Why California miners are being attacked


Full Member
Dec 31, 2012
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Of course it isn't just California ... it's happening in your state too. But why is it happening at all?

People observe the impact of something and sometimes don't look deep enough for the answers. One case in point is the mining issues you are all running up against. Your mining rights are just the tip of the iceberg in a bigger picture.

Clear and present danger. One step below a state of emergency. Clear and present dangers are identified when one is under siege and laws passed to attempt to stop or mitigate the threat. One of those laws in California, involved organized crime such as the influence of drugs, drug gangs and cartel influences. Another is a law passed in California that identified the threat of organized crime and gangs as well as foreign governments, attempting to gain influence in the legal and political structure of the state of California by gaining positions of influence in public entities, such as law enforcement officers and officials, judges, regulators, politicians, etc.

The Clear and Present danger threat to the usurping and subversion of power in the state was so clearly threatening, that there was an amendment made to the constitution of the state of California to require additional paragraphs for the Oath of Office that required the public employee to disclose any affiliations with crime groups, gangs, subversive groups, etc. It is the Oath of Office in Article XX of the California State Constitiuion. Here it is:


Here is the relevant part:

"... And I do further swear (or affirm) that I do not advocate,
am I a member of any party or organization, political or other-
wise, that now advocates the overthrow of the Government of the
United States or of the State of California by force or violence

or other unlawful means; that within the five years immediately
preceding the taking of this oath (or affirmation) I have not
been a member of any party or organization, political or other-
wise, that advocated the overthrow of the Government of the
United States or of the State of California by force or violence

or other unlawful means except as follows:

(If no affiliations, write in the words "No Exceptions")
and that during such time as I hold the office of ______________

________________________________ I will not advocate nor become
(name of office)
a member of any party or organization, political or otherwise,
that advocates the overthrow of the Government of the United
States or of the State of California by force or violence or
other unlawful means." ...

The state of California long ago recognized that persons (foreign and domestic) would attempt to imbed themselves in positions of power and use their influence to manipulate the government, it's legal system and laws to fulfill their agenda.

So why does California lead other states in these kinds of issues where the rights of American Citizens are put in jeopardy?
Why? There are a few reasons. First it is one of the richest states, secondly, it has a huge portion of it's population that are new to life in the US because they are immigrants and who are not likely to challenge such things, but mostly because of the liberal influence in the state (hollywood has a great impact on what you and I consume in entertainment and can easily polarize people against such things as gun rights and mining by demonizing them) and the fact that most US law follows California laws and decisions made there! Do a bit of research and you will find that that is true.

So, you have a hotbed of subversive efforts focusing in California to set legal precedent for the rest of the USA, with lots of money available, a citizenry for the most part that is complacent enough to allow it to occur and the most powerful place in the USA to establish a beachhead for the subversion and have an entrenched foothold in the USA.

My ex-father in law, who was in an important position in the US Forest Service. During a conversation regarding ecology and why public roads in Idaho were gated and locked to prevent public access, though these were public lands, he stated that "I can take the facts, cherry pick them as I like, and submit a report that will prove that either the impact of those roads and people traveling on them is a ecological disaster waiting to happen or that it is insignificant and is of very little consequence in the big picture of nature in Idaho. It all depends on what I want the report to accomplish or what I am told to do by my superiors..."

Another public employee I knew, in a senior and influential position in the BLM recreation department, once told me that the government was trying to get people out of the wilderness and restrict them to private lands, and although a public dirt road may exist, when it washed out he did not have to spend money to fix it, and so over time, would eventually become impassable and therefore unusable and would thus become inaccessible to the public, accomplishing their objective, and that the law that makes it illegal for people to do 'road repair' (can't disturb the environment without a survey for threatened species, ecological impact reports, etc.) would insure that it stays impassable.

These are your public employees, who, using your tax money are either interpreting the established laws in a way that helps them to accomplish their agenda, or are in some cases, initiating legal actions or making arrests or in some way bringing into the court, cases that attempt to change these same laws. I mean what do they lose if they lose a case? Nothing. What do we lose if they win a case?? More of our rights. Does anyone else see anything fundamentally wrong with public employees using their positions to change our laws to suit themselves or their interpretations of the laws? Or to remove our rights? I do. Their oath is to uphold and defend the constitution, not to change it! The same applies to the laws we live under.

These were genuine american citizens in their own way trying to do their job well. What do you suppose happens if they were subversives?? Do any of you recognize that much of what is happening there is the influence of foreign governments? How much influence through money has China bought in the California legal and governmental infrastructure? Islamists? Communists? Organized crime? Cartels? Environmentalists? The ultra-wealthy? Does anyone care?

The catastrophe has already happened in California, and it's unlikely to be undone. Mining laws are not the only things being changed. I'm sorry to say but the Clear and Present Danger recognized long ago in the state of California has been realized and the subversive elements have pretty much won. I feel sorry for the majority of the citizenry in the state that is now subject to the takeover. Law abiding citizens blind sided by the powers at play in the world who made their state the beach-head in a war. They were blissfully unaware of it, too many complacent, and now the enemy is on their doorstep.

Your state is next and the attack on it is already well under way ...

If you are an american citizen get off your butt and put an end to this. Root out the subversives and get rid of them. If you are new to the USA, learn why the USA is great and help fight what is happening, or this country will turn into a bigger and more powerful version of the country you felt the need to flee from.

You see, part of the problem is knowing where to go and what to do to change the bad things that are happening today.

Now you know. Find these people and remove these people from power wherever they are. Can you? or perhaps the most relevant question is Will you...?

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Silver Member
Feb 28, 2013
Golden Valley Arid-Zona
Detector(s) used
Fisher / Gold Bug AND the MK-VII eyeballs
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The general level of apathy in this country is sickening any more. No one cares about much of anything if it doesn't affect them directly. Rights are being slowly stripped away and still the people do nothing. Public lands are closed off from the public by individuals in positions of power within the government and no one calls them onto the carpet to account for their actions. Minor public officials abuse their power and no one call them on the carpet either.

There was a case in this area not too long ago where the local district ranger cited a miner for several violations even though he was well within his rights. She said he needed a Plan of Operation (POO) to work his claim even though he was NOT using any power equipment to do any of the digging. The case ended up in court and the miner won. Even so, the same district ranger has continued to flex her muscles by threatening other miners within her district. Why has this person not been removed from her position by her supervisors? If I was employed by a company and was the reason that they were called into court not just once but several times, do you think I"d still have a job with that company? I don't think so......

Until such time as the American People get off their collective duffs and demand that changes be made, this is not only going to continue, but it ls going to get worse. Once you give up any of your rights, those that take them will keep pushing to see just how far they can go. Eventually it will get to a point that the only way to get your rights back will be by armed force. As it stands right now, the second American revolution is not far away. If we act now, it could be bloodless. If we wait I don't see any way that bloodshed can be avoided. The choice is up to the people of this country.



Full Member
Dec 31, 2012
Primary Interest:
... The case ended up in court and the miner won. Even so, the same district ranger has continued to flex her muscles by threatening other miners within her district. Why has this person not been removed from her position by her supervisors? ...

The simplest answer is usually the truth. In this case the reason that the person is still doing it is because she is under orders to do so by someone higher up the food chain. It's the agenda dictated to her to follow, and she is unable to see the big picture and how what she is doing is part of the harm being done in this country. People who blindly follow their leaders are easily led down the primrose path to destruction. Even our military servicemen are allowed to disobey an order if it appears that following such an order would be illegal, immoral or destructive to our country in some way. The peons working in lowly positions in organizations like the BLM, EPA, Forest Service, Fish and Game, etc., need to look at the big picture of how their actions are subverting the rights of americans and accelerating the demise of America itself.

Guess I am going to have to see if I am on a no fly list now! :BangHead:
I'm sure someone in a position of power isn't going to like my posts and abuse their power to fix me for stirring things up!


Gold Member
May 29, 2005
St. Louis, missouri
the deeper a person digs into "following the money" the more twisted their agenda appears.your eys will pop when you do this and see where their money is initally comeing from and why they want this to happen! remeber: one world order/agenda 21 and if you have a chance, read Holly Swensons book "setup and soldout" this book will set you back in your chair!!


Bronze Member
May 6, 2012
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All Treasure Hunting
the deeper a person digs into "following the money" the more twisted their agenda appears.your eys will pop when you do this and see where their money is initally comeing from and why they want this to happen! remeber: one world order/agenda 21 and if you have a chance, read Holly Swensons book "setup and soldout" this book will set you back in your chair!!




Full Member
Dec 31, 2012
Primary Interest:
I am constantly amazed by my god fearing, patriotic, fellow man. A lot of people who cry about loss of rights, how the government keeps getting away with infringement of freedoms, and gun rights for example, will do nothing more than cry about it. They don't get out of their chair other than to get another beer to cry into. Not only that, they willingly contribute to help create the problems that they complain about.

They see a stranger walking down their street with a gun on his hip and call the local police to have him checked out, even though the guy hasn't done anything wrong and isn't acting suspicious beyond carrying a gun, openly.

I personally know two miners, friends of mine, that complain constantly about the cheap goods made in china, how china is buying up all the mines globally, then, turn around and work with chinese companies to finance their mining efforts because "they have a lot of money" and "if I don't do it someone else will." ... !!! Anyone see a problem with that other than me?? We all have opportunities to change these things in our own small way, but most of us don't. I have, do and will continue to work against these things.

I talk on a regular basis with a potential competitor to the Gold Well sluice. I would like to see him succeed too. His idea is quite a bit different than mine but seems that it might work ok, although I see a few bugs he needs to work out with it. He was approached by the chinese and was going to take their money. They backed out, but if they hadn't, his design would have been owned and built by china.

I too was approached by a chinese foreign investor. My choice daily is whether to eat popcorn or hot dogs, or fight the dog for his dog food. He's a big german shepherd so I decided not to go down that path and stick to making a choice between the popcorn and the hot dogs! I would really love a good experienced businessman to become involved and finance and guide HM Research to success! When the chinese company made a very enticing offer, (I could have retired and lived well for the rest of my life) I didn't even hesitate to say NO. I stuck to my principles and beliefs, and will starve to death because of it perhaps, but I choose stick to my principles. I won't be part of selling out our country as much as I have some say in it. If I become broke and homeless, so be it. I have been down that road before and it doesn't scare me. At least I will still have my principles and the freedom to take my dog out in the countryside, do some camping and use my fine sluice box to collect myself some gold ... so long as I am still free to do so.

Refuse the carrot dangled in front of you, even when you are starving. If you have no principles when times are bad, you never had any principles to begin with. A lot of people are very vocal about how principled they are, yet when times get tough, they are the first to abandon them.

Challenge at every turn the governments efforts to restrict your rights further, whether it is freedom of speech, mining rights, gun rights, rights to privacy, or any other right, we need them all. There is no margin of loss or infringement of any right that is acceptable. Our rights are few and finite. Once lost, you won't get them back. So any loss or restriction of your rights, no matter how small is a huge loss that may only be regained by bloody revolution and bloodshed.

Men without rights are called slaves.
Slaves are bought and sold.
Slaves aren't free to locate minerals and gold and profit from them.
Slaves don't own guns.
Slaves are forced to work in the mine and get gold for the men with the money to buy slaves and the guns.

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