Withdrawal! Day 1.


Bronze Member
Mar 18, 2008
So I got called back to work. 15 months of hitting it pretty hard but I now must past the torch. I worked a 40 hr week last week and was told I could start working overtime which takes me completely out of the game.

As luck would have it my first pick up this week was cancelled by the Bank last week. Chase to be exact. My Tue. pickup and Wed. pickup were cancelled by the bank. Last Thur. I got a call from my Tue pickup and the lady told me that the word came down from their cash dept. that they were no longer going to order boxes for me for various reasons. Fee's were one of the reasons that they felt they could not pass along to me. So they decided that they would no longer provide the service to me. 1 hour later my Wed. pickup called and told me the same thing. Both were Chase banks. So today I am suffering through my first Tue in over 4 years without a pickup more or less and tomorrow will be my first Wed. Today I was put on OT so it was actually gonna happen anyway as I would not be able to make it to the Banks before closing. So I now have to figure out how to continue with the remaining 3 banks that are not Chase Banks with 2 boxes ea. for the balance of the week.

I'm pretty sure I'm gonna be too tired to continue with them, so I'm looking at dropping those as well. I might hang on to a Fri. pickup as the Banks will be open till 6pm but my boss is talking about Saturday's as well on the work schedule so I'm out.

You could say it couldn't have come at a better time as the boxes have been pretty sparse and I just wont have the time or energy to continue with most of it. so I think I'm down to 2 boxes a week.

I'm passing the torch but I'll be watching and posting so keep me posted on all your tremendous finds. And don't forget to post lots of pictures. On the bright side working 56 hrs. a week pays a hell of a lot better than CRH has the last several months........ 8)

Happy Hunting. Now go out there and get em. :coffee2:


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Wish someone would let me work 56 hours a week, damn... I'd much rather do that than CRH.

Congrats on getting back to work.

Well I'm going to miss your great photography. You have to admit ,you've posted some spectacular pictures in the past.
Happy to hear you got a job in these tough times,with O.T..
Now you can trade some FRN's for a little bit of gold and silver . That will take care of the cravings.
Good luck,

nice job... last month I did a 19 OT hr week and loved my check... but will never get it again :(, have fun with it

Best of luck to you mojo. Once a CRH always a CRH. I am sure you will make time to make a few little scores.

Ltrain said:
Wish someone would let me work 56 hours a week, damn... I'd much rather do that than CRH.

Congrats on getting back to work.

I work MORE than 56 hours per week (Average about 65) and STILL do my CRH and penny sorting. But I'venever done as much as mojo has in a week.

Best of luck to you. You have been a real inspiration to the forum.
stay in touch.
all the best,

Congrats on getting back to work Mojo. Little by little Michigan will become better. It just seems like we have been in a recession forever. I have been more fortunate then my friends as my work has been steady for the last 17 years.

I just wish I could get back into picking up and dumping coins on a regular basis. My only dump spot with a lobby counter switched their hours to match my work hours so until I can find a place with a coin counter I will be only doing small time searching.

Happy Hunting.

Scott (MI)

Hi Mr. Mojo,

Congrats on getting back to work. Just don't do too much of that or you'll end up like me. I think that every day minus one for the past 5 weeks or so has been at least a 12 hour day, with some up to 16 (more than 80 hours/week). Nice pay checks, but I'm usually very tired and do nothing other than work. :(

Kindest regards,

Thanks Everyone for your well wishes.

I'm handeling the withdrawel process very well. I have been very tired after sleeping in till 10/11 am while I was out most days. I'm pretty beat after working my first 56 last week but I got my Friday pickup in and actually got 3 90%'s and 12 40%'s out of those 4 boxes so all is not lost yet. 1 day a week will work for now. Obviously my monthly totals are gonna take a hit but it's always exciting when you pull even a little silver.

Happy Hunting to all.

Very glad to hear that your work schedule is picking up. I hope that this is the beginning of a long, rewarding, and prosperous return to full (+) time work.
I hope you are able to dip into a bit of silver here and there, and I know we'll all be glad to hear from you when you port back in to the T-Net.
Very best wishes,

Mojo--I feel your pain. I work over 70 hours per week and go to grad school. I have never had such grey streaks in my hair! The only thing that is saving me is Mr. Apush. He is now hooked and helps me dump on weekends. He picks up for us on Friday's after work. We found a bank that would order halves on his way home. Easy stop.

We have banks that are open on Sundays to dump. If it was not for that, guess CRH would be gone for us.

I have had to sit down and look at logistics time and time again to see how I could continue CRHing. Perhaps your honey could help in the logistics? Just a thought. After my first (and only) cash-in-of-coins, Mr. Apush decided he was in the game. At first he thought I was just spinning my wheels, but the cold hard cash got him motivated! :laughing9:

My best wishes,
apush :read2:

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