Knockout games

'Knockout game' leads to arrests and more police patrols
"In New York, where there have been seven incidents in the last month, police arrested four suspects Friday in Brooklyn, NBC News reports.

The NYPD told the station that a 24-year-old victim was walking in the Borough Park section of Brooklyn when he heard people talking about the game. The man was then hit in the head.
As the attackers ran away, police officers helped the man and fanned out across the area to find the suspects nearby, NBC reports. Their names were not released.
New York police Sgt. Brendan Ryan did not respond to a request for information about the arrests, but said in an email that extra officers have been assigned to the Crown Heights area of Brooklyn for the immediate short term.
The attacks in New York have racial overtones because the attackers are black and the victims have been Jewish."

"The attacks have raised concerns across the country. Recent attacks have occurred in New York, New Haven, Conn., Washington, D.C. and suburban Philadelphia. But the violent attacks go back several years. In 2011, St. Louis, Mo. had a rash of incidents, one of which led to the killing of a Vietnamese immigrant.

The trend may have hit the west coast with an attack Tuesday on a man in downtown San Diego, according to local news stations."

Figured I might as well post this,

[h=2]The major television media are ignoring the “knockout game," a vicious assault perpetrated by young African-American males against Jews and whites across the nation. In the assaults, unsuspecting pedestrians are punched violently in the head so that the black youths can prance around exhilarated about their successful “knockout.” Many concussions and even deaths have been attributed to this “game,” but networks such as ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC have studiously ignored the issue, according to TruthRevolt.[/h]

The black youths committing the assaults have even filmed videos of the incidents showing the violence and their subsequent celebrations, including some called "Polar Bear Hunting" and "Knock the Jew"; in one video one thug laughed, "White girl bleed a lot!"

Thomas Sowell wrote an article for the New York Post acknowledging that the assaults are "nothing new." He continued that the reason the issue has not gone viral previously is that the media have been describing them as "isolated attacks" and leaving out the race factor because of "political correctness" or fear of "inciting a race war":

Sometimes the attacks are reported, but only as isolated attacks by unspecified 'teens' or 'young people' against unspecified victims, without any reference to the racial makeup of the attackers or the victims — and with no mention of racial epithets by the young hoodlums exulting in their own 'achievement.'

To ascertain how reticent the major media outlets have been to cover the story, surveyed the responses of ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and MSNBC to the attacks on Jews since November 12. They all ignored the story in primetime, except for one two-minute segment on CNN's New Day which never mentioned the subject of race, only calling the perpetrators "kids", "juveniles", and "teens." "

America's anger epidemic: why?

America's anger epidemic: why? - New York News

Posted: Nov 21, 2013 10:26 PM EST Updated: Nov 22, 2013 10:53 AM EST
By DAN BOWENS, @danbowensfox5


Some are describing this as "America's anger epidemic." And there are a few reasons: uncertainty in the job market and the economy, working long hours -- on average about one month more now than they did in the 1970s and with less vacation.

So if it seems like Americans are angrier these days it's because we are.

What has you seeing red? Maybe it's the traffic or the ups and downs of the stock market. For one guy seen on a viral video, he threw a tantrum over a city street trombone player. I guess he didn't like the tune.

And of course, there are the celebrity meltdowns, like Alec Baldwin's epic fail last week when he blew up at Fox 5 reporter Linda Schmidt.

Singer Chris Brown was also just ordered to spend three months in rehab after reading he threw a rock through his own mother's car window.

Dr. Sudeepta Varma, a psychiatrist, said it is not all a coincidence. Americans really are angrier now than they've ever been before.

A recent study from the USA Today found 60 percent of Americans report feeling angry or irritable. That is up from 50 percent when a similar poll was taken in 2011.

60 Year Old Woman Blows Away Two Young Punks Playing the Knock Out game

Posted by: Steven Ahle
Posted date:*November 22, 2013

Beulah Montgomery, had just turned 60 the day before, when she was approached by 7 young punks playing Knock Out. One of them hit her and a second was attempting to hit her, so she reached for her gun. She fired 5 times and two of the young men fell down dead. One was hit in the stomach and one in the chest. The other five ran off after finding out their elderly victim was less than helpless. Montgomery had been mugged before and started carrying a gun for protection. The move paid off.

“All I could feel was pain and I said to myself I had made it to 60 and I wanted to at least see 61. Then I started praying and I asked the Lord to guide my hands.”

Beulah is a member of the neighborhood watch (uh oh, I can see an Al Sharpton moment coming on) and says that she always carries a gun now after being robbed once before:

”It’s a shame you can’t walk through your own neighborhood where you are supposed to feel safe without being assaulted and mistreated. I purchased the gun hoping I would never have to use it, but I’m glad to still be in the land of the living.”

Police have not yet charged Montgomery with anything, but she was detained and then released. Montgomery has no prior arrests.

In a related story out of Philadelphia, there were three knockout game attacks, including victims 61, and 80.

All three victims were white and the attackers were black.

Race may have played a part in the attacks.

For those who say your better off not being armed if attacked.........If she wasn't armed she could easily be dead right now.. Just a shame she only put 2 of the thugs down and not all.....

We will NOT go quitely into the night!

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The History of ?Knockout? | National Review Online

Unprovoked attacks by youth looking to do nothing except inflict pain have become an urban tradition.

By Alec Torres

As a 78-year-old woman walked down the street in Brooklyn, carrying her purse and bags, a young black male, about 20 years old, punched her in the head as hard as he could and ran away. The man said nothing and didn’t steal a single item.

This is one of the latest instances of “Knockout,” a “game” of evidently increasing popularity. Young people — sometimes female but usually male, predominantly black, in their teens to early 20s, in groups or alone — approach unsuspecting strangers and punch them in the head as hard as possible with the intention to knock them unconscious with a single blow. Sometimes the aggressors will rob the victim, but usually violence itself is the purpose of the attack. Some of the attackers have even recorded videos of their exploits.

At various times and places, the “game” has been called “Knockout,” “Knockout King,” “One-Hitter-Quitter,” “Pick ’Em Out and Knock ’Em Down,” “Knock ’Em and Drop ’Em,” and “Polar-Bear Hunting” (most likely in reference to whites). The attacks are unprovoked and often happen in broad daylight.

They can be deadly.

So far, six fatalities resulting from Knockout have been documented. The first was of an MIT student in 1992, according to an Associated Press report. Yngve Raustein of Norway was approached by a group of teens who asked him what language he was speaking. They then proceeded to sucker-punch him in the face and rob him and his friend. Raustein immediately fell to the ground. When he tried to get up, the assailants stabbed him in the heart. Cambridge police at the time said that these attacks might be perpetrated by just a few kids.

The game was around before 1992, according to a St. Louis man named Askia who spoke with reporters in 2011. He described a similar game, “One-Hitter Quitter” (a name still used today), from the ’80s, when he was growing up. “We’d be out in the club or something and pick a random person and drop him to see if we could knock him out,” Askia said.

Former players have said that they did it for fun. Others speculate that the game is an attempt to demonstrate manhood and earn respect from peers.

After the murder in 1992, further reports of Knockout didn’t emerge until 2011, with the death of 72-year-old Hoan Nguyen. Nguyen, an immigrant from Vietnam, was walking down the street with his wife in St. Louis when an 18-year-old African American charged the couple, striking Hoan Nguyen directly in the face. He died later that day in the hospital. Soon after the Nguyen homicide, John H. Tucker of the Riverfront Times in St. Louis interviewed local youth who confessed to playing Knockout. The kids said it was popular, and one mother revealed that her son had played it as early as two years before the Nguyen incident. Some players were white; most were black.

Such attacks continued in St. Louis throughout that year, with ten known attacks over a 15-month period up to December 2011, including nonfatal attacks on two men, 73 and 51 years old. Reports of attacks began popping up elsewhere, including Illinois, Nevada, and Washington, D.C.

More reports of the game arose over the next two years, including two more deaths in 2012 and another two in 2013. Delfino Mora in Chicago and Colton Gleason in St. Cloud, Minn., were both fatally punched in the face. Mora, who was scavenging for recyclables before being assaulted, was found three hours after the attack on July 10 of this year. Blood was seeping from his nose. He died the next day. Gleason died in the hospital on September 21 within hours after he was attacked. Neither knew his attackers or had provoked the attack.

Two more people — Michael Daniels of Syracuse, N.Y., and Raphael Santiago of Hoboken, N.J. — were killed in May and September of 2013, respectively, in games of Knockout.

Further reports of Knockout have surfaced in the past week, including an assault in San Diego, the first reported on the West Coast. Recently, the attacks have been most prominent in Brooklyn, where eight victims, primarily white Jews, have been randomly targeted by black teens in games of, as New York City police commissioner Ray Kelly called it, “Knockout” and “Polarbearing.”

In all, incidents of “Knockout” have been reported in Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Missouri, the District of Columbia, and now California. Most of the victims have been whites and Asians, and attackers tend to target Jews, immigrants, and the elderly in particular. Most of the attackers have been African American.

“This was purely a wanton incident,” said Rita, the daughter of the 78-year-old woman attacked in Brooklyn. “Someone wanted to inflict pain onto someone else, no other purpose.”

Listen to a black guy on how to defend yourself. He says whites can play their own game, "The Shootout Game". I'm in :)
I had a link here but, after viewing the entire video, I removed it. It wasn't fit for posting here due to language.

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From Friday's AP article:

"Authorities and psychologists say the concept has been around for decades - or longer - and it's played mostly by impulsive teenage boys looking to impress their friends...

"While some of those attacked have been white, and some suspected attackers black, experts said the incidents are more about preying on the seemingly helpless than race or religion.

"A recent media blitz about the game circulating on TV stations and online isn't helping, [victim Phoebe] Connolly and experts said..."

Of course, became this doesn't fit the meme some will dismiss it. Rather circular "logic."

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo

From Friday's AP article:

"Authorities and psychologists say the concept has been around for decades - or longer - and it's played mostly by impulsive teenage boys looking to impress their friends...

"While some of those attacked have been white, and some suspected attackers black, experts said the incidents are more about preying on the seemingly helpless than race or religion.

"A recent media blitz about the game circulating on TV stations and online isn't helping, [victim Phoebe] Connolly and experts said..."

Of course, became this doesn't fit the meme some will dismiss it. Rather circular "logic."

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo

Now I wonder what the liberal media would say.

"Some white", do some research and see what percentage is white, you will find vast majority attack are white.

Now if it was groups of whites attacking blacks what would liberal media and you be calling it?

We will NOT go quitely into the night!

Treasure Hunter:

"Do some research?" Does the FBI keep "Knock Out Game" statistics? Different from assault, purse snatching, street robbery? Just how does that work?

There are many reports - anecdotal (oops! "empirical") - not reliable figures.

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

Treasure Hunter:

"Do some research?" Does the FBI keep "Knock Out Game" statistics? Different from assault, purse snatching, street robbery? Just how does that work?

There are many reports - anecdotal (oops! "empirical") - not reliable figures.

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

Book, you do the research, use Google "knock out" see how many instances you find and who was involved... Don't try to tell me they only report certain cases either....

Liberals from bo down in moral uproar because man used firearm to defend against a thug attacker, but barely a peep on this from mainstream media.

The liberal media has already all but forgotten the murder of Delbert Belton.

We need to keep the memory of an American hero, Delbert Belton alive, he needs justice..

We will NOT go quitely into the night!

Treasure Hunter:

Just whom are "they?"

Collecting random "news" articles on the Internets could be a start on meaningful research. It's not going to yield accurate results. Too many variables. As for only certain cases being reported - why would this be different than any other crime?

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo

Treasure Hunter:

Just whom are "they?"

Collecting random "news" articles on the Internets could be a start on meaningful research. It's not going to yield accurate results. Too many variables. As for only certain cases being reported - why would this be different than any other crime?

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo

Figured your response would be something along that line......

It is a crime 3 times over, a crime against their victims, a crime the liberal media want report on it and again that liberals defend it.....It being the media....

We will NOT go quitely into the night!

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Ok OB, please collect some "random" news article indicating that whites are attacking blacks in this manner. Or whites attacking whites. Or whites attacking children, woman, older folk and the homeless in this way. Apparently the ENTIRE news-gathering media are only telling us about the blacks. And then they wonder why folks treat them like they do. If I'm walking the streets and a pitbull is coming towards me, it will be treated much different than a golden retriever. (OB....please don't post an article about a retriever biting someone, I know it CAN happen)

It wont wont happen Packer.It requires to much work,its much easier to live in denial.

But if you guys want to have a lynching down here - go for it!

Very appropriate considering just this week the Scottsboro Boys were finally Pardoned! Not that it does them any good!

By definition, a "lynching" is an act of extralegal mob violence perpetrated against a victim, for whatever reason. Neither death, nooses, nor negroid victims are integral to the definition. Essentially, gangs primarily composed of of African Americans are lynching innocents at levels disproportionately higher than those of other demographic groups. None of the liberally-influenced sociological analyses of the "plight" of the lower class minorities and their ancestors can justify such despicable behavior. The fact that concrete and comprehensive statistics detailing this specific type of crime are not available doesn't suggest that all groups of young folk should be viewed with equal suspicion. In this era where white versus minority crimes are regularly brought to national attention in order to further an insidious agenda aimed at undermining the American national identity, at least I can be relatively certain that were there cases which would provide a counterbalance, we would be well informed.

To be certain, it is not an issue of "race" so much as an issue of substandard sociocultural development in a minority group. They have suffered injustices outside their control and on that basis the academics may rationalize their antisocial behavior, but they can't justify it. Despite my years of indoctrination while attending an inherently liberal university, one's direct experience is far more powerful than all the claims of my anthropology teachers that all present human beings are identical. No genetic predispositions regarding intellect or other abilities. That was about as ludicrous as claiming that a Dachshund is identical to a St. Bernard. Sure, they are members of the same species, but are adapted to different environments. Likewise, these underprivileged youths are adapted to their own environments and thus operate in a manner that seems appropriate to them. They don't attack innocents because they are black, they attack because their social environment condones it. It is the formative environment which brings these gangs together, and that environment happens to be comprised largely of minorities. It is not the racial background of the individuals which arouses suspicion, but rather the mannerisms, dress, language and attitudes of these people which indicates that they are derived from an environment which predisposes them toward violence and infringements of basic human rights for their own material or emotional benefit.

Personally, I've been attacked 3 times (by blacks) but was quick to spot the danger and escaped before they could beat and rob me. One of those times I lost 40 bucks by throwing it in the face of my attacker, in an attempt to distract him so that I could get away. It was a close call, but I'm young and fast. Does it make me racist to view their similarly dressed ethnic brethren with suspicion, or would it be called prudence? Liberals might say it is racist, but using their own language, I'd propose that it is merely an artifact of environmental conditioning outside my control.

Now this is not to say that I am racist or bigoted; when I see a harmless person in need I try to help however I can. I have a soft spot for homeless people/alley scrappers and offer food, drink, money, and conversation if they'll take it. White, black, asian, hispanic or whatever, it makes no difference. I talk and listen and offer respect and whatever advice or insights into their problems I am able, and even helped get a minority heroin addict off the streets, into rehab, and back on the path toward living a good life (at considerable personal expense). It broke my heart to hear that I was the best friend he had; a brother essentially. I make no apologies for being a fallible human being and for being suspicious based upon personal experiences, but once it is established that the person in question abides by the Golden Rule, I treat them as inherent equals no matter their color or station in life.

Treasure Hunter:

Nobody said it wasn't a crime.

What is the definition? There are objective definitions for murder, manslaughter, rape vs. sexual assault, etc., etc.

It's obvious you and I have very different standards for "facts."

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo


You lost me with your first mis-statement of fact: "...gangs primarily composed of of African Americans..."

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo

Treasure Hunter:

Nobody said it wasn't a crime.

What is the definition? There are objective definitions for murder, manslaughter, rape vs. sexual assault, etc., etc.

It's obvious you and I have very different standards for "facts."

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo

Fact is it is a game of violence practiced primarily by blacks against white victims...

We will NOT go quitely into the night!


You lost me with your first mis-statement of fact: "...gangs primarily composed of of African Americans..."

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo

Quite respectfully, I would appreciate some clarification. Is it an issue of peer-reviewed statistical meta-analyses which might provide a demographic breakdown of the incidents being unavailable/nonexistent (and thus no concrete statements can be made with reliability), or do they indeed exist and unequivocally demonstrate that my perceptions are objectively incorrect?

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