60 Minutes Benghazi "Witness" Wasnt There During the Attack

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nope..no room for compromise...isn't that the republican position...
yes...a democrat was in office...an unelected one at that...yet...not one bit on sniveling from those who made billions in the process...

guess it is only good if the spoilers make huge profits.

Can there be a war without profit? If only Republicans made profit I'd agree with you But you were duped by your media telling you a Dem. is to strupid to make one.

You do know Christie is in Koch brothers pocket.

We will NOT go quitely into the night!

Wrong again. But please, believe anything you want.
I don't have the time to explain the things that you should already know about. All I can say is you should find a different site that the one you are currently using for your "educational" tirades.

OK, I guess i'm wrong because you say so. First you are too tired to come back with facts, now you don't have time.

Hmmm? Coming up empty huh?

You do know Christie is in Koch brothers pocket.

We will NOT go quitely into the night!

And the others aren't?

If the Koch bros do support Christie then it will keep them from funding Rand, Cruz and company. I'm Ok with that.

BTW, latest poll has Christie and Clinton in a dead heat for prez in 2016 should both choose to run. 43- 42% Christie.

2016 is a long way away, so no way to tell what the relevant issue will be. Unless repubs pull together, they will sit out another four years. ( not me saying that. me repeating what almost EVERY non partisan political pundit is saying)

OK, I guess i'm wrong because you say so. First you are too tired to come back with facts, now you don't have time.

Hmmm? Coming up empty huh?

Do you really want that NF? You know you have an untenable position. Why ask for it?

Do you really want that NF? You know you have an untenable position. Why ask for it?

Dave, why do you persist with the ad hominem attacks?

Usually, such attacks are a sign the poster has nothing of value to add, so they slink down into attack mode. Either by going ad hominem or plain old name calling. You've done both.

Come on back with a rebuttal and we'll take it from there. I'm happy to listen, to consider your opinion and facts, or to debate both. But first you have to come to the table with something.

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Dave, sincerely, I'm not being condescending in my comments. However, I can't help what you read into them.

The debt ceiling increase was about paying the tab for bills congress had already incurred. Nothing more. It's not about opening the purse. its about paying for yesterday's credit card purchases.

Of course what needs to be done is for the natl debt to be lowered. That is done by way of lowering our spending. Obama delivered on his promise to lower the deficit by this year. He cut it in half. That's significant. And, though you don't like it, and don't want to hear it, O going after health care reform is about lowering our national debt. The cost of taking care of our people is the single biggest financial threat this country faces going forward. It was the responsible thing to do.

As an individual, if you were sinking further into debt you would look at the reasons why and make the necessary changes to get back on a solid financial footing. You would plug the hole, so to speak. That's what is going on now with health care reform. It's a painful piece of legislation. But a necessary one. We will all pay for healthcare one way or another.

Looking back at how we got here - the tea party points at wasteful spending by obama. They demonize him with their hate. Yet obama is not why we are here. Two wars, and an economic collapse are the main reasons we are here. Add in an ill timed tax cut that has finally been reversed and you have the makings for record deficits and a mountain of national debt.

The economy will eventually bail us out. But not without good leadership. And that's where I and the tea party part in our ways. They are for burning it down. Would you do that personally? Just stop paying for everything? That's not the road to a healthy future. That's would cause a collapse. And, in my opinion, no collapse is controllable.

The economy will eventually bail us out, if given a chance. And a congress that works with a president instead of being a rock in the road. That probably won't happen under obama. The xright hates him too much. And, we need time to rotate the current crop to the unemployment line. Which, like it or not, to run for congress in this country takes big bucks. And the big bucks people just saw their financial lives pass before their eyes. They've had enough. Michigan just ousted their tea party guy. The list will grow.

You give too much credence to Keynesian Economics. You cannot spend yourself into prosperity. With the printers running full speed what do You think will happen? When we spend more than the government brings in? You will be able to get your wish soon enough!
1- you will be able to pay skyrocketing interest rates- sooner or later a grown up will say the liquidity will have to be sucked up. Until then the market will reach new highs all of the time along with commodities unless partially funded by government.
a- If the government decides that it must get involved to keep you in the dark, and starts taking over industries and businesses so that the prices will stay low enough for the propagandists to make a case for how good things are, watch out. Can you spell Fascism?

2- This "needed" healthcare law is not just painful.. It is a trojan horse meant to nationalize 1/5 of the entire economy of the US. You may call the insurance companies evil, I laugh at them for thinking that if they got into bed with the BO it would help their bottom line. But those 5 million cancelled plans are gone for good. I can't understand why, because you have thought them out so well you should have solved the problems? And that mad rush to trash existing plans is a drop in the bucket! The purely political move to delay the mandate for business is really bad news,, When that happens it will probably add 100 million to those without insurance. And the "preexisting conditions", What is this? It isn't insurance, it is simply welfare, with a copay. When it is over with, Insurance companies will not be able to stay in business, unless subsidized or taken over by government.
Can you spell Fascism?

3- Get your facts about the Tea Party tenets and get back to me,, you are in complete fabrication mode brought on by Think Progress or some such thing..

4- The facts are pretty plain, You aren't stupid, far from it. that makes you a rabid progressive. The progressives have been letting the agenda slip out for decades, but many in America haven't been paying attention, The BO may actually be waking people up.

"Waters told the president of a major oil company to “guess what this liberal would be all about? This liberal would be all about socializing — uh, uh, would be about basically taking over and the government running all of your companies.” One renowned commentator, who said Waters made an absolute total fool of herself, points out that the congresswoman’s associates can be heard laughing in the video of the embarrassing exchange."
By the way there are many videos of that. Look it up. If the government did that guess what?

Old Bookaroo, I appreciate all you do to cast light into the shadows. Keep up the good work, but don't expect those who have invested a good chunk of their lives into a specific perspective and agenda to respond in a positive way to facts that refute their efforts. The propaganda, spin, and misinformation will continue unabated, and its up to people like you and I to offset that with reality.

Unfortunately, propaganda, spin, and misinformation is no way to run a democratic republic.

It's a real world out there, not one with all the perspective of a 12 year old video gamer on caffeinated soda.

To paraphrase George Burns (I love that quote). Too bad all the people who know how to run this country are busy blogging on treasure hunting boards.

You give too much credence to Keynesian Economics. You cannot spend yourself into prosperity. With the printers running full speed what do You think will happen? When we spend more than the government brings in? You will be able to get your wish soon enough!

You've lost me here. We are spending more than we are taking in. We've been in that mode for over a decade.
1- you will be able to pay skyrocketing interest rates- sooner or later a grown up will say the liquidity will have to be sucked up. Until then the market will reach new highs all of the time along with commodities unless partially funded by government.
The economy is still on life support. QE is pumping life into the economy along with keeping rates artifically low. Once the economy can stand on it's own two feet the govt will step back. First with tapering us off the QE bond buying. A natural side effect of that will be an instant rise in interest rates. Expect both the bond market and stock market to get their asses handed to them on a plate. but, that said, the long term effect will be positive.
a- If the government decides that it must get involved to keep you in the dark, and starts taking over industries and businesses so that the prices will stay low enough for the propagandists to make a case for how good things are, watch out. Can you spell Fascism?

And again, not sure where this is coming from. Commodity prices are set by demand, not govt intervention. Not that govt doesn't step in with some commodities with price support. helping farmers etc. Kinda QE for the farm belt.
Once the economy starts running on all eight cylinders again, tax revenues will increase. Don't take my word for it. This is the reasoning of Bush in pushing thru a tax cut right after taking office in 2001. Had we not gotten into a watr, his cut probably would have been net net positive.

Interest rates always increase in time of prosperity to control liquidity( inflation) The fed funds rate increased from 1.25% in dec 2000 to 6.75% in jun 2006 it's part of a normal cycle The economy was humming! No fascist take over of industry.

2- This "needed" healthcare law is not just painful.. It is a trojan horse meant to nationalize 1/5 of the entire economy of the US. You may call the insurance companies evil, I laugh at them for thinking that if they got into bed with the BO it would help their bottom line. But those 5 million cancelled plans are gone for good. I can't understand why, because you have thought them out so well you should have solved the problems? And that mad rush to trash existing plans is a drop in the bucket! The purely political move to delay the mandate for business is really bad news,, When that happens it will probably add 100 million to those without insurance. And the "preexisting conditions", What is this? It isn't insurance, it is simply welfare, with a copay. When it is over with, Insurance companies will not be able to stay in business, unless subsidized or taken over by government.
Can you spell fascism

If this is true why no insurance/health care benefits company sell offs in the stock market? Those prices are stable or up.

The need for health care reform was two fold:
1. morally we need to take of our own I realize the country has more than it's fair share of people who disagree with that and espouse an everybody for themselves mind set. But, morally we need to help those who can not help themselves.
2. the systemic cost of health care will prevent us from ever balancing a future budget. As the baby boom generation ages it will become impossible to earn our way to positive numbers. The generations behind are simply too small to generate the tax revs necessary to pay for the aging boomers. It's just math. Answer- throw it to the private sector. Get it off the books! ACA does just that.

3- Get your facts about the Tea Party tenets and get back to me,, you are in complete fabrication mode brought on by Think Progress or some such thing..

I do have my tea party facts straight. The tea party is a party in decline. The big money is done. They don't need to be financially destroyed by people who are more interested in making point than in governing. You mentioned that the dems outspent the repubs in the Va gov's race thus affecting the outcome. That's true. Ask yourself why the dems kept pouring more money to support their guy while the repubs big money backers, who could have done the same did not?

4- The facts are pretty plain, You aren't stupid, far from it. that makes you a rabid progressive. The progressives have been letting the agenda slip out for decades, but many in America haven't been paying attention, The BO may actually be waking people up.
Again, you've lost me. I'm closest to being a libertarian. But don't align myself with any group. I want the country to move forward. it can't move forward as long as there are people who are OK with burning it ll down just to make a point.

"Waters told the president of a major oil company to “guess what this liberal would be all about? This liberal would be all about socializing — uh, uh, would be about basically taking over and the government running all of your companies.” One renowned commentator, who said Waters made an absolute total fool of herself, points out that the congresswoman’s associates can be heard laughing in the video of the embarrassing exchange."
By the way there are many videos of that. Look it up. If the government did that guess what?

Hope this helps

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I wouldn't hang my butt out in a country like that no matter who was in office as our government doesn't really care about people they deem replaceable and then will lie and say they didn't know about any threats.

Doesn't help. You are not being realistic or honest.

The insurance companies are being forced. The BO knows that this law is bad. He is trying to mitigate this problem in the mid terms by delaying the demands again. Your extremism is becoming more apparent. Healthcare and morality? You are spinning. There is nothing Moral about the BO. It is cover for guys like you to espouse the goodness of being slaves for the good of the country.

NF.........Cruz shut down the government? NowTHAT guy's got some power!!
I believe he was one of the folks that didn't want shamwowcare but decided to accept it to keep the country from defaulting on it's responsibilities. Now that we've passed the law and seen what's in it, I think even dimwit wishes it didn't pass.

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NF.........Cruz shut down the government? NowTHAT guy's got some power!!

To be fair,, there was 1 other Senator that backed him up.
It's funny even Mccain says he wants to repeal that law now? Sad,, very sad.

McCain is playing ping pong with poll results. I respect the man for his service and anguish he had to suffer at the hands of the Vietnamese scumbags but that doesn't give him the keys to the country.

I wouldn't hang my butt out in a country like that no matter who was in office as our government doesn't really care about people they deem replaceable and then will lie and say they didn't know about any threats.

I feel the same way you do, but think about your statement in the context of the last, oh, 100 years of war. More if you like.

Put thread back on topic please...

We will NOT go quitely into the night!

(Deleted by mod, I requested thread be put back on track)

Regarding Benghazi - a non issue going forward. Benghazi, regardless of the merit of further investigation, has been marginalized into an Xright anti Obama hate issue. It is now lumped in with all the other Xright anti Obama diatribe. Bring it up anyplace that isn't Xright and people roll their eyes. IOW, the country is tired of hearing about it. And the Xright has no one but themselves to blame. The govt shutdown put public opinion over the edge. The straw that broke the camel's back. That camel being the Xright and Tea party. Just mention benghazi to anyone but an Xright true believer and you can watch them tune out. To them it's more of the same hate message. And, they've made up their minds and are tuning that message out.

That's what happens when you over do it.

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So, overdoing it, as you put it, tunes the message out? That's because those tuning it out don't care about the truth. They only want to believe the sheepherder.

McCain is playing ping pong with poll results. I respect the man for his service and anguish he had to suffer at the hands of the Vietnamese scumbags but that doesn't give him the keys to the country.

As I look at this, being in prison qualified him for a shot at the presidency. So what if we put the goof in for a stint, maybe that will eventually qualify him.

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