A couple things: Thank you to both of you....even though marcmar is joking with me, he was really the inspiration for the video. Without his comment, I probably would have done something different. Now I think he did it on purpose, but that's ok.... I had fun. And I truly appreciate the boost of confidence spartan gives me. Thanks fellas.
So...Im using 2 cameras, both gopros. A Hero 9 and a Hero 13. One stayed on my chest and the other in my hand on a "battery handle." You can tell which video was recorded with which camera. The Hero 9 footage has to be heavily edited (color wise) in order to get it to somewhat resemble the quality of the Hero 13, which has a bigger sensor. It is what it is.... I was able to shorten the video a bit, increase the video quality. I still need to make it more interesting, but....it is, imo, better than the Whiskey Springs video in many ways.
Spartan, I'm pretty sure you could have done it. I could have done it with a little verbal help from a friend. It was only my head that stopped my from going the 15 feet I was from the precipice. Hearing the rocks falling down, having to basically crawl to keep center of gravity low....and looking down is what spooked me. I think it was definitely physically possible, especially with buddies. I think Bob Garman probably looked over the precipice, not through the hole. It's ok. A slight embellishment. I'll allow it.
