Anyone live with a Ghost???


Sr. Member
Aug 20, 2007
Central Texas
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Nox 600, Ace 250
This is an neat thread and the stories people have are truly interesting. I will share a story that happened to me and a group of friends on regular occasions at my old house.

First off to give a little info about the house. It was built around 1910. It was a two story house that had a little parlour in the front. Some old timers said that a doctor lived there in the beginning and would practice upstairs. I have not confirmed that. Ok, now on to the story. My wife and I used to have little parties every weekend out in the shop behind the house. There were usually 5 to 10 people there at any given party. Well the guys would throw darts while the women would talk. Well the dart board we had was an electronic type that had voice scoring. Like you hit a bullseye and triple 20 and so on. Anyways we would be playing a game and the system would just start talking at random. You hit a bullseye. And it would do this often. At first we all thought well the machine is messed up but then it may not do it again for an hour or so, if at all.
It sorta became a joke that I had hired a ghost so I could make extra points. This happened every weekend. Finally the guys named the ghost Eugene. When it would start messing up we would say "Quit Eugene, we are trying to play a game here" and it would quit almost on que. When we were finished we would say Eugene you can play now. It would mess up. Now I know that I am not crazy as I had many people witness this. We never saw him but he seemed to enjoy our parties and throw darts.

On another occasion at the house my wife and I were sleeping. About 2 in the morning we awoke to what we thought was a gun shot in our bedroom. It scared the living crap out of us. I turned the light on and found that a paperweight that had been on a shelf for almost three years had somehow fell. It landed on the dresser below. Now it could have been ready to fall for some time but it definately made us jittery about the ghosts.

And the final thing that would happen in the house was we had a little rat terrier that was our best friend. She would sleep between us every night. But she would wake us up at night with a low growling as she layed on the end of the bed looking at the door. It would creep us out everytime. I would like to think that she was seeing someone standing there but who knows.

Well thats all the personal experiences that happened to us in that house. We later sold the house and built a new one as it was just too small for kids. Haven't had any experiences since then.

ivan salis

Gold Member
Feb 5, 2007
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delta 4000 / ace 250 - used BH and many others too
it has been said often that dogs sense spirits --but I'm sure you know that.

Gypsy Heart

Gold Member
Nov 29, 2005
I know a couple of ghostie stories....

I had moved into an old 1800's two story home. It had been rumored as haunted by a cat.....My three and five year olds were playing upstairs one morning and came downstairs and said Mama there is a kitty upstairs....So I went to look and couldnt find a cat...I asked " where did the kitty go" and they pointed to the window...and said it went out the window....but the window was not only had been painted shut....

One afternoon a few days later ,I put the kids down for a nap and laid down with them on my bed . I was reading when I felt something pounce at the bottom of the bed.....and then impressions of something walking across the bed...I grabbed those kids and beelined for downstairs.

For about six months afterwards I would hear my youngest playing upstairs and then begin to call "Here Kitty Kitty" I asked them if the kitty ever came by them to play and they said No it just would walk through the window.....

In the same house ,I would be doing dishes and the cabinet door to my right would slowly swing open and then slam shut ...there was a thumb latch and I would make sure it was closed tight...a few moments later it would do it again

This always seemed to happen about three pm.

We had a side porch that was enclosed and it had a wooden screen had a hook and eye latch that was a pain to try and lock...yet if I would go outside and then try to get back in the latch would be locked. It was too high for the I dont know how that would happen.

We were doing alot of remodeling at the time and I always wondered if I disturbed someone...So I did a little research and found out that a lady named Gert had lived and died there....The next time the cabinet door opened...I said ...very politely ..."Now Gert stop that" and the door stopped and then gently...very gently closed.

Another time I was working in the house and looked at the said 11 and I knew it had to be later as I had heard the noon whistle I went into the other room and that clock said 11...these were battery operated...then I looked at my wristwatch and it said I figured that I would run across the yard to the neighbors and ask what time it was ....when I went out the door I said " better not be messing with those clocks...when I went to the neighbors she said ..its three i went to fix my wrist watch and it said 3...I was a tad I went back to the house ...looked at both clocks and they said 3....evidently Gert listened to me!LOL



Jr. Member
Jan 5, 2009
yup several for many years....i have seen them and so has my oldest daughter.. we all know they r here but try to ignore them as much as possible.... ones a small girl . she has followed us from our first residence to where we live now. she likes to play with my kids toys :) shes from the 1800s era which makes sense considering thats the time frame of the nieghborhood i live in.


Full Member
Jun 21, 2007
columbus, ohio
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whites prizm 50
My wife and I bought a home, wife just had to have it. The original owner died in the home. From the day we moved in, we started to have health problems and both became disabled around same time. We always felt a little uncomfortable when we were at home including the dogs. One night I was in bed and woke up nearly paralyzed, couldn't speak for two or three min. Happened two days later, but could yell for my wife. Third time, something pulled me down in he bed half way. We moved into senior housing two months later because of our health. Has never happened again. Scared the hell out of me. I am a disabled Vietnam veteran, and I know what I seen and felt the whole time we lived there. Hope I'm not nuts.

Rebel - KGC

Gold Member
Jun 15, 2007
:) YER not "nuts"; had SIMILAR problem with the OLD "home place". My dad brought it cheap (before I was born); guy gave dad, the key saying... "I'll give you the key, but you won't stay there;
it's haunted!" Turns out the ORIGINAL owner committed suicide, in the attic; NOW I gotta go back and research the place. GLAD to get mom, outta there; told assisted living facility "boss", NEVER to let my mom go back there, over-night again... & to tell my older brother NOT to let her do so. She was living alone in OHP, since 2004... after my dad died. She NEVER told either of us (brothers), about any "hauntings"; she DID "faint" ( I think she was "pushed") many times, heard animals under the house (knocking/rapping), and someone walking around "upstairs" (3 "stories"; she was sleeping on the sofa, 1st floor). She is happier at the ALF. I stayed over-night at the OHP, and was suprised
at how ACTIVE it was... wrote about THAT experience, ELSEWHERE on this "sub-board". EVERYONE,
please research ALL old houses; they may just have PERSONALITIES! >:(


Jr. Member
Jan 5, 2009
Rebel - KGC said:
;D If she is following you around; COULD be "family ancestor"... DUNNO. :dontknow:

never really thought of that.... we have always had "unexplainable happenings" in both our first place and this one.. things like cupboard doors opening then slamming turning themselves on with the power switch remaining in the off position and nobody around them...once even had my trash bag from upstairs come falling down the stairs which was wierd cuz it was hanging on the door knob not anywhere near the stairs..( that pissed me off lol).

Rebel - KGC

Gold Member
Jun 15, 2007
;D From my NDE (Near Death Experience), I learned "we" can be whatever "age", we wanna be; MOST choose about 33 (seen as "PRIME" in life; young, yet "WISE"...). Apparently, as a "child" being a mischievous "ghost" to get attention; GERMAN folk-lore call "them" annoying little buggers, even has a "name" for 'em. Harmless, but VERY annoying; YOUR fear would strengthen her. Would I go back? NOPE! She MAY not follow you to where you are now; something about TOO much electricity
can "interfere" with the electro-magnetic plasma "being" she is. ANYWAY, stay where you are; sell yer OLD house, with a "buyer BEWARE clause". HA! "Google" POLTERGEISTS :D :wink: :coffee2: :read2:


Jr. Member
Jan 5, 2009
I notice things ( its hard not to when they happen due to them happening mainly when everyone is around kinda like shes saying.. HEY!! pay attention to me.) but all in all i just shrug it off with a shake of the head. not scared just annoyed....theres another I have only seen once and i think that was by accident.. I walked in my front door and saw an older woman hunched over with a hood covering her head. she was all grey. soon as she noticed me looking at her she just dissappeared off towards the garage door and that was that. my friend was with me but thinks im crazy lol w/e.


Full Member
Jan 3, 2010
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White's GMT
This turned out to be a mini-novel... sorry about that...

In 1985 I bought my first house... a 50's era ranch style in your typical cluster neighborhood. Based on the appraisal and the comparables, the seller was asking a very good price for it. He had bought the house about six months earlier from the estate of the original owner. I asked why he was selling it so fast, and he told me he had bught it cheap, did a few things (added central air, carpet, etc.) just to flip it for a little extra coin. Cool. I'll take it.

Shortly after we moved in, the wife and I were laid out on our respective couches one night watching TV. I nudged her and said "bedtime". She said "okay". I went into the bathroom and proceeded to brush my teeth so I'd have fresh breath for the inevitible hanky panky that would ensue. While I was standing there brushing my teeth, I caught her out of my peripheral vision passing by the doorway to the bathroom headed down the hall from the living room to the bedroom.

I could hear that the TV was still on, so I poked my head out into the hall just in time to see her disappear around the corner into the bedroom and mumbled through a mouthful of toothpaste, "You forgot to turn the TV off". She didn't respond, so I finished brushing my teeth and went out in the living room and hit the power switch on the front of the TV. From the darkness of her couch I heard her say in sort of annoyed tone, "Hey, I was still watching that". I switched on a lamp, and there the wife lay... still on her couch... still covered up with a blanket. Chills ran up and down my spine. I didn't say anything to her about the incident because I figured that she'd think I was losing my marbles... but I knew what I had seen.

Shortly after that, other strange events started occurring. First it was the toilet seat. If the lid had been left up, it would drop about ten minutes after we went to bed. I must have checked the lean on that toilet seat a dozen times, and there was no way it could fall by itself. So we started leaving the lid down. It still got dropped ten minutes after we went to bed every night. Even when the lid was already down.

Then doors started closing in the middle of the night. I'm not talking about just gently swinging shut due to a mishung hinge or whatnot... I'm talking about bump, bump bump, bump all through the house in rapid succession. Every door in the house would get closed once each night, whether it was closed to begin with or not.

By this point I'm starting to get a little weirded out. I was telling my next door neighbor... a little 80 year old widow about this, and she said "Yeah, Ed and I figured out that it must be Howard". Ed was the guy that I had bought the house from. I asked "Who the hell is Howard?" She said "Oh, he was the guy that owned the house before Ed. He died in his sleep from a heart attack about six months before you bought the place". Now I'm thinking to myself, "Great... this buttwipe Ed sold me a haunted house".

It didn't scare me, but it certainly gave me the willies. Howard never did anything threatening... just showed himself to your peripheral vision and made a lot of noise. After a while we got used to it and sort of settled in with the knowledge that we had a jokester, barely visible roommate who didn't pay rent.

One day about a year after moving in we decided to do some remodeling around the place, and the first to get done was the bathroom. We pulled the old sink out and put in a nice oak vanity, got rid of the shower curtain and put up sliding doors, new modern medicine cabinet, etc. Full reface. As an afterthought, the wife thought that an oak toilet seat would be a nice touch to go with the oak vanity, so of I go to Home Depot to get an oak toilet seat.

That night, the toilet didn't drop and never dropped again for the entire time I lived there. I couldn't sleep for a week after that because I kept laying there in anticipation of the toilet seat dropping, signalling that it was okay for me to go to sleep until the door closing session later in the night.

The remodeling progressed on the house, and it came time to paint two of the bedrooms. The doornobs and hinges were original and ugly, and I thought since we were putting new paint on everything, lets put new hardware on the doors. You guessed it. After replacing the hardware, the doors to those two rooms quit being closed at night. Even before I got around to painting the rest of the house, I went out and bought new hardware for every door in the house, and immediately the door closing ceased completely, and never happened again.

But Howard kept finding things to mess with. They were always old original stuff that was there when he lived there. Next was the kitchen cabinets and drawers. Sqeak, clunk, squeak, clunk, sqeak, clunk, in the middle of the night from each cabinet and drawer being opened once and closed. I replaced the hinges and pulls on the cabinets and the sliders and pulls on the drawers when we remodelled the kitchen. That stopped the cabinets and drawers. Then it was lights turning on and off at random during the night. I replaced the light switches and that stopped. Then the screeching noise of the knobs of the handles on the old roll out window being spun. Replaced the windows with new vinyl windows and that stopped. On and on and on until everything in that house that was original had been replaced.

Finally about three years after we moved in, Howard was completely silenced. We still saw him out of our peripheral vision regularly, but he never made another noise again. I saw the guy that I bought the house from about a year after that and the first thing out of my mouth was an angry "You a**hole, you sold me a haunted house!" He turned red as a beet and started stammering. I started laughing and shared the stories of how I silenced Howard with him, and he said if had he known it would have been that simple he'd never have sold the house, but that the whole experience had freaked his wife out so bad that she refused to stay in the house for another night after the doors started closing. She had been staying at her mother's house for almost the entire time they owned that place while he got it ready to re-sell.

I lived in that house from 1985-1999, the whole time with a roommate named Howard. By then I was ready to get out of the Atlanta area, and property values had skyrocketed. I put it on the market as a FSBO for twice what I had paid for it, and had an offer within a week. I told the guy who was buying it that it was haunted, and he said "bulls**t". I said "No bulls**t, it really is". He just laughed and said "I don't believe in ghosts". I said "Whatever, but you will" and took his check to the bank. I called him up a few months later and asked if he'd seen Howard yet, and he said yes, and that he believed now... but that Howard didn't bother him, so everything was cool.


Silver Member
Sep 27, 2007
Sal Sagev Adaven
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ivan salis said:
it has been said often that dogs sense spirits --but I'm sure you know that.
YUP , My one dog can sense / see spirits .We have a teenage girl that hangs in our house . Many times my one dog has been aware of her at the same time I have seen her .


Full Member
Jan 2, 2010
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Deus,Makro CF77, Minelab Etrac, Teknetics T2SE, 2 excel II's, and a Tigershark
YES definately...

I have lived in 2 houses that were haunted and been in a few others. I hve only experience 1 that was real little girl that loved to pet and play with my dog, and one at a family members house that was real evil..I dont go in that portion of the house anymore...ever..



Jr. Member
Feb 3, 2010
This sounds like a dime novel too. I was adopted and the house I grew up in was next to a cemetary. The house was old and it was rumored that someone had been killed there back in the 1920's. The house had been moved closer to the cemetary due to highway expansion and a basement was dug. My dad poured the concrete and developed it into a billiard/bedroom. I fought for the room in the summers cause it was so darn hot upstairs. One night in my teen years I woke up in the middle of the night, eyes bugged out and breathing hard. I didn't hear anything at first but I knew something was up. In a moment I heard the shovel that we used to feed the coal hopper for the coal furnace being drug across the concrete floor. It went on for a few seconds as I dove under the covers and waited for something to grab me. I eventually fell asleep and checked it in the morning. Of course, shovel was on the hook where it belonged. I knew every sound in that basement and this was new. I even tried dragging the shovel myself to check the sound and I got a case of the chills and put the shovel back. Only happened the one time.


Hero Member
Jul 26, 2010
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Garrett GTP 1350 / Cobra Beach Magnet / Garrett Treasure Ace 300
I have had my fair share of experiences here in my house....I've seen a shadow person and my great grandma even saw a man walking through our living room during the night....Who would even want to just up and sell their house to prove something to someone? That's insane.....Sounds like a typical skeptic to me. :dontknow:


Bronze Member
Oct 14, 2007
Where the grass is blue
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Nov. '09 My wife and I bought a house that was owned by a retired school teacher, that passed away the year before. I completely remodled the
house before we moved in. A number of times while working on the house, I would get the feeling someone was watching me. A couple of times
while walking through the house, it was like I saw someone out of the corner of my eye, but when I would turn to look they would be gone. This went on for a couple of months after we moved in and then stop. I think she finally approved of the love that my wife and I have for each other and the house.

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