Ok....about the north layout on the Kollenborn (Julia) map: I don't see an issue with the north arrow. It seems, to me at least, you could put that north arrow anywhere on the map and as long as it's pointing the same direction that it's pointed currently, it's pointing north. I personally do believe in cypher maps, but not in generally in the Superstitions. If we were talking KGC or some sort of Masonic system, I believe cyphers are absolutely used. That said, none of what we have posted fit that category to me....so I'm with you, these aren't cypher maps.
About the Wagoners and Dutchman connections, I'll say this: I think the ACTUAL in REALITY Wagoners story has nothing to do with the Dutchman. BUT, for the sake of argument, the maps produced by Barry and Tom DO point to this area, whether fraudulently or not.
About Senner....his gold wasn't from the Superstitions. He just HID it here. That said....I've been up the flatiron and there are approximately 7,3425,768 crags and nooks to hide something. It would be very easy to hide some satchels in there.
About Waltz coming in to the mountains. I am not positive about this, but if he was really 81 years old (please correct me if I'm wrong about his age), he's not even leaving the trailhead if he's on foot(video coming). He would trip and stumble all over the place just trying to get over the first hill leaving Peralta. If not the first one, then the second or 5th. He might have been able to get to Phoenix to Peralta road, and then down Peralta Road to the end, which is where the trail begins, but no way is he hiking that trail (opinion). And if the Mexican girl story is true, that means Jacob entered the mountains behind Miner's Needle, which an elderly man isn't doing even if he did manage to get the from the trailhead (video coming). It's very steep, loose rocks and slippery. However, when the entire town of Apache Junction needs this story to survive in order for they themselves to survive, it just needs to be true....right Loch Ness

This is clearly a theory, however, but.....as I continue to hike the Sups, Im beginning to doubt ANY story of elderly walkers coming in to the Sups alone if they don't have horses to carry them (not their gear, but them). Tom Kollenborn even said the hike to Whisky Springs from Miner's Needle was strenuous, and he did it when he was young. I can't imagine an elderly man doing it. That said, I could be and am probably wrong, so I'm down to entertain the ideas and investigate them as I do.
About the DeGrazia paintings......do you think Bob Ward might've got those? He did know where they were.......
About your Waltz map..... I read a very good discussion about that on here the other day. Someone was explaining how one part is a "zoomed in" version of the other part, with GE pictures and all, but I don't remember a whole-heck-of-a-lot about what was said.... Interesting. He seemed convinced. Pic enclosed is of Flatiron and you can see some of the crags in the back.
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