! Now... if we were given haircuts that looked like Darth Vader's helmet.. then we would make the kids teasing us "Join the Dark Side." :D

rtde3...when I read your post I was laughing so hard that I was getting sick! I remember one time during rugby I decided that if I got the ball, that I would keep running towards the other end zone no matter what happened. Well, I did get the ball and started running. Some of the faster kids caught up to me...I was dragging one kid, then two, three, and finally four before I went down. Fortunately, my shorts did not get pulled down! I hope this does not offend you but ... I hope that shark behind you is not seeing what the kid saw for 30 yrds.! ;D

Thanks for the laugh everyone!


Re: What's your favorite/funniest Nickname, how did you get it?

Only Nickname I ever had was "Nugent" & of course Nuge for short
because when I was younger everyone told me I looked like him.

Other then My hair & 'Stash looking like the Cat scratch Fever
album back then, I don't know if I did or not.

Last time I used it was My CB Handle.

Re: What's your favorite/funniest Nickname, how did you get it?

Alright, I can't believe I'm gonna fess this one up but like was said earlier family right?

In high school, I was (still am) a skinny little runt, my best buddy was more developed. They called me Pebbles and her Bam Bam. One open house my Mother was walking down the hall with me and someone screamed out "Hey Pebbles!" My mother thought that was soooooo cute.......Ma THINK about it! They call Karen Bam Bam! She laughed so hard, then kept getting a case of the giggles every now and then. We were both laughing. She even started using it, 'cuz it was cute ::). Thanks Mom!

Re: What's your favorite/funniest Nickname, how did you get it?

I use the name "Birdman" not because now I am in the AirForce but on my first go around I was in the Navy and on watch one night about 3 in the morning we were out to sea and I drink a whole pot of strong coffee and could not stand still .I heard hey BirdMan you are flying all over the bridge! The next three and a half years on that ship I was Birdman. It stuck and even the officers would call me that . I was also called CatDaddy Dady-o but not sure where that one evolved from. Every one seemed to get some kind of nickname along the way. Afew of the guys that had hygiene problems and had the same names Dirt bag. LOL I still keep in touch with some of my old buddies and they still call me Birdman or just Bird for short.

Re: What's your favorite/funniest Nickname, how did you get it?

At work they call me "The Legend" because I have been there so long.

Re: What's your favorite/funniest Nickname, how did you get it?

A nickname of mine for a long time was "Scootch." It was a nickname I picked up while playing softball in leagues up in Philly. The person who gave it to me said it was a combination of "Scooter," which was the old Yankee infielder, Phil Rizutto's nickname and "Chooch," which is a funny Italian kind of name. In reality, Scootch is also Italian slang for someone who is a pain in the butt, though it's spelled a little different. I don't hear it much anymore, unless I go see my old team play. But I have incorporated it into my E-mail address.

Re: What's your favorite/funniest Nickname, how did you get it?

My ability to find evidence in garbage dumpsters and my willingness to dive into the dumpsters got me the nickname/callsign of "Trashman", "Trash" for short.



Re: What's your favorite/funniest Nickname, how did you get it?

They called me RADER and I hated it...lol
When I was in school Mash was hot on TV

and my last name is Rader so you see why.

Now they call me Arizona at work because I used to live there.

Re: What's your favorite/funniest Nickname, how did you get it?

"Superfreak" for me. Don't ask!

"Foosack" for my wife. Grandmother's nickname for her.

Re: What's your favorite/funniest Nickname, how did you get it?

Every one called me " MAGGOT ", cause I used to eat so much and ate anything except beets, allergic to them. Slowed down a lot when I hit 63.

Re: What's your favorite/funniest Nickname, how did you get it?

Called a lot of names, Rain Maker, Mountain Goat, Chop Chop, and others.

I was in a deserted place (Military) with thirty eight others. We had a medic, and no other service, after a few weeks, I cut my own hair, did a fair job. Every one lined up and I cut hair, The Colonel, a Major and Captain found out and that was my extra,extra duty, then one old boy, a jerk came into my tent and said,"gimme one of them Chop Chop Jobs ". I gave him a real nice Chop Chop job, I cut some steps up his neck to his crown. He left thinking he looked good and when the guys saw him they rolled and I got a name. The Commander got a kick out of it. He called me Sgt Chop Chop. After that Jerk got a name and had to cut his own, looked like a dog with a bad case of mange. The Col saw him and would shake his head and laugh.

Rain maker name came because one of our team was going out, the sun was shinning and no clouds, I told him, better get that poncho on you'll get wet.
I heard choppers coming, about six of them, that guy left and come back in five minutes, water running off him, gritting his teeth, and said you called that in you damn rain maker, so I got the name. In a monsoon season a chopper can make rain, six will make a lot.

Got the name, Mountain Goat from a two star General ,
I rescued him off the side of a mountain he had slid down. He was a great man.
He said I was jumping across the rocks like a mountain goat. All the others heard it and I got the Tag. A year later he was killed.
He was a tough man, the next day seemed like he was better shape than ever .
Gen Saurez, my salute Gnewt

Re: What's your favorite/funniest Nickname, how did you get it?

Hoot, sparks, Tweak, T bone, ++++Old Dog

Tweak is probably the strangest one,

I got it when I was in high school,
I used to take things apart to figure them out
most of the time I could always figgure out a way to make it work just a little better.

"Take it over and let Thom tweak it for you".
I have had a few others but 'Tweak' stuck for a long time.


Re: What's your favorite/funniest Nickname, how did you get it?

Dudley Doright, and my friends were "Stinky", "Gorko", "Pertdile","Lardo", "Chicken", Sinkys brother, "Tard" and then I grew up and they changed it to "Beaker", Still to this day we call each other these names.

Re: What's your favorite/funniest Nickname, how did you get it?

:-\I aint say'n....
Somebody in chat called me that one night, i bout fell outta my chair, i havent been called that in years. My Aunt started calling me that when i was 15 years old.
Rhymes with Trish. (thats all im say'n :tongue3:)

Its always Trishy Pooh when they want somethin.....

Re: What's your favorite/funniest Nickname, how did you get it?

When I was in school, I used to have a flat-top haircut. Folks said I looked like Val Kilmer's character "Iceman" from the movie "Top Gun" so Iceman kinda stuck for a while.

Re: What's your favorite/funniest Nickname, how did you get it?

:coffee2: let's see I've had many nicknames for some reason..

My first one was gentleman I got it from two girls in school when I was holding the door. :thumbsup:

Today I'm called "the Sledge hammer" or "fists or steel" lol don't ask why. :icon_scratch:
The odd thing is I'm not well trained at the gym or something.

When prospecting I met a couple of folks they nick named me "Tarzan" (spelling?)


Re: What's your favorite/funniest Nickname, how did you get it?

From high school till about the age of 25...I had the nickname of PEANUTS! When I transferred to "roton" Groton (CT)....I just turned 25 and decided that new folks I met NEVER knew my nickname...so when someone calls me PEANUTS now...it's someone from high school or my early Navy days.....

But the one nickname I hated with a passion was one my mother called me...BUTCHIE!!!!!!! OMG...I HATE THAT ONE!!! I don't know where, why or how she started that...but she had called me that from as far back as I can remember!!!! :icon_scratch: UGH! >:(

Re: What's your favorite/funniest Nickname, how did you get it?

I understand about the hated nicknames
I had one of those, 'Oop'

I guess it was from the comic strip Alley Oop
I'm really glad it got replaced.


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