You know what sucks?

Yeah mosquitoes are bad, but I don't have them here at about 9,000ft. In Oklahoma, you put up with mosquitoes, buffalo gnats, ticks and chiggers. Chiggers are the most dangerous animal on earth, cause if they were as big as a dog they would eat a man plum up.
That post is 1000% correct....!!!!! Anybody who's been laced badly by a batch of chiggers knows this. I've had this happen badly 3 times in my life with the first being the worse of the worse. First time was in Missouri and the two others in Tennessee. First time I got laced with them was around a pond fishing with my cousin in 1967. Next morning we started itching. By noon and evening we were miserable. By next morning we were in agony. By late afternoon we were bleeding EVERYWHERE from the scratching. My Grandmother tried everything she knew to help but to no avail. The NEXT morning was more of the same except more blood now. That afternoon my aunt showed up with 5-8 gallons of bleach and some old towels. She put the stopper in the tub, poured in all the bleach and told me to strip and get in...! I didn't know what was worse.... the chiggers or getting naked in from of my aunt at 13 years old. I soon found out...!!!!! I stripped as told, got in and sat down while she washed me everywhere. That bleach hurt so bad from all the open wounds from scratching all I could do was cry like a little girl. After a five minutes bath, no rinsing or anything else I got out and dried off. The itching stopped...!!!!! Now my aunt was calling for Chuck to get his ass in there and after listening to me he was having none of it...! He finally maned up... went in... repeated my antics and quit itching also.

That bleach in the tub was COVERED with 1000's of chiggers from us.... It was scary to actually see...! That cure was damn near worse than the chiggers from all the scratching.

They should build such into metal detectors. Isn't most/all of the required hardware already there?
Could be a problem (interference-wise) with wireless detectors, but IDK.
A metal detector with a function generator, heh. Honestly I think that's kinda what some metal detectors effectively are, using specific EM frequencies to improve detection or something like that.
I'd love to see a metal detector with a electromagnetic spectrum analyzer perhaps to identify/isolate problematic EMI sources (why I carry in an EMF meter) or even instead of VDI, you'd be able to see the frequency response of the targets which would be neat if perhaps counterintuitive for most. I like a good spectrum analyzer, handy gadget and I like how precise they are.....

A metal detector with a function generator, heh. Honestly I think that's kinda what some metal detectors effectively are, using specific EM frequencies to improve detection or something like that.
I'd love to see a metal detector with a electromagnetic spectrum analyzer perhaps to identify/isolate problematic EMI sources (why I carry in an EMF meter) or even instead of VDI, you'd be able to see the frequency response of the targets which would be neat if perhaps counterintuitive for most. I like a good spectrum analyzer, handy gadget and I like how precise they are.....
I'll have to take your word for it--a little over my head... 😕

I have experienced a what sucks time or two also I had a bottle dump I was working at it for months because it was huge Plus it was a bit of a drive to go so I could only dig on an occasional basis It was the best dig I ever had and it had many different bottles ceramic items and relics that where metal It was beyond my wildest idea of what I was able to recover from the spot Anyway it was A very hot summer so I generally could only dig for perhaps an hour until the heat would make me go home to the AC So a 45 minute drive to get there and 45 minutes urn home to return home made me want to dig longer So I decided to. Leave early in ihe morning and start digging before the sun was high in the sky It had rained some over night gnd the dirt was mud where Ihad been digging in the past . I was only digging a short while until I realized bumblebees where gather mud and taking it to their nest And then I got stung and in a few more minutes I stung again Well I was not having fun so digging time ended much before I had planned I had many gratdigs atthat spot but not tat day .

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