Youre out in the woods and run into a...

Re: You're out in the woods and run into a...

Here in rural Iowa I've heard of many cougar and bobcat sitings. We saw a bobcat ran over near our house. That's why I bring a couple dogs with me. Luckily no bears or I wouldn't be hunting! ;D

Re: You're out in the woods and run into a...

if you go in the woods, forest what ever by yourself or not, go in strapped you ?never know
what you may encounter.


Re: You're out in the woods and run into a...

leave your dogs at home, if you run into a bobcat they will be torn apart. you have nothing to wory about a bobcat though, just don't stand between the cat and the nearest large thing it can hide under or you will need new pants cuz the ones you have on just became shorts, lol.


Re: You're out in the woods and run into a...

The dog idea seems good, until that post about the bobcats. I live in Ontario, as far as I know there are no bobcats or mountain lions here. We do however have black and brown bears. And a dog would give me advance notice of a bear since my dog barks if a leaf turnsover 30 feet away. Any further advice here?

Re: You're out in the woods and run into a...

Damn straight!!!!!!! True_Metal ran into a bear at close range. I'll tell him to post something here.

Re: You're out in the woods and run into a...

Her's a true story for ya.I was in Gatlinburg,Tenn. on vacation the summer before last.My girlfriend(now wife)and I rented one of those moutain chalets for a week.While she was busy unpacking,I was walking around the outside of the chalet(which is on top of a small mountain in the woods)and I see all these bags of garbage strewn about,maybe fifty yards from the building.So stupid me from florida for the last 23 years on and off,i'm wondering why the heck did people drag thier garbage out here for?Little did I know the next night I was about to find out why.Next night,steaks are on the grill,dinner was good.Me and my better half are sitting in the hot tub relaxing after a good meal.A minute or two later, the wife and I heard a little commotion in the nearby woods,jokingly I replied"don't worry it's just a momma bear looking for her lost cub and all of a sudden she has a look of fear in her eyes like i'd never seen."Rob theres a BEAR!",were the next words out of her mouth.I turn around from my seated position in the tub to witness a BIG BLACK BEAR with his nose up in the air as if he was smelling and looking for those steaks that we had just consumed.Okay,the hot tub is on the deck of the chalet approx.15 feet from the car in the driveway.The bear was in between the car and the deck about 10-12 feet from us.Well,let me tell you,you have never seen two people move so fast in your life,we were out of the hot tub and in through the sliding glass door in a 1/2 second flat!The bear wasn't worried about us at all,turns out he's the one that had been dragging the garbage out into the woods(duh).I grabbed the video camera to get it on tape,thought I did,turns out in all the excitement I must have hit pause because I didn't get the video.I spent the next 5 nights trying to get that bear on video.Sitting up late listening to them in the woods walking around to no avail,every morning the garbage was gone.Scared us do death that night,funny as hell now when I think back to it.H.H.

Re: You're out in the woods and run into a...

black bears are like teddybears until you get between them and thier cubs. Now brown bears will attack without warning, a dog would be great for that. I personally would not worry about bobcats or black bears, I don't have any brown bears or "proven" mountain lions in my area so I don't have to bother wiith them. most animals are more afraid of you than you are of it, and will avoid you when possible. If one does get closer than you are comfortable with just yell at them and make noise, chances are they did not see you and will leave quickly. please note that I would not yell at a brown bear because this could provoke it, just slowly back away from the area the bear is in keeping your back away from the bear at all times do not run or turn your back on the bear, it could see you as an animal it might want to eat.


Re: You're out in the woods and run into a...


when I was about 5 or so my dad raised chickens. he always kept the chicken feed on the back proch. on night we had a black bear on the porch getting in the feed. for some reason my mother opened the door and the bear came inside. the funny part is that the bear just walked in the back door and out the front door, after it was opened of course.


Re: You're out in the woods and run into a...

That's a really funny story ?;D I can just imagine how fast you had to move. ?There are bears in the rural areas, coyotes too but I wouldn't worry about them. ?If I'm running around with headphones on then I won't hear the bear, maybe I should get a gun. ?Brown bears sound like a problem. ?For now I'll just have to have the dog and hope I don't run into anything. ?It would be hard not to run even though I know you're not supposed to run. ?If a bear charges at me I will leap across the field like I have wings and pray to God. ?

Re: You're out in the woods and run into a...

My job requires me to travel and work in Alaska. Of course in Alaska tourists and bears don't mix. The hotel I was staying at offered this warning to it's guests.

Bear Advisory

The authorities has issued a BEAR WARNING for our guests who plan on hiking or camping in our area this summer. They're urging everyone to protect themselves by wearing small bells on their clothing. The small bells scare away most bears.

Campers should be alert for signs of fresh bear activity, and they should be able to tell the difference between Black Bear dung and Grizzly Bear dung. Grizzly bears are far more dangerous than Black bears.

Black Bear dung is rather small and round. Sometimes you can see fruit seeds and/or squirrel fur in it.

Grizzly Bear dung is rather large and usually has small bells in it.


Re: You're out in the woods and run into a...

We Have Some Dangerous Looking Squirrels In My Neck Of The Woods... ;D


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Re: You're out in the woods and run into a...

Between the hottub run for the door, the close inspection for squirrel fur, and jingling clothing and bears casually strolling this topic is really getting interesting. ?However if it helps scare bears away I'll wear bells. LOL that might be one of those squirrels I'll be looking for in that bear pile.

Re: You're out in the woods and run into a...


that was a good one.


You wouldn't be fron New York would you? I have a neighbor from jamestown New York. He claims the grey squirrels get to be 200 pounds in new york, he even uses a 30-30 to hunt them here in PA. This guy also claims that there are badgers in NY and many other rediculous things.


Re: You're out in the woods and run into a...

Close... Rhode Island
We Aslo Have Some Ferocious 200 lb. Skunks... So Watch Yourself! ;)


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Re: You're out in the woods and run into a...

I spend 8-10 days every year in the Algonquin park interior. Since 1970, there have been 5 people killed and partially eaten by rogue bears, and a case where one was beaten off by a camp councilor while trying to drag a kid out of the tent.. Considering that the park has well over a million people going through it each year, the number of bear attacks is relatively small.. Unless of course 'your' the one being attacked. Firarms are not allowed in the park, but I do carry a couple of thunderflashes, and a 8mm semi auto blank pistol (It's LOUD, but I would feel a lot better with my .40 para on my hip instead) .. I have had no problem with bears in the park and I've spent at least 300 nights alone on interior 'canoe access only' campsites over the last twenty years but I do believe in the law of averages..ha.. My biggest problem is Moose.. The damn 'swamp donkeys' will blunder right through your site, tent lines and all, headed for water.. You can hear them 'chugging' by all night because water travel is much easier that heading over land, and I have actually had to Chase them out of the campsite bang two pots together.. I'm looking forward to taking the detector in with me this year, because people lose all kinds of stuff on campsites too.. I love this type of camping, where you might only see one or two people a day, and the nights and sunsets are spectacular.


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Re: You're out in the woods and run into a...

As it happens I live in Ontario and I've been to algonquin park. I went to a cottage up in Bancroft once and a bear relieved himself on the deck at some point in the night. If I had been awake I would have seen a bear squatting a few feet away from me just beyond the panoramic window overlooking the lake. Nice kodak moment.

Re: You're out in the woods and run into a...

Ah had one of those moose interactions while lake hopping Ontario once, climbed a small rock face to the next portage and yep, pile of moose stuff in face at the top. Moose nearby. I backed down and waited a few hours. On another paddling trip we had a small blackie run by between me and the wife, within a few feet. Scared us to fits, but we quickly realized the bear was even more freaked out. I went after him banging paddles a couple feet (my big charge) and he disappeared upstream quick.

Around here though the biggest worst critters still walk upright and speak.

Re: You're out in the woods and run into a...

Yes, Bergie is correct. I ran into a rather large Black Bear while detecting last fall. ?

I was hunting an abandoned community in the woods near my house and was digging what turned out to be a Wheatie when i got a some things not right feeling and looked up. There it was about 50 feet from me just watching what i was doing. We were both on a wet dirt road and i was at the bottom of a rise and the Bear was at the top. It must have been walking down the road from the opposite directon and got to the top of the rise and saw me down below and stopped. I stood up and looked at it for a moment or two and then yelled "Yahh, bear git!" Its ears just perked and it didnt even budge. I thought oh sh*t, what do i do now!? I then yelled "Get the F out of here! really loud and still nothing. All i had was my Detector and a trowel, so i picked up the detector and waved it around and was jabbing it toward the bear while yelling more and keeping a distance. ?

I guess it had enough and meandered off from where it came and that was it. I didnt see it after that cause i got the hell out of there and went to a park a few miles away ?:D

Looking back it is funny to think about me chasing it off with a metal detector, but it wasnt fun then. I'd say it was easily 500lbs and most likely a garbage bear. They come down from the hills here and get into peoples trash cans.

About 600-700 yards from where we were is a dumpster for a chinese restaurant ?situated at the edge of the woods and the direction from where it came. I got lucky as he could have taken me if he wanted to. Next time i'm taking a shooter, screw NY's laws ?;D ?

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