Am I Mistaken, Or Is There A Pattern In All These Shootings?

You know the rules they live by, one being never let a crises go to waste. As far as widespread gun ownership goes, I can honestly say since the last election I have been stocking up.

That is some very good advice to live by.

first school shooting I remember was the Ohio National Guard shooting 13 unarmed students
on the campus of Kent State University. but I'm sure shootings have been going on longer.
I blame mental illness & the media for most of it.

Yes they can try and take away the freedom to own guns from the mentally healthy people,
but just like drugs & alcohol those who want them, will continue to get them.

& even if they could do the impossible and remove every gun,
a bomb made from household items,
could have done worse, and will by some mentally deficient in the future.

Death & destruction is unfortunately a part of life,
and as long as humanity is taught killing exists, Humans will kill :(

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I don't think the shooter in Norway had any 2nd amendment thoughts. I think there are nutcases everywhere.

the only common thread throughout all of the incidents is the access to rapid fire weapons.

I'll drop it at that.

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I agree, but I don't think the mental illness is natural . . . but rather induced by either chemical or other mind control methods.

This wave of identical MOs needs to be investigated. I don't believe in coincidences.

Just as with any slight of hand act, one must be distracted and looking in the wrong place for the magic to happen.

Mental Illness is a fact of life; there's a reason that the DSM-V is called the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders. In fact, it's more widespread than most people would believe, including the mentally ill themselves of course.

A large portion of the jail and prison population (about 50%) is mentally ill. I can't ever recall a conversation with a corrections person that thought it was induced by "either chemical or other mind control methods", although it can manifest itself in chemical dependency. Most psychopaths aren't the victims of mind control, rather they victimize others with it as they are able to.

Think of these people of being undiagnosed psychopaths. The evidence is that about 1% of the population is affected. 3 million is a lot of people. How many people do you see each day? 100? 300? It's 1% of them. Out on the streets. With you and your kids.

MI is the dirty underbelly of America; we dumped MI inmates out on the streets in the 1990s to save money, we don't talk about it, we don't commit any resources to it - all as if ignoring the problem will make it go away. Well, it won't. We house them in jails, which is no solution, staff isn't trained to deal with them, and is another time bomb waiting to happen. They just learn better skill sets this way.

There is no screening at the schools, no resources (money) to deal with them, and so this will just keep on happening.

To think that it is a conspiracy or otherwise fantastic answer is to shoot completely off the mark, and will do nothing to contribute to rational problem solving or protection of the Second Amendment.

I agree, but I don't think the mental illness is natural . . . but rather induced by either chemical or other mind control methods.

So things can go wrong with every part of the human body naturally except for the brain? So every human brain is equal and perfect? You do know how ridiculous that sounds don't you?

So things can go wrong with every part of the human body naturally except for the brain? So every human brain is equal and perfect? You do know how ridiculous that sounds don't you?

I believe what Chad was talking about was a lot,if not most, of mental illness is caused by a chemical imbalance within the body and brain.I'll also add if you do not believe in mind control i suggest you google MK-Ultra,but MK-Ultra is just a conspiracy theory right?Even though it is true and fully documented.

It's not choreographed, or a conspiracy, a master plan, etc. It's just simple math :thumbsup:

Crazy person + Gun = problem :laughing7:

One pattern i see is shootings where permit holders(when i acquired one here anyway) are not allowed to carry. So again more laws proposed in the hopes less guns will make a difference and of course criminals will abide by more restrictions. Hard to blame victims families and non gun owners for such a response much as it goes against the law abiding. Its an awful thing and wrong on so many counts,defenceless victims.

Keep the politics out of the thread...........

I believe what Chad was talking about was a lot,if not most, of mental illness is caused by a chemical imbalance within the body and brain.I'll also add if you do not believe in mind control i suggest you google MK-Ultra,but MK-Ultra is just a conspiracy theory right?Even though it is true and fully documented.

Well, here's what he said: "I agree, but I don't think the mental illness is natural . . . but rather induced by either chemical or other mind control methods."

Mind control is around us all the time, every day: advertising, political ads, religions, etc. Think of it as the non-thinking man's alternative to the truth. See my quote by one of the world's smartest men, below. The military uses it; it's called PYSOPS. It takes up a lot of human discourse, even a lot of the posts on this board.

The best defense is a BS detector, model CS (stands for common sense). You can't buy one, but have to go through the trouble to develop your own. Friends can help.

It's not choreographed, or a conspiracy, a master plan, etc. It's just simple math :thumbsup:

Crazy person + Gun = problem :laughing7:

Pretty much sums it up.

So things can go wrong with every part of the human body naturally except for the brain? So every human brain is equal and perfect? You do know how ridiculous that sounds don't you?

I think somewhere my thoughts were misunderstood. No, not all minds are equal. If they were, there would be no need for psychiatry. Either we would all be crazy, or not. However, we WOULD all be normal . . . whatever that means.

My take, from watching the similarities of the crimes is:

  1. Otherwise normal person obtains legally purchased guns on his own or from a family member who has many guns.
  2. Shooter goes on killing spree in target rich environment where weapons are forbidden (Malls, school campuses, etc.) and where there is no one he is personally related to or associated with. i.e. no one he has an axe to grind with. All innocent strangers.
  3. Shooter suddenly decides to kill himself before someone else can do the job for him. He doesn't wait for the cops or media to show up. He avoids his opportunity to see how famous he is.
  4. Cops arrive after the danger is over because gunman has killed himself. They now have is no one to question about why they did what they did other than the folks who were witnesses. The dead man can't speak . . . then someone finds a vague reference to the crime in his online postings or a note he supposedly left behind.
  5. Media and politicians trot out with prepared statements about 1) how horrible this tragedy is and 2) how we need to take guns away from everyone because the guns are the culprits and the perpetrator is ignored -- except Mr. Holmes who didn't off himself like he was supposed to.
There are more similarities, but suffice it to say, there are far too many incidences that work exactly the same. Coincidence my eye!

I realize the guy had a couple of mental problems, but why would he choose to kill kids in a school. Maybe there is a mental path that opens up under extreme stress that tells you to kill the ones you should love. Same with that football player. Remember the line from that old song? You always hurt the one you love. Frank

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In the year 1919, a law restricting the activities and possession of a certain substance was passed. It started a path of killing, destruction of private property and arrests of untold amounts. It was Amendment 18 to the Constitution of the United States.The damage done by this law was so great that it was repealed in 1933 by the 21st amendment. The law was known as PROHIBITION. HAVE WE LEARNED OUR LESSON??? Frank

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The problem is lessons learned in the past are not taught to our kids, usually the exact opposite is taught. Example: how many people think the civil war was because of racism and not states rights? Or how many people actually know President Lincoln was a republican? After all popular thinking is all republicans are racist therefore he couldn't have been a republican.

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