Anyone live with a Ghost???


Hero Member
Apr 12, 2010
ivan salis said:
it has been said often that dogs sense spirits --but I'm sure you know that.

I always tell my little daschund if she sees 'grandma' tell her hello for me.

Rebel - KGC

Gold Member
Jun 15, 2007
:D THAT is a GOOD one... "BARK, BARK!" (Singing like Elvis...) "You ain't nothing but a daschund... BARKING all da time!" :wink: Seriously, tho; my cats use to watch "something" move around the room; and when I had dogs, they would, too. ANYWAY, cats & dogs can "sense" beyond human ranges of "seeing", "hearing", "touching". NOT sure about tasting, nor scenting/smelling. ???

ivan salis

Gold Member
Feb 5, 2007
🏆 Honorable Mentions:
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delta 4000 / ace 250 - used BH and many others too
uh dogs are used to sniff out drugs and find dead bodies , they even detect low sugar levels in humans (medical companion dogs) and they can detect cancer in humans as well ( it gives off a order they can detect.) -- so its clear their noses are much much more senstive than a humans by many times over

their hearing range is also differant than ours as well they can hear things we can not *

so with them being able to both smell and hear things we can not --why would them being able to "see" things we can not be all that shocking?

i believe it to be within the realm of possibillty.

Lucky Eddie

Sr. Member
Feb 9, 2010

But the quintessential question then is:-

Do Dogs see Dog Ghosts?

Even better, do they see cat ghosts (and chase them) or do only dog ghosts chase cat ghosts?

These are the perplexing questions that keep me awake at night! :laughing7:



Hero Member
Apr 12, 2010
We used to have German Shepherds. Every time we'd say prayers at supper, they'd begin to bark and howl. We always said it was the Holy Spirit they were sensing.


Jr. Member
Jan 4, 2009
If you are looking for the existance of the Paranormal, such as "ghosts", you need to choose which type you are looking for. Residual Paranormal or Interactive Paranormal. Residual is much more common and is basically energy absorbed into the crystal structure found in building materials or soil. This is also called the "Stone Tape" theory in England. The information is replayed like a videtape when similar environmental factors as that when the initial event occurred. For example, a woman walking up a flight of stairs on the same date each year. this type of "ghost" has as much awareness of their surroundings as a character on television has awareness of you(none).

Interactive paranormal activity involves an awareness or at least some type of intelligence and is supposed to be able to answer questions or move items. Its a lot less common and who is to say if it is a ghost or demonic activity. I sure don't know.

Proving the existance of it all requires at least a slight leap of faith, every bit of paranormal proof can be faked and if you are not a personal observer, more likely than not, you will always have a somewhat minimal belief that it was faked. This is why it can't be proven, it would be like proving the existence of God, Science requires hard facts and repeatable reliable evidence, and ghosts don't like to perform.

Rebel - KGC

Gold Member
Jun 15, 2007
:D I will introduce ABBY (aka Abigail), 7 year(s) old girl ghost that lives in this 1938 UMC parsonage that my wife & I currently rent; I have seen her, heard her MANY times. She is a very happy child who sings in the morning sometimes; we (wife & I) have heard murmuring of adults... I have seen flashes of light, fleeting shadows, windows falling for NO reason, and heard doors slamming (but NOT seen). There are many "cold spots" NOT related to a "drafty old house", and my wife wants to move outta here, once lease is up (@ July, '11). I COULD stay, but won't; I want "peace & quiet"... AND! Don't give a rat's arse, what science NOR "religion" has to say about it. ;D


Hero Member
Jul 14, 2005
Napoleon MI 49201
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mY FIRST HOUSE WAS A 150 YEAR OLD BRICK,12 ROOM. all the time I lived there I had the same terrible dream, after I sold it and moved I never had this dream again.? The kids say that they have seen faces in windows from the outside, andSometimes things would move about, Job changed,and had to move, new owners never complained. one other time in the new house, I was having electric water heater trouble.former owner had up graded the electric panel before we moved in. Started looking for the trouble,and was stumped,headed into town to get a new element, about a mile down the road I recieved a physical hit to the back of the head, my farher said remember that 110 abd 110 do not add to 220, go look. so I did and sure enough it was wired with both wires on the same side of the common, moved one and all worked well. Dad had been gone for 6 years at the time, but the hit was real. havent had contact with im since. but sometimes I KNOW something about something that I should not know. Bob

Rebel - KGC

Gold Member
Jun 15, 2007
:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: ;D :coffee2: Coffee? YEP; MY dad (DOD 5/2004) has ALSO "guided me by voice", to do "handy-man work" for my mom at the old "home place", so I "can relate". Once, I saw his hand in a "vision" turning oil tank "on" outside to get heat into the house for her. Dad did EVERYTHING... not teaching mom nor my older brother & I "how to do" such stuff; EASIER to "JUST DO", than "teach". ANYWAY... just continue to ask for his assistance; Matt. 7:7 doesn't just apply to Jesus, you know... :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: Anyone? ;D :read2:

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