Xterra pro or simplex

I liked the functionality of my Simplex, but hated it's tones and sold if after about 6 months.
How much is he looking to spend?
Does he need water proof or multi-freq?

I liked the functionality of my Simplex, but hated it's tones and sold if after about 6 months.
How much is he looking to spend?
Does he need water proof or multi-freq?
I liked the functionality of my Simplex, but hated it's tones and sold if after about 6 months.
How much is he looking to spend?
Does he need water proof or multi-freq?
Around 300$ ish, and yes to both

Vanquish all the way. In the same budget range too. I use the 440 as a back up machine now having used it as my primary machine for over a year and have made some fantastic finds with it. From big bronze age axeheads to the tiniest quarter cut hammered coins.
Got an x terra but passed it on after a couple of months. Its just a poor mans Nox imo where as the vanquish is a very different and i think unique machine. No ground balancing or any messing just switch on, choose your programme (jewellry mode all the way) and you can br confident that if its there, the vanquish will find it.
In fact though i primarily use the nox now, im more confident with the vanquish and could better predict what im hearing and seeing on the vdi than i can with a nox. The only reason i prefer the nox though is it seems to better cherry pick targets in trashy and iron infested ground and has that bit more depth capability to it.
But overall there is very little in it and the vanquish has its own advantages too.

Simplex BT gets my vote. I don't have one, but do have an Xterra Pro. If I had it to do all over again would have got the Simplex BT.

Both machines are in the same range, Simplex is built a bit more robust, in my oppinione, while xterra has the battery in the handle, hence you would face no problems replacing it after a few years. I would opt for xterra.

Both machines are in the same range, Simplex is built a bit more robust, in my oppinione, while xterra has the battery in the handle, hence you would face no problems replacing it after a few years. I would opt for xterra.
I feel after hearing several opinions he will most likely go with xterra . I’m sure both machines have their pros n cons

Only gripe I have about the Xterra Pro is the VDI jumping around. Not as reliable IMHO, but if you dig everything that's not really an issue. I'm not so sure the V12 coil is very good. I've heard using NOX coils VDI is much better. That being said, I've found lots of clad with mine in the parks.

Only gripe I have about the Xterra Pro is the VDI jumping around. Not as reliable IMHO, but if you dig everything that's not really an issue. I'm not so sure the V12 coil is very good. I've heard using NOX coils VDI is much better. That being said, I've found lots of clad with mine in the parks.
It does jump around quite a bit. If they had added in an iron filter setting option that would also have been a selling point. It seems the XTerra Pro is very jumpy in general for me so far. Quite touchy is a better way to put it.
But I can assure anyone who buys it, if there is ANY kind of metal in the ground that thing is going to find it. It's perfect for anyone who is on a quest to truly dig it all.

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