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- #161
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Agree with all of that, but one part....I think it's worthwhile to look at Masonic connections, but as far as I could tell, it's ancillary to what was going on with the LDS. That these men had connections and worked together in the finding and mining of precious metals is obvious.
Weedin ran against Hunt for the Democratic nomination for Governor. He lost, but Hunt went on to win the Governorship.
Jim Bark mentioned this briefly, but I can't remember where. Bark notes, maybe?
One can't begin to understand what was going on in early AZ without looking at the activities of people belonging to the Church. But equally important is what was going on politically, before, during and after the civil war. Heck, even the gunfight at the OK Corral can ultimately be laid at the feet of Northern (Republican) business interests that clashed with business interests of Texan/Southern (Democrat) operations. That's if you can call cattle rustling a business interest LOL. But that's what it boiled down to...opposing sides in the civil war still hating each other and fighting for control in AZ.

Because of what you said at the end about the civil war and politics, I don't think the actions of Masons or Mormons or Confederates are ancillary to the LDM.
I'll explain....
If I were to name my mine "Big Globalist" or "Big Tobacco," I would clearly be "choosing sides." I would be putting my name with THAT team.
And so.......because of the tensions (which are STILL hot in the south) after the civil war, the amount of press, lives taken, emotion, etc... especially THEN, it's my opinion that Waltz, by naming his mine BIG REBEL, was putting his name on THAT team.
And at Adamsville, we have THAT team alongside Mormon Masons working together......
Now would Mormon/Mason/Confederates ever hide money and then create a ruse??
Nooooooooo they would never...

So long story long, if Waltz can be tied to any of those groups, then there becomes a POSSIBILITY that bigger things are at play, that he might not be a "lone ranger."