Why would a reputable equipment vendor offer counterfeit treasure coins as incentive.

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el padron

Hero Member
Oct 29, 2010
Southern California
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Why would a reputable equipment vendor offer counterfeit treasure coins to its customers as an incentive to purchase expensive hunting equipment?

Doesn't this actually go against the grain of treasure hunting activity in general.?

I mean, after working hard all week, would you want to make such a find?

Could it be because they know that much of the equipment they are selling is extremely over priced cheaply made garbage and that this fraudulent token may very well satisfy many of the dreamers that buy their equipment just enough so that they hang their purchases in a closet and forget about them?

What good can possibly come from mainstream and often dedicated equipment vendors offering fraudulent treasure coins, (with certificates of authenticity) to buyers?

Arn't any of you horrified that your equipment vendors are actually giving them away with purchases?

I don't mind working extremely hard for the chance of discovering the find of a lifetime.

I myself have often hoped I don't ever come across one, What would I do with one?
I certainly would not want one.

Before you know, some ridiculous nitwit will pull his fake cob out of his newly received merchandise package and post it as a recent find….

Are you starting to understand the culture behind this entire industry yet?

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Just more sour grapes. ...Do you think anyone's decision to buy is based on a fake coin? No more so than a decision to buy a car is based on a free tank of gas...

American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

No, I just think the very act of associating a counterfeit coin with a treasure hunting machine that costs thousands of dollars goes against the grain of treasure hunting in general

Understanding the Madison Avenue psychology requires the capacity to do some free thinking.

No, I just think the very act of associating a counterfeit coin with a treasure hunting machine that costs thousands of dollars goes against the grain of treasure hunting in general

Understanding this concept requires the capacity to do some freethinking.

They are called replica not counterfeit. ...People can use them for many different things, for example displays or give it to their kids, lot of uses....

American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

Why would a reputable equipment vendor offer counterfeit treasure coins to its customers as an incentive to purchase expensive hunting equipment?

Doesn't this actually go against the grain of treasure hunting activity in general.?

I mean, after working hard all week, would you want to make such a find?

Could it be because they know that much of the equipment they are selling is extremely over priced cheaply made garbage and that this fraudulent token may very well satisfy many of the dreamers that buy their equipment just enough so that they hang their purchases in a closet and forget about them?

What good can possibly come from mainstream and often dedicated equipment vendors offering fraudulent treasure coins, (with certificates of authenticity) to buyers?

Arn't any of you horrified that your equipment vendors are actually giving them away with purchases?

I don't mind working extremely hard for the chance of discovering the find of a lifetime.

I myself have often hoped I don't ever come across one, What would I do with one?
I certainly would not want one.

Before you know, some ridiculous nitwit will pull his fake cob out of his newly received merchandise package and post it as a recent find….

Are you starting to understand the culture behind this entire industry yet?
Horrified? Not at all. Do you really think a fake coin would be the reason someone would buy one detector over another. It seems you perceive this hobby way different than most.

Horrified? Not at all. Do you really think a fake coin would be the reason someone would buy one detector over another. It seems you perceive this hobby way different than most.

I perceive life very different then most, thats why I'm in the amazing position that I am in.

I perceive life very different then most, thats why I'm in the amazing position that I am in.

That's a matter of personal opinion. I feel I'm in an amazing position myself...

American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

I'm sure most people don't take the fake coin very serious with their purchase! Interesting point though...

I am glad you are…..You seem to be doing fine,

But wouldn't it strike you as kind of odd if Mercedes offered a fake Rolex with every E 320?….

LOL Funny!! Everything that is out there has some cheesy promotional fun thing with it. Vehicles,Atv,home electronics,motorcycles,Alcohol etc... This is nothing new it's been going on for a hundred years or more with anything sold! lol:icon_scratch:

I am glad you are…..You seem to be doing fine,

But wouldn't it strike you as kind of odd if Mercedes offered a fake Rolex with every E 320?….

Nope, since they said it was fake. If your going to compare Rolex doesn't fit how about a scale model car...

If Mercedes Offered a free scale model SE 550 with ever sale would you feel insulted?

American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

I am glad you are…..You seem to be doing fine,

But wouldn't it strike you as kind of odd if Mercedes offered a fake Rolex with every E 320?….

It wouldn't mean anything if you were into Patek. A Rolex is kind of the low end of high end watches.

I'm sure most people don't take the fake coin very serious with their purchase! Interesting point though...

Thank you RG, The world is truly your oyster.
Everyone else,..... HUH?

Maybe, I'm missing what really bothers you about this! I don't know what company or what coin your talking about. I guess I don't see a big deal with it, or would I have anything against a product or vender, because of an added promotional, free, fun thing that came with it. Maybe, I misunderstand you?

He's yammering on about Kellyco and their free fun-bag give away crap to entice noobs to buy. It's a sale gimmick and he's bent about it.

Maybe, I'm missing what really bothers you about this! I don't know what company or what coin your talking about. I guess I don't see a big deal with it, or would I have anything against a product or vender, because of an added promotional, free, fun thing that came with it. Maybe, I misunderstand you?
Well, it's just so self-explanatory.
I literally just got this banner off of a very popular vendors sales page describing a very popular model
"The fornicator 3636 , Best of all, the ultimate high-performance treasure detector"
Now, that verbiage is quoted verbatim, except this particular model is not really called the fornicator, I substituted that for the actual nomenclature so as to not violate the site rules.

So after stating that what they're selling is hands-down the best treasure machine available today, which is pretty much stated for every single one of the other models in their inventory, they go on to describe the contents of a peripheral accessory package that comes complements of the vendor as an incentive to purchase from them.

Now I'm not making this next part up.
One of those items is a counterfeit treasure coin replica, which they go on to describe as an actual authentic counterfeit, complete with certificate.

Again, I'm not making this up, this is an actual circumstance.

You don't find that odd?, I mean, How much clearer do I have to be?
Can't they just throw a real cob in for $2500 and avoid any connotation of deception that a treasure coin replica/ counterfeit would certainly conjure?

I mentioned earlier if it would be odd for Mercedes-Benz to offer a fake Rolex with every New E320.

The responses varied from "not if they offered a fake Patek Philippe" , to "would it be odd if they offered a replica Mercedes,?"

What difference does it make pertaining to the brand of counterfeit merchandise Mercedes would offer as incentives to buy one of their cars? It doesn't really matter, because Mercedes would never associate themselves with a counterfeit, or replica anything.
Mercedes stands for proven quality, it is world renowned for that, Mercedes are not made of cheap plastic or feature 20-year-old technology, they are cutting-edge and well-built

If Mercedes offered a miniature Mercedes with every sale, they could do so, they ARE Mercedes, there would be no connotation of a counterfeit or replica anything.

Do you see how I really can't make it any clearer and yet there are still some here that seem to just not be capable of understand such a simple concept?

Simply put why would a reputable dealer want to associate their image with counterfeit culture by offering counterfeit treasure coins, as sales incentives?
Unless of course they knew that they were selling overpriced garbage, to simpletons they have no respect for as consumers.
Really, the only explanation is that getting your money is all that matters at any cost....

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He's yammering on about Kellyco and their free fun-bag give away crap to entice noobs to buy. It's a sale gimmick and he's bent about it.

I guess that's why I'm confused! Car dealers give away crap all the time! People don't buy the car for the free junk! It's just a fun thing to laugh about or to play with. I opened a bank account one time and got a George Forman Grill! I had it for about ten years and never opened it. I just gave it away when I moved! Same thing, I didn't open the bank account for the grill! We actually had a good laugh about it! We wondered who ended up with a warehouse full of grills and they had to figure out a way to get rid of them some how! lol

Well, it's just so self-explanatory.
I literally just got this banner off of a very popular vendors sales page describing a very popular model
"The fornicator 3636 , Best of all, the ultimate high-performance treasure detector"
Now, that verbiage is quoted verbatim, except this particular model is not really called the fornicator, I substituted that for the actual nomenclature so as to not violate the site rules.

So after stating that what they're selling is hands-down the best treasure machine available today, which is pretty much stated for every single one of their other models in their inventory also, they go on to describe The contents of a peripheral accessory package that comes complements of the vendor as an incentive to purchase from them.

Now I'm not making this next part up, one of those items is a counterfeit treasure coin replica, which they go on to describe as an actual authentic counterfeit, complete with certificate.

Now, I'm not making this up, this is common knowledge.

You don't find that odd?, I mean, How much clearer do I have to be? can't they just throw a real Cob in for $2500 ?
I mentioned earlier if it would be odd for Mercedes-Benz to offer a fake Rolex with every New E320.

The responses varied from "not if they offered a fake Patek Philippe" , to "would it be odd if they offered a replica Mercedes,"

Do you see how I really can't make it any clearer and yet there are still some here that seem to just not be capable of understand such a simple concept?

Simply put why would a reputable dealer want to associate their image with counterfeit culture by offering counterfeit treasure coins, as sales incentives?
Unless of course they have no respect for you as a consumer and getting your money is all that matters at any cost....

Wow, You can't even get the quotes right and missed the whole Idea of it! Too funny! Your trying to put people down and put yourself on some kind of pedestal! Lol Ever think that maybe, Just maybe, your the one "here that seem to just not be able to understand such a simple concept?" lol It's A stupid free gift!! It's like the junk toy in the bottom of the cereal box! Throw it away if you don't want it! They are saying it's replica?

He's yammering on about Kellyco and their free fun-bag give away crap to entice noobs to buy. It's a sale gimmick and he's bent about it.

LOL, for some this can be a difficult concept, I understand....
Well it doesn't do much for credibility does it,? Do you proudly carry your fake Cobb around with you and yammer about how you found it while metal detecting lake superior?

Hey kid!! You might want to get off daddy's computer before he gets home!!

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