You know what sucks?

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The most dangerous animal on Earth...

Mosquitoes cause more human suffering than any other organism -- over one million people worldwide die from mosquito-borne diseases every year.

I've wished before that mosquito just go the way of extinction. I see nothing in their contribution in the natural order of things. I do recall though being a little kid on a picnic and asking my mother why God created them. She just said, maybe God created them to remind you that there are days to appreciate when no mosquitoes around.

A single BAT can eat up to 1,200 mosquito-sized insects every hour*, and each bat usually eats 6,000 to 8,000 insects each night.

As unnerving as it may be to have bats flying around your yard, they are mosquito-killing machines. Despite their less-than-desirable reputation, bats possess a remarkable ability to control insects, especially disease-carrying mosquitoes. --Knockout Mosquito
*One every 3 seconds.

I once was detecting woods beside a graveyard...

I ducked under a branch and was walking forward looking down when a feeling came over me...
So I stopped and took one of my earphones off to listen...
I heard the LOUD buzzing i fear...
Looked forward and no more than 12- to a max of 15 foot ahead was a fallen old tree...
Blanketed over the trunk 3 foot high by 6 foot was the biggest hornet nests i have ever seen.
And they were agitated at my approach..

Needless to say i slowly stepped in reverse a few steps and slowly turned around and booked it out. heh
Had i not stopped and removed that ear muff i would have walked straight into it.

A cloud of yellow jackets. heh

Facts I know about yellow jackets:

1) You cannot outrun one. Don't even try.

2) Hiding behind a tree doesn't work. They will find you and make you pay!

3) They can sting you unlimited times and not die!

4) They are the most foul and cruel tempered insects in the woods!

Facts I know about yellow jackets:

1) You cannot outrun one. Don't even try.

2) Hiding behind a tree doesn't work. They will find you and make you pay!

3) They can sting you unlimited times and not die!

4) They are the most foul and cruel tempered insects in the woods!
I did not know any of those facts ...
But i DO know...
anything with a stinging ability has my respect.
My respect is amplified when there is a group of em and i am on THEIR turf.

I found that the feral bee hives here in the bush were annoyed by the minelab Pi coils. I soon learnt to detect nowhere near them. Within about 50 feet they'd get agro. The coils give off quite an audible buzzing humming sound if you get your head within a few feet of the coil.

I found that the feral bee hives here in the bush were annoyed by the minelab Pi coils. I soon learnt to detect nowhere near them. Within about 50 feet they'd get agro. The coils give off quite an audible buzzing humming sound if you get your head within a few feet of the coil.
Yeah, I sometimes use a function generator on my smart phone to produce a specific frequency that allegedly repels mosquitoes. I don't know if it works or not but I could see certain devices generating a sufficient hum at the proper frequency to induce a resonance response particularly in their wings that they probably wouldn't like. Hum them into attacking.....

Yeah, I sometimes use a function generator on my smart phone to produce a specific frequency that allegedly repels mosquitoes. I don't know if it works or not but I could see certain devices generating a sufficient hum at the proper frequency to induce a resonance response particularly in their wings that they probably wouldn't like. Hum them into attacking.....
They should build such into metal detectors. Isn't most/all of the required hardware already there?
Could be a problem (interference-wise) with wireless detectors, but IDK.

Getting run out of a site just as it's getting good by a cloud of mosquitoes. You know what sucks worse than that? Losing your recovery pouch after getting chased off by mosquitoes.
Granted all I found was a tracer bullet and a 1960s penny BUT the unexpected dumping site I found may hold some interesting treats. I'll have to go back covered head to toe, even if there's no metal relics worth finding there might just be some cool old bottles so not a total bust, just mostly a bust🤣
Avon skin so soft does wonders. Smells sweet and is oily but if you don’t mind the smell it will work. Nontoxic as well

Avon skin so soft does wonders. Smells sweet and is oily but if you don’t mind the smell it will work. Nontoxic as well
Now you sound like my mother.🤣
"Here put this on."
No wonder the mosquitoes didn't like the stuff, 🤭

Mine was always wanting to fix my hair. 😆
Don't get me started on when she'd clean my fingernails 😖
Neck hairs were an optional grab to keep us in line.

Anywhere on the gulf coast that has saltwater marsh mosquitos. We were down at the beach in January and you could hear them hitting the windows inside with the truck idling. They were especially bad this year.

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