Where do you stand on psychics?


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Mar 26, 2010
Broken Arrow, OK
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Whites Beach Hunter, Fisher 1220 1225 F2 F4, BH Land Star, Garrett Ace 250, Tesoro Vaquero
Hi everyone!
With all the talk of what 2012 will bring, it seems the end of the world psychics are out in force. Remember the 2000 predictions? Well I'm curious to hear your views on people who have psychic or empathic abilities. Is it for real or not in your opinion. If someone walked up to you and said that you were in danger, don't do ....whatever. Would you listen to the advice or even give it a second thought? How about a person who claims to feel the same feelings and pain when you do? Tell your honest opinion here, this could get interesting.


Hero Member
May 19, 2007
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Psychics as well as religions that have predicted such......all have stated both sides....good and bad....

Some are true....and some well, are guesses

jeff of pa

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there is something to being psychic.

I have been alot in the past, but since I fiirst told somone
I Knew when to play the lottery & win,
And How I Did it Regularly,
I havn't gotten the Dreams Necessary.
My psychic Expierences have decreased Drastically

However I Can still Predict when my phone will ring
Quite Frequently & also think of the person
seconds before they call.

IF I was out somewhere & somone walked up to
me & Told me I was in danger, I'd humor them
and try to find out if this was something they
purposly looked me up to tell me, I'd wonder if
they were trying to scam me or ?

IF they looked at me and at that second got a Preminition,
I'd Probably Chuckle but be wondering.

We all have psychic ability, Some call it Coincidence
but if you get too many Coincidences, you soon start believing.

As for Psychics Predicting the Future ?

No I Don't think they are all there,
or they are all there & looking for their 10 Minutes of Fame
or $$$$



Abolutely true: I have a small amount of whatever we're talking about here...I don't know what it is called or how it happens, and I can't tell you when it will happen. But sometimes, out of nowhere...I'll know something before anyone should know it.

Two examples of many:

I told someone they had a cat with black on it that was pregnant. I don't know why I knew. They had a black and white cat that was pregnant.

Playing a very involved board game one day, we had these cards we had to draw (it was a basketball board game called Strat-O-Matic) they had all kinds of different information on them for passing, rebounding, etc. There were sixty different cards in the deck. My brother went to draw a card and before he touched it, I blurted out the exact information, "LF 6 or better", he drew the card and that is what it said. First off....why I blurted it out, I don't know, second...the odds of that, one in sixty....just good luck?

When I TRY to guess ahead of time...no luck....a little better than statistics should allow in guessing cards (I've tested myself) but only if I do it fast with alot of cards...not thinking.

So, no lotto predictions for me, nor can I tell you your future. But something is going on...and if I can do a little of it, I'm sure others can do much more. (I also think about 99.9% of people doing it for money are frauds.)


Hero Member
May 19, 2007
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All Treasure Hunting
I can walk through the mall and tell people their age within 2 years......but i dont count that =P


Bronze Member
Aug 20, 2007
Northern Indiana
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alpha105 said:
I can walk through the mall and tell people their age within 2 years......but i dont count that =P

probability and intuitive ability are 2 separate topics :)


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Sep 27, 2007
Sal Sagev Adaven
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:lurk: This is a good topic to watch . I belive some people have psychic ability. If your lucky enough to find them , they will find you. :coffee2:


Hero Member
Feb 8, 2010
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Aurora Aqua, Excalibur, Garrett CX2, Gemini-3, MFD's, Sovereign, Viper, E Trac, Dees Nutz rod, Tesoro Sand Shark. Pro pulse.
You guys should try Technical Remote Viewing. It uses that fast initial burst and teaches you how to use it. You should also look into map dowsing. If you got it use it.

I do know some people with the jazz so strong it'll make you dizzy. Good luck

Lucky Eddie

Sr. Member
Feb 9, 2010
Would all those, who believe in telekinesis - please raise my right hand! :laughing9: (Psychic joke!)... :laughing7:

Now - I have had some considerable experience with a couple of so called psychics over the last year or so.
While not claiming to possess any great psychic ability myself - I am quite 'open' to the idea, that others might well do so or equally that maybe no one has it either. (I.e I class myself as 'ambivalent').

I guess my own belief system is that we are all imbued with individual spiritual gifts & talents bye our creator for the benefit / betterment of our fellow man & mankind, and that we are instructed in the good book to invest our talents wisely that they might increase and multiply as a return on investement, and NOT to hide ones light under a bushel, or bury ones 'talents' like the fearfull lazy servant but to invest them wisely that they might grow.

I also believe that there is a certain position or role for every person in this world that is the "divine plan" for that individuals life's work - some role or task that person is too fulfill that ONLY that person can do.

I guess for those who are 'spiritually aware' it is called the square of life - to be blessed with the square of life - in health, wealth, happiness, and perfect self expression. To perform a perfect work in a perfect way - to give perfect service for perfect pay!

The thing is that maybe 65% of our life is pre-determined by fate, and that maybe 35% is the result of our freedom of choice to exercise free will in the choices we make.


About a year ago, I was pretty well lost, in terms of what I wanted to do in life....having led a quite remarkable life earlier including raising a family of 3 kids and achieving quite a few notable things in the first 50 years..

Its funny how life moves on, most of my choices in life were made based on what was best for the family or kids or relatives (parents etc).

But somewhere around age 50 (after the mid life crisis of the 35 - 40 years) usually our kids are sort of grown up and leaving home - becoming adults and making decisions for themselves, earning their own keep and setting out on their own lives and with their own partners etc and also our parents sadly pass so - we sort of become briefly pretty much redundant in the greater scheme of things until I guess grand kids come along (im still waiting).

In my case I sort of semi retired, because I'd always resented all the "responsibilities" I'd been burdened with from a very young age, and it seemed like a good idea to just chill a while (it wasn't) and kind of see if there wasn't something that i could do for anyone other than myself or family for a change, to kind of assist those in the community who were doing it tough, and having a hard time, with what talents and skills I possess.

Now the hard thing for me - is that I SEEM to be able to do a great many things reasonably well but nothing of world wide importance, I am your quintessential "jack of all trades" and master of absolutely NON!

Not blowing my own horn but I swam like a fish & scuba dived a lot by 15 years of age, and boated and then went inland for 10 years engineering with the railroads, then became a Forester & Wildlife officer for 8 years, became an environmental and fisheries / forestry consultant, managing a few projects and writing/publishing a peer reviewed scientific paper. Started my own deer farm for 20 years (including a few of your US whitetails), started a timber and furniture manufacturing business in partnership with my old man for 20 plus years, started a fly fishing charter business for about the last 15 or so years - and became a master skipper, offshore island based charter fishing lodge & pearl farm manager, became a security officer and started a marine security business, you can see i've led a very busy and interesting life thus far to be semi retired by 51!

So, I was kinda lost after selling up most of the business interests and assets after my father passed away a few years back, and needed to do something that allowed me to try and do something using my many talents and skills to help / benefit others who aren't doing so well in life...

Our police dept had a TV program about "missing persons" cases - and promoted one particular one where a 17 year old girl went missing without trace 10 years previously while walking along a relatively remote country road to a friends farm for some promised shearing shed work.

Don't ask me why but the photo of this young girl just haunted me - I guess because I have a daughter ~ that same age myself at that time, and there was just no way i could imagine the pain her family must have endured over the preceding 10 years, not knowing what became of their daughter for such a long period, not having the closure of say if her body were found and a funeral held, etc for so long.

So I guess I kinda figured with my determination (I can be pretty bull headed stubborn / persistent at times) and with my past experience at law enforcement / investigation as a wild life officer (something I was kinda good at) that maybe I could "take a look" at this missing persons case - just do some desk top research etc...and see if anything had been overlooked missed in the initial search.

Well I STARTED out by reading all the press I could find on the case etc, via the internet.

Then I thought, well - I need to know I guess if the gals alive or dead, because its NOT against the law HERE to "go missing" deliberately if one is past the legal age of consent (16), (I think it might be different stateside). Interestingly - it IS against the law to "act as a private investigator / licensed inquiry agent" here unless you hold a license as a PI issued by Police.

So - you cannot for example, investigate - and ALSO charge the family, or be paid by the family, or anyone else, to embark on such a quest. You CAN for example conduct "research" to write a book but you cannot go interviewing suspects etc and taking statements or gathering physical evidence as a PI or Police person might do.

My aim - was to help the family find closure after 10 years after law enforcement and govt ect have essentially given up - we don't for example have "cold case investigations" like you might stateside.

So once a persons been missing for a while and police have expended their budget allocation and manpower resources on a case for zero result - these cases just languish in the ever growing missing persons files for literally years - I think we still have missing persons after 50 years!. Essentially Police hope that someone will stumble upon a body eventually OR that a perpetrator might confess to past crimes when eventually convicted of subsequent crimes etc...that's their method for hoping to clear up such old cold cases at present.

Recently our local paper, our state popn is just 2 million so we are probably like a small city some where in the USA with a low crime rate - we largely don't for example have the right to bear arms, with some exceptions, so shooting murder numbers are low per head of popn compared to SOME city's in the USA as a generalization - anyway the local paper published a story recently where local plod have in the first 6 months of this fiscal year some 24 currently open, unsolved missing / murder inquiries, meaning that the small maybe 6 man team - of the serious crimes unit, would have to be solving maybe a serious crime of that nature a week, JUST to stay on top of the current worload - without ever getting time to go back to old cold cases like the 10 year missing one I became interested in.

So. I needed to somehow know - if this girl was dead or alive. Articles online suggested that her mum had said that "she just knew her daughter was passed away, the victim of suspected foul play", because she knew that her daughter would die rather than NOT contact her mum to say she was Ok thats just the relationship they had at the time (i.e. very close knit family).

If I could confirm that - somehow - then that would narrow my research down to finding a body and cultprit / perpetrator whereas if she were alive and just a run away to a new life with a boyfriend or something - thats a much bigger task.

So that was the start of me making posts at Psychic forums, asking if any psychic could assist me with the research!

The first guy was well intentioned enough - he was from the USA and tried very hard to help.

He felt sure this girl was still alive, based on his psychic intuition / capabilities and suggested she was in another state living under an assumed name with a family & hubby after 10 years from age 17 when she vanished. He claimed the guy picked her up hitch hiking and something developed and she ran away with him.

Then he got some facial recognition software and proceeded to age her face 10 years from her 17 years old photo available at the missing persons website, in much the same way that police identikit artists might do. Then he claimed to have a dream about her and got a name "Laura" - and saw an image of a wolf (we have dingoes downunder not wolfs but who am I to argue).

Next thing he's found a woman in Oz named Laura Wolf on Facebook and is harrassing her accusing her of being the missing girl etc etc, and she is blocking him from her facebook account, and claiming to be just who she says she was. I did a little research and found out that she was 5 years too old to be our runaway! (and that her now 15 year old son would have had to have been 5 years of age when she disappeared, and that her mother might have noticed if her daughter had had a baby at age 12!

Well - my US Psychic just could NOT be convinced, he continued to harass this poor woman, like some kinda mad man, despite the fact that I had produced pretty convincing proof that she couldn't be who he claimed. She did look a LITTLE like the missing girl might have, based on his software and her old picture BUT i suspect that he actually aged the original pic with the software to MAKE it look like the face book picture of this woman, he had found on the internet.

Eventually the missing girls mother found me and my research on the internet and contacted me - and as an aside confirmed what I already knew, that the woman he had found, was in no way her daughter, something that a mother doesn't get wrong!

So exit first psychic!.

I figured what the heck I will try again.

Next psychic said at first yes she's alive and hiding out with a new life, hubby and kids etc...

The mother read all his statements about her online and carved his claims up with facts that SHE knew from the police investigation, so he deleted them all and re posted his visions that now she was dead and all about what happened to her and what the perpetrator was like etc - but again almost non of it matched what I had been able to find in online articles about the disappearance at the time.

Exit psychic 2!

Finally I asked the mother if there was ANY aspect of the case, that after 10 years she wasn't satisfied with, i.e. anything I could "follow up for her" that she had not had the time or $ resources to do herself. She confided in me that - over the 10 years she and her hubby had incurred about $70,000 in credit card debt, paying psychics and following up their leads and claims, paying PI's etc to look into their daughters disappearance, and that they were about broke - out of cash as a result.

What she did say, was that ONE psychic who she was introduced too thru a family friend had given her a reading for free on her daughters disappearance some 3 years ago. Because of their situation they hadn't followed up any of it, quite simply because they had lost all faith in pretty much anything to do with psychics AND because they just couldn't afford it!.

I said that I would follow it up in my time and at my expense and that IF I found anything I would let her know.

She then sent me a written copy of the reading that she was given. The psychic was new to this country (from France) and had never been to the area where this disappearance occurred!.

In the 10 years since the disappearance - the advent of Google earth has meant a "new tool" to use in such searches.

I was able to identify a place within 20 miles of where the disappearance occurred, that some of the given clues in the psychic reading were identified. I then drove to this location and searched and found just about all but one of the 17 odd "clues" given in the Psychic reading!

I then gave this information to the Mother, who suggested that we do a more thorough search for her daughters remains in this area one weekend - using friends and family volunteers to try and prove or disprove the psychics reading!

We contacted the psychic 3 years after she provided the initial reading, and she was amazed to hear that I had identified an area based on her reading that contained almost all of the clues she gave, 3 years after her giving the reading, and she actually volunteered at no cost, to come along and assist in the search which was very decent of her to my mind.

Again - not being familiar with the area at all - when shown a map of the area she closed her eyes and drew a circle, around the actual farm property this girl was walking too. This impressed the mother quite a bit because she hadn't told her anything about the farm or owner etc etc.

Next she sketched a picture in pencil of what she tought the perpetrator looked like.

The mother took one look and thought she "recognized the face" so found a photo of the person and showed the psychic who said straight away - "that is him"!

The person - well I cant say more than that at this point in time, you'll see why in a moment.

The mother did tell a friend who is a journalist that we were going to conduct a search 10 years on after the fact for the girls remains using a psychic and lo and behold the journo told her TV station news crew who assigned a chopper and reporter / film crew - and I ended up ferrying the media people around all day filming the search and interviews with the mother & sister etc which was aired that same night!

We did NOT find the girls remains, but the area to search is literally many thousands of square miles, and we had limited resources in the numbers of people and time available to us (and the TV crew were a bit of a hindrance).

You would be inclined to "call that a failure", but I didn't view it that way - I didn't expect to luck onto the girls remains on just the second try, and too be honest,
I deliberately didn't search too hard or where I REALLY wanted to concentrate, because I didn't want the mother there to see it, if I was successfull. I would like to spare her that experience if at all possible.

Oddly enough as a result of the TV news broadcast, more than 10 years after the event, - two new witnesses saw it, and were moved by the obvious distress of the mother and sister, to come forward with new (old) information about the case, which they provided to the mothers Facebook page for her missing daughter, in a written post.

This was printed off by the mother and given to the Police missing persons squad.
It turned out the info was given to police just a few weeks after the disappearance but they had a new computer system at the time - and somehow the info never made it into the system, thus it never made it to the missing girls missing persons file for investigating police, and the clues were never followed up.

It took police 3 weeks to get around to interviewing the 2 new witnesses and taking their statements after the 10 year lapse.

As a result of the new information that came forward as a result of arranging a new search and the TV coverage of same, Police have re-opened the case, and suggest they have a person or persons of interest, in their sights for the crime, based on the new info. Something else I did was to make up a time line map from scale google earth photos of the road the girl went missing on. Because the family had earlier managed to get the govt to agree to a coroners inquiry after 10 years, into their daughters disappearance I was able thru the mother to access all some police files on the case, which were made publicly available due to the listed coroners hearing.

Onto this real life photographic scale map and time-line, I was able to plot all the witness sightings positions by drivers who had seen this girl during her walk, and one who had even given her a lift a short distance in her car, with times and exact positions.

When one used these known positions and times, that she was sighted - it was possible to calculate her rate of speed to within a yard or two, and thus to project her actual positions further along the road at times she was spotted by other witnesses.

The inescapable conclusion?

That she wasn't at all "abducted" along the way as had always been assumed for the 10 years of the investigation.

The only reasonable conclusion I could reach, was that this girl essentially was almost at her intended destination, when the last witness spotted her while driving, based on her rate of speed and time she was reportedly seen.

This combined with the "new" information that came forward from two new witnesses, BOTH suggested the exact same thing - she actually came to some form of harm AT her actual destination!

As a result of this development - i now have bowed OUT of the research because this is now an "active police investigation" again, with a very real likelihood that the perpetrator/s, might be caught / convicted for their crime.

The Police actually asked that the Mother remove all the data that I had given her and that she had posted, from her facebook page, so that it doesn't interfere with their ongoing current investigation - i.e. so it doesn't 'tip their hand' to the suspect/s who are now no doubt under investigation - and probably have wire taps etc on their communications in the hope the topic is recorded being discussed etc.

That's the reason I've been circumspect in giving ANY names, remember that it's illegal to interfere in any police investigation and likewise it's illegal to make any inquiries beyond legitimate "research" for anyone who's NOT a licensed PI.

For those reasons, I am playing the waiting game in the hope that this time - police don't screw it up, and actually get a result.

Sadly these things are NOTHING like the TV shows would have us believe, with a case solved in an hour minus the advert breaks and with a car chase and sex scene thrown in plus a few stunts etc!

There really is no "Mentalist" or "CSI" or "Bones" Or "Castle" or "Medium" etc that TV would have us believe in - this is real world crime solving and it is underfunded, under resourced, and under manned, and over worked, under paid, and basically nothing happens fast.


Where too from here?

Well it's debatable whether the Psychics, any of them, (3 in total) really helped any at all.

What I can say is this - WITHOUT the 3rd and last Psychics reading 3 years prior, I would never have had anything to follow up and as a result - there would have been no search and no TV publicity, new witnesses, and no new investigation, and new suspects, etc...so in that respect I HAVE to give credit where due, to the Psychic involved if as we hope there is now an outcome - maybe not for a direct result but heck after 10 years even an INDIRECT result is more than welcome and far better than NO RESULT.

Whether a final conclusive result will ensue, I really don't know.

I have doubts to be honest - I don't think there's any kudos to police, if they DO get a result, after now 11 years! In fact - there's every chance that the coroner COULD make "an adverse finding against police" if it turns out, that they overlooked this new evidence when it was first given to them along with a plethora of other major screw-ups in the case that I will detail below.

The way I read it, it is probably "politic" for police now NOT to solve the case, lest it reflects badly on them publicly, at the time of the planned coroners hearing due soon.

The family are terribly bitter after 11 years about Police oversights and mismanagement of the case.

At the time this girl disappeared, there was a USA citizen visiting our country, who was described mentally, as not being the exactly 'the sharpest tool in the shed', as a tourist, who decided for reasons ONLY known to him at the time, to have a meaningful religious experience - trying to emulate Christ's 40 days temptation and fasting in the desert, and so he went into one of our largest and most inhospitable deserts without food or water and sure enough he disappeared for 40 days and nights!.

Unfortunately - he chose to do this at the very same time as this young teen girl went missing in a totally different location thousands of miles away (it's a large state here fully as large as 50% of the continental USA).

Now the guy concerned was from a wealthy US family, and THEY reproted him as "missing" to our police.

Our police, rather than concentrate on the missing teen girl, came under IMMENSE pressure from the US ambassador at the request of the US family, to find their fully grown and irresponsible missing idiot son!.

So taxpayer owned resources in the form of a fixed wing aircraft with forward looking infrared detector, as well as the Police helicopter, rather than look for the daughter of Aussie taxpaying parents, for a missing 17 year old girl, - were sent off thousands of miles away into the remote desert looking for a US citizen who deliberately ran away into the desert for reasons only he could comprehend.

Eventually, police exhausted their resources and gave up the search, for the non Australian taxpaying US man, at which point the family stepped in and funded a private search for him, including:-

Bringing a US based search and rescue organization personell to Australia, along with, a expert tracker, and a team of US trained blood hounds to follow his tracks. That doesn't SOUND at all unreasonable, except that, ours is a rabies disease free nation, and we don't allow dogs from Rabies infected countries like USA, into our country, without first spending a two year quarantine period on the Australian Indian Ocean Territories "Cocos Keeling Islands" quarantine station - before they are allowed into Australia!.

So - somehow, as well as usurping all our taxpayer resources to search for this idiot, the family ALSO thru US consular pressure, managed to totally overthrow our quarantine protocols and bring in NON quarantined hounds, into Australia with zero quarantine at all!

While these US hounds, Tracker & Search & Rescue crew didn't actually FIND the guy, they WERE on his tracks, and a local media helicopter who were following the story due to the expenditure of such large sums by the family to find their idiot son and due to interest from US press services - actually spotted the guy on about his 43rd day close to death and rescued him!

Put yourself now in the position of this Australian family 11 years on - who do NOT have their beloved daughter back, and probably she wasn't found at the time because:-

1. The plane that might have located her with the appropriate infrared forward looking radar or whatever it is, wasn't available to the police in charge of her search effort because it was thousands of miles away looking for a non citizen of this nation.

2. The police helicopter after it came back from the desert search for the US guy ALSO wasn't available, because its hours were up, and a total engine rebuild required before it could legally fly again.

3. After the guy was found the girls family asked the US Tracker and hound team - if they could assist in the search for their missing daughter and the response was YES! However local police in charge of the search, declined the offer of assistance and the dogs were sent back out of the country, because they never should have been here having skipped quarantine on the way in!. They were ordered out of the country same day!

4. A local farmer who knew the girl (she had worked at his farm a few days before going missing) heard on the news that the Police helicopter wasn't available for the search and offered use of his for free to the police in the search. They declined its use.!

You can probably understand how bitter the family is, towards US citizens, to this day, as a result of the 2nd class treatment they received from our police authorities, compared to the efforts expended to successfully find the missing US citizen, at the behest of the US government pressure applied to usurp our legitimate resources, that SHOULD have otherwise been available and utilized to search for the girl.

All around it is a very very sad case, made all the more sad, by the fact it hasn't still been resolved now after 11 years, and given that so many screw ups occurred at the time, in the use and allocation of resources to the search effort as a result of a media blitz on some non citizen idiot with only half a brain.

Maybe a Psychic could have predicted such a foul up in advance and prevented it?

I don't think so - $ talk, and the poor people walk, in this materialistic world...

The US idiot lives a quiet life with his wife and kids, on his small rural holding outside Fairbanks Alaska, and only recently was subject of a new TV doco about his miraculous survival and rescue etc etc etc.

I can't help wondering if he even knows all these 11 years later, that his utter stupidity, helped lead to the failure to find & solve this young girls disappearance, and find her remains for her family - and that really speaking PART of the responsibility for that lies in HIS idiocy!

I doubt it - no one ever reported on these unpalatable facts.

I know If I ever met the guy, I'd really like punch his fricken lights out, for being such an idiot, and the result that his actions helped to unwittingly perpetuate, - whether he knew it or not. I don't reckon even his rich family who funded his rescue and put the pressure on our authorities to allocate our resources where they should never have been sent in the circumstances, know of his legacy he helped cause. It's a shame that the media to this day portray him as some kind of hero - when in realty he is a "Darwin candidate" just looking for somewhere to happen - with any luck a grizzly bear will eat him and square the ledger maybe.

Be kinda nice if a psychic saw it and predicted it to him, and then it happened - so he would know it was coming as a result of his past actions!

Whats become very clear to me, thru all of this, is that family's of such missing persons - have NO WHERE to turn too, and NOP ONE to turn too for help - when the police have expended their resources and budget allocated to what is - without a body - essentially just a "missing persons case", that COULD just be a kid run away with a lover to start a new life which is NOT a crime!.

And so - we have this ever growing number of grief stricken families with no closure and no help available and no one to turn too.

That's what is so insidious about this whole missing persons deal - and as you can see it is possible for such grief stricken families to spend considerable sums of $ they just cannot afford, in desperation - to find their missing kid.

My next task i have set myself is to gather a group of like minded friends who share my concern for these families and their plight & to form a non profit charity organization, where hopefully we can approach the various funding organizations around the world (our lotteries commission, the Bill &Melinda gates foundation etc) for "seed funding" to invest a hopefully large sum into a trust fund - to garner interest each year - that CAN be made available to these families after a determined period of time to assist them to engage maybe a PI or psychic I s'pose if that's their last hope to try to sehd light on their cases once the police have given up - so they have somewhere to turn.

It would be nice if this US idiot had a conscience and actually approached his fellow countryman in Bill & Melinda gates and confessed is idiocy and the result that it helped contribute too - and suggest or recommend that maybe he contributes towards
the trust fund, so that interest can be generated each year to make available too such affected families for the search to continue after police funds and interest have waned.

I did try to track down the idiot in Alaska to seek his help with this next project in approaching the Gates foundation, on our behalf given his past behavior and subsequent responsibility- but he is too shy due to his media popularity to have his face book or email address made public for me to be able to contact him.

It is my intention to invite this mother and a few other parents in a similar situation for more than 10 years to be the board of directors of this charity non profit trust board of directors, so that they can meet when a request is made and decided on the allocation of the annual interest funds to family's who find theselves in a predicament they know and understand only too well, from hard won experience.

I am hopeful that it might prove a little therapeutic for such family members, and also might provide REAL help to families who find themselves in need of help and advice, assistance and someone to be able to turn too when everyone else has given up.

That's my next task...

Psychics are in some small way responsible I guess, for all of this.

God willing I will be able to achieve a successful result I hope & pray.




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Mar 26, 2010
Broken Arrow, OK
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Whites Beach Hunter, Fisher 1220 1225 F2 F4, BH Land Star, Garrett Ace 250, Tesoro Vaquero
Wow! That was a heck of a story! Personally, I think everyone has psychic abilities. Some people may have it more than others, but I'm sure it's there. Many will pass it off as intuition, however. I have heard many stories of people whose abilities have diminished when they use them for profit. It's almost as if a power greater than us is saying "abuse it and you'll loose it!". Now that thought really makes me question the professionals. I'm not saying they aren't for real, but it does make you think.

jeff of pa

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Dec 19, 2003
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Several years ago as I Was laying in bed waiting to sleep,
all of a sudden started thinking about
the Road that goes down the mountain from myself.
Not sure why at the time I Started going through a Scenerio
in my head where a school bus Crashes and all that would

not sure how long after I Was about 20 Mile East of me
hedding into the city of Pottsville & see Ambulances & Medic Trucks
comming out of pottsville, like a Parade
but Moving fast, Lights Blaring.

Went about my Buisness & Headed home.

as a came up to my Driveway I see a News Chopper Circling
so I Go in & Call around & Find out
a school bus from out of the area carrying Band members
to an Event, Drove off the side of the Mountain.

Medical Choppers from all Over, Ambulances,
A Mash Type Triage Set up in the Ball Field Etc.
Just like I thought about.

Coincidence Maybe
but Strange.

Things like this used to happen to me
fairly often But no way to say IF I Had warned anyone
they wouldn't have thought I Was nuts.
Besides unless you can Predict a Date & Time
Predictions are just fantasies & intuition


Hero Member
Jul 26, 2010
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Garrett GTP 1350 / Cobra Beach Magnet / Garrett Treasure Ace 300
I do believe we all have these abilities...The bible says the holy spirit gives us all these gifts...Whether we choose to open up to them or not is our decision.... I have MANY experiences with my 'knowing' side and my intuition is always right..

The other day I met this guy who came in our office, he used to be one of our County Deputies and he moved to a Police Department to another precinct....I've never met him before and my co-worker was introducing us. I was talking to him about another officer who owns a restaurant/bar in our town and told him I was going to have a beer there later on that night....He asked how old I was and I told him, 22. He then asked me how old I thought he was, and after looking at him for a few seconds I was RIGHT on the dot, 41 years old.....He was baffled, I just laughed and said I could read people...

Many many times I have been driving and thinking about a song, and it would come right on the radio....

My intuition is always right and I always listen to what it has to say....

Rebel - KGC

Gold Member
Jun 15, 2007
:coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: Coffee? WONDERFUL "chat"! :D MY thoughts are...
we are ALL spirits having a HUMAN experience; thus, some "psychics/psychic abilities" are REPRESSED/OPPRESSED. Such abilities emerging in young adulthood are usually AUTHENTIC, with fraud/"faking it" coming forth when the "gifts"/power is/are "disconnected". Watch PSYCHIC KIDS on TV... GREAT show! NOW! What I "worry" about are the "fruities" dressed in outlandish clothes, acting "mysteriously", and "all-knowing" when perhaps, they are not; we ALL can be "psychics"... BUT!
What for? ??? :coffee2: :icon_thumleft:


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Dec 12, 2009
St. Charles County, Missouri
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I usually try to stand right on their mid-section just above the waist. That's the best way to hold them down but the larger wiley ones will sometimes wriggle around so I lose my balance.

Honestly though I believe there is only ONE in every 500 frauds who actually have the gift.
And I'm not talking about Sylvia! She should be jailed.



"I usually try to stand right on their mid-section just above the waist. That's the best way to hold them down but the larger wiley ones will sometimes wriggle around so I lose my balance."

I honestly knew that was coming sooner or later...and it wasn't esp. :tongue3: I suggest roling them over, place their hands at their sides, and stand on the flat of their hands. If they move at all, grind down with your heel a little bit.


Silver Member
Jan 22, 2007
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Tesoro Bandido II and DeLeon. also a Detector Pro Headhunter Diver, and a Garrett BFO called The Hunter & a Garrett Ace 250.
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There are plenty of people in the world who are true psychics, but the real problem is FINDING them. With all of the fraud artists and wannabees roaming around, you just don't know for sure. Now, having said that, I've learned to trust my own "little voice". I don't know for sure if it's my Guardian Angel whispering in my ear or not (I'd like to think so), but one thing is for sure; that "little voice" has usually been correct. As I've posted in the past; whenever I've chosen to ignore that voice, I've usually been WRONG.


Hero Member
Jul 26, 2010
Detector(s) used
Garrett GTP 1350 / Cobra Beach Magnet / Garrett Treasure Ace 300
Shortstack said:
There are plenty of people in the world who are true psychics, but the real problem is FINDING them. With all of the fraud artists and wannabees roaming around, you just don't know for sure. Now, having said that, I've learned to trust my own "little voice". I don't know for sure if it's my Guardian Angel whispering in my ear or not (I'd like to think so), but one thing is for sure; that "little voice" has usually been correct. As I've posted in the past; whenever I've chosen to ignore that voice, I've usually been WRONG.

You are absolutely right shortstack ! That still, small voice as mentioned in the bible is ALWAYS right. It is infact your intuition (spirit guides) speaking to you. :)


Hero Member
Nov 2, 2008
Seminole County, Ok.
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GTI 2500
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Metal Detecting
Strange that this thread appeared now. My wife's youngest brother has been missing for over two weeks in Mexico. We are sure who is responsible, but the climate in Mexico being the way it is, we can do nothing. She actually traveled to the town to try to find him. His home was ransaked and his vehicles were still there. (They were stolen the next day) She received death threats and hired a body guard to take her to Loredo and put her on a bus. Now, all she want's is his remains, so she can put him to rest with his parents.
She is considering a curo, or fortune teller. I don't think that will find him, but she needs to try something. If it was in the states, I could probably find out something. Mexicans are un-armed and un-able to protect theriselves and their familys.

jeff of pa

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BigDan said:
"I usually try to stand right on their mid-section just above the waist. That's the best way to hold them down but the larger wiley ones will sometimes wriggle around so I lose my balance."

I honestly knew that was coming sooner or later...and it wasn't esp. :tongue3: I suggest roling them over, place their hands at their sides, and stand on the flat of their hands. If they move at all, grind down with your heel a little bit.

Been expecting this since the first time I read the title


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