Where do I go next

Cache Hunter in NY

Jr. Member
Mar 15, 2005
Fort Drum NY
Hi my name is Angela England and I am from Westerlo NY which is in the catskill area. I have a few places I know I would like to search which includes all of my uncles property and the woods surrounding it, an old abandoned house which I did research on and all I came up with is that they were Italian goat farmers and nobody has been there for well over 30 years the house was obviously just up and left since it has things left on the table and it is boarded up and I lived in the area for 23 years and nobody has ever been there, another place I would like to do it is a summer house behind my parents house and I would like to try do it at the town park hopefully I wouldn't get in trouble for that. That alone I could cover about 50 acres. My question is after that then what. My husband is in the army and we live in army housing and I highly doubt we would be allowed to dig on post. How do I know where I can and can't dig and how do I get permission to dig.


ask landowners and do some research.theres plenty more out there,ya just have to look harder. good luck

This may seem like a really stupid question but I am new and don't really know much but how do I locate cellar holes and how do I know it is a cellar hole? I am not to good at this yet but searching for treasure is in my blood when I was very very young me and my cousin used to go in the woods line behind out houses and dig out old dead trees and search for treasure lol.


Angela, Sounds to me that you have everything yet to learn about research, and cache hunting. However don't feel alone, everyone had to start at sometime. I Would advise you to connect with a M/D club in your area. Or like what town do you live in N.Y.. Maybe someone on this forum that lives not to far from you will contact you and be able to go ditecting with you a few times and answer some of your questions. Monk

Well right now I live at ft drum NY but where I will be detecting is at my parents house in Westerlo NY in the catskills I am just getting started with detecting and I just ordered my first metal detector today :-) I plan on starting when my husband gets back from PLDC at the end of May so hopefully I will know enough by then :-) I know some about detecting not much but some. I think one of my major problems of what I need to learn is where we are allowed to go. I learn pretty quick so I should be ok LoL


The Hudson River valley is rich in caches and relics from Canada to NYC. Read the state tales in the Lost Treasure web site and you will discover some treasures to capture your imagination.

I think you should read some magazines like Western and Eastern Treasures. Also read a few books on the subject. I would recommend Treasure Hunters Manual #6 or #7. by Karl von Mueller. They are both great books and will get you thinking of places to go. If the post your husband is at is older you may be able to get permission to detect in certain areas. It couldnt hurt to ask all they can say is no. It sounds like you have a few places lined up so start with them. Be sure to dig correctly and fill in your holes. The area you are in is rich with history, and you should make some good finds with some research and getting out and looking. Good luck.

What's up Cache Hunter 8) I'm in NY down the Hudson by Fishkill. Sounds like you got alot of hunting to do. Try covering what you got thoroughly all while keeping an eye out for new spots in your travels. I'm sure theres old property all over that area that you could get into. Dont be afraid to ask people for permission. If you need pointers on getting permission, talk to Bergie who posts here. I hunt with him as he's over in Newburgh and an expert on P&R and talking to strangers. He's got us permission to hunt a number of killer places and one cool dude. Hope this helps? 8)

Oh boy I have a feeling this is going to be a long post. Here goes....First things first, You mentioned your uncles house and that its been abandoned for 30 years. I believe you have a good opertunity to hone your cache hunting skills. (CAUTION ABANDONED HOUSES CAN BE DANGEROUS DO THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND PLEASE USE COMMON SENCE). If the house looks like its about to fall down then let it do its thing over time and save it as a cache hunting spot for your kids. No need to put yourself in the hospital, it cuts into treasure hunting time. If you believe the house is safe and feel ok about it then go in an be careful. Head for the livingroom and see if if there is a fireplace. Check all around the fireplace, up into the chimney. (Bring a flashlight). Look for loose stones in the chimney, under the mantle piece. Even dig down through the ashes to see if there's a loose stone or brick on the bottom. Did your uncle have any hobbies that you know of? If you know that he's into making clocks for example, check all the homemade clocks in the house. Anything you see could be suspect. Shower curtain rods, Old curtains had weights sewed in to the bottom hem and sometimes rings were hidden there. In the toilet tank, Anything that has drawers,check the bottom of the drawers and the back and look for anything taped inside above the drawer. If there is a closet full of clothes check all the pockets, check the walls for hidden doors ect.. look for old trunks and search the attic for old newspapers and books and pictures of the past. The pictures themselves may give you clues as to where to look. I hunted a 1930's school for 2 years and only found one mercury dime. It took me a while to relize that the pavement was newer then I'd expected. All that silver is locked under pavement. Old pictures can reveal exactly whre shed's or privys were located. If the house has skeleton key door locks, check the locks themselves, sometimes kids dropped a coin or two in there. Is it a dirt basement? sifting dirt floors can provide you with unique treasures. Check the registers and crawlspaces and window sills and door frames and just everything. You can drill out a pencil and roll up a $100 bill and stick it in the pencil and put the eraser back on. CHECK EVERYTHING!!. Look out the bedroom window. What do you see? Take pics and post them, I could point out any potential places you might wanna check. Under rocks, shrubs, chicken coops, dog house, big tree, flower bed, fence post, stone wall, statue, you get my point? When people were straining their eyes at night to keep an eye on there cache they wanted to be able to easily locate it even in the dark.Chicken coops and dog houses were popular because the animals were the alarm system. Open your bedroom window and stick your gun out. Your money isn't gonna be much safer then that. Definately check all the furniture and appliances. @nd hunting at town parks. I was told by a DEC officer if he saw me he would have to ask me to leave, but he couldn't tell me that I couldn't hunt there, he just said don't get caught. He also said if I do get caught play dumb and say that you didn't know that you couldn't be there. The worse they can do is tell you to leave. If they see you there again then they can do something about it. I've been hunting the same (your not suppose to be here) beach for 2 years and no one has told me to leave yet. I go during off season and I am encouraged 2 continue going there by showing all the rusty nails and broken glass I've collected. I've pulled several rings off of this beach including the big hunky silver mans wide split band ring with lions reared up on their hind legs. A ring that I love but I'm giving away to the winner of my contest. If your not a member of treasurequestxlt then you can't win. If your not a member then sign up today. I've only been posting on this forum for a few months but i think its just as good as treasurenet. Good people, great feedback, all aspects of treasure hunting. My contest is under the general discussions forum. Come and check it out. Tell them swizzle sent you. As far as research I might be able to help you out. I'm from the Adirondacks (HI NEIGHBOR) I'm fairly new to researching but I know I'm heading in the right direction. Maybe we could find a library somewhere's in between the parks and I could show you a little about how I'm researching caches. Let me know what you think and maybe we can split a mason jar of silver and/or gold in the near future. What type of detector did you get? I'm tired its bedtime. I hope I didn't bore you. Jason

Wow that was a very long post LoL as far that that abandoned house it wasn't my uncles house nobody knows whos house it is but I know it is safe to go to but it is boarded up real good I just wanted to do some detecting outside the house the only way I am going in there is if there is an experienced ghost hunter with me if ya know what I mean lol. Plus I don't want to break into the house because it is posted by the new york state police. When I was a kid I used to spend alot of time up there and I know it is safe to go on the land and do whatever because the cops never go and check it out but as far as breaking in I don't think I would do. I am really hoping that I can find a cache but I am pretty sure I will find some out relics because westerlo is based on an anciet indian burrial ground and also the site of civil war action. So we will see where that goes. I am not really to sure what I can find on my Uncles land because it was always just land. There are old property barriers of rock walls that I would like to search near and one of the areas behind my uncles land is just a bunch of perfect rows of pinetrees. All this is in the catskill area but I want to get deeper into the catskills. I have read so much about there being alot of burried gold coins from when gold became illegal to own in 1933. I am so excited I ordered my first detector yesterday and it shipped already. It is supposed to be here on monday. I got a Titan 2000XD with a Automax precision V2 pin pointer. I look forward to finding some things to share on here all of you have been great. :-)


If you decide to hunt the stone walls then concentrate on the opening. This would be where the most travel would be. If you find an old cellar hole (generally a hole 10 foot by 10 foot or bigger lined with rocks) then see if you can see the stone wall from there and detect along that section as well. Look for stones that look different(different color, size, or shape)could be a marker. Also detect in the corners where two walls come together. If you have any runoff's or creeks that go through the stone wall check there as well. People bending down to get a drink would sometimes drop change out of shirt pockets. Good Luck and HH I'm going out now to break the ice on a fresh water beach. I'm bringing something home, I'll post my find(s) later. Jason

I will make sure I check everywhere I am getting so excited thinking about all the places I can search. I am probably going to go look where my husband is from too after I am done here he is from CA and his family also lives in WA so I will probably go both places. What do most people do when they find things that happen to be illegal to have such as some relics and large caches?


Angela--True_Metal mentioned me in an earlier post on this string of posts. Said some nice things I appreciate. He's a good dude and we search about once a week during the warm weather. You live in one of the best areas around. There are lots of old hotel and camp sites from when the Catskill area was a huge vacation area during the earlier 1900s. Here's just one example of some great places, there are many more you could research. I would go with someone to these places, never know if there are homeless people "living" there who are potentially dangerous. Click and scroll all the way down and look at all the photos of defunct hotels in the area. Go find some of these sites where thousands of people were gathered each Summer for decades.

Go to the county seat courthouse where all the property tax info and deeds are located.They can tell you who owns the property currently.Goodluck!

My mom lives out in the catskill area still and I am about 4 hours away at ft drum so she called the town clerk and asked about metal detecting and they had no idea if it was illegal or not. They guessed it wasn't illegal on public property. So now I am looking forward to searching there too. So many places to look so little time LoL Oh and I also got permission to search on post at ft drum but I don't know if I will because I was told to watch out for land mines. I don't know if I am brave enough for that.


LoL yeah I know but I am also into relics mostly that have to do with the military and this is a rich land of military history. George Washington had troops here! ;D


If there is housing on base check around the sidewalks and grasssy areas. Athletic fields offer some opportunity, as well as beneath bleachers. Some things you shouldn't encounter on base that we have to put up with in a civilian world is "trash" and "unsafe surroundings" to hunt in

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