My Dowsing Test



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Apr 1, 2004
Northern Nevada
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Yes it was one of Carls Tests. It was set for Carl and Carl invited me to attend. Bob Yokum rented a park and invited people from all over the US to attend. Carl states he did not come because he had no signed contract. This was not for the $25,000. Soon after the show started 3 skeptics kept interupting and getting in Bob's face. Some guy from So. Dakota put an end to the harrasment. When the double blind test was started Bob could locate nothing. I took a set of rods and could not get a signal near the unit or where the targets were. The only signal I found was very strong and was coming from a Forerunner with the three skeptics standing behind it. I had to report that the unit failed. The real facts are that I know the unit works. I own one of his products. Bob will not talk to me now. When I am near the computer I check the site and answer if need be. When it is cold and snowing I check it more.
There is an instrument called a Radiodynamometer. It is just a jar with a alum foil circle hanging by a thin straind of rubber. When objects are placed near the sealed jar the circle will turn a different amont of degrees according to what the object is. Carl and dissagree on what is turning the object but it is certain that it is some kind of energy coming from the objects.
I have a thread call want to try dowsing,19537.0.html
And one called my experiments,32092.0.html
These will tell you how and why I know Dowsing Works....Art


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aarthrj3811 said:
When the double blind test was started Bob could locate nothing.

Bob told me in an email that "All demonstrations we tried were perfect."

Art, is his statement true, or false?

- Carl


Henry Hartley

That sounds like something Carl would do. I heard that he took some prizes from a dowsing competition once and another time I think he admitted to hiding a gold coin in his pocket and then challenged Jim Thomas to a double blind test while he had the gold in his pocket. I think he got sued over that little incident.
Henry Hartley



aarthrj3811 said:
Yes it was one of Carls Tests. It was set for Carl and Carl invited me to attend. Bob Yokum rented a park and invited people from all over the US to attend. Carl states he did not come because he had no signed contract.


This was not for the $25,000.

So............ it was just for fun, and to demonstrate Bob Yokum's dowsing gadgets, and how they would operate in true d-b test?

When the double blind test was started Bob could locate nothing.

Perhaps Bob had never tried his gadgets in a true d-b test before. Those results do not surprise me.

I took a set of rods and could not get a signal near the unit or where the targets were. The only signal I found was very strong and was coming from a Forerunner with the three skeptics standing behind it.

So your conclusion is these skeptics were somehow jamming any and all dowsing in the area. I would strongly disagree with that conclusion. Art, you have an incredible dislike and distrust for anyone who you believe might be skeptical of the practice of dowsing. I purpose your dowsing rod pointed to the three skeptics and their vehicle totally because of your own mindset and your own ideomotor response to your mindset. According to what Carl just said, Bob was satisfied with the validity of the test procedure.

I had to report that the unit failed. The real facts are that I know the unit works. I own one of his products. Bob will not talk to me now.

Hmmmmm ??? Something doesn't seem quite right here. When you say you know his unit works, I suspect you've never really tried it in anything but your own brand of d-b testing.

There is an instrument called a Radiodynamometer. It is just a jar with a alum foil circle hanging by a thin straind of rubber. When objects are placed near the sealed jar the circle will turn a different amont of degrees according to what the object is. Carl and dissagree on what is turning the object but it is certain that it is some kind of energy coming from the objects.

I can imagine what the device is without seeing it, and I'm guessing what you are seeing is something of an electrostatic field or nature. Unless, all your dowsing is carried out within very short distances (a few inches), an electrostatic field is not the same as what dowsers call Signal Lines, which I guess I don't have to remind you are thought to travel many hundreds of yards, even miles. The idea of energy coming from all objects is common among most dowsers, but it is just an idea concocted to account for the ideomotor effect, and has never really been substantiated through any scientific tests. (And, no it is not substantiated with what goes on in an MRI unit, that is an entirely different mechanism.)


Nov 8, 2004
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Good morning art: you owe me a nights sleep. After I had posted last night I remembered that you had sent me that data some time ago. I had constructed it bit differently, I had suspended it with a vertically hung coil spring from an old microammeter to minimize any vertical torque reaction.

I went out to the shop and found it in a corner, dusted it off, then using a surplus red laser diode to project a beam of red light at an angle unto the smoothest part of the aluminum, I was able to project it's refection to the nearby wall which acted as a tremendous optical amplifier showing the slightest (+ or -) movement .

It worked nicely. I suppose that I could mount a calibrated scale on the wall for repeated experiments, but then I am not out to change the world, I haven't tried to do so in past interesting experiments so why now? They are simply for my own information, in fact I suppose that if I tried I would receive the same reaction that you have found in here.

Any way back to the allnight experiments. I tried putting my hand on the outside surface of the glass, there soon was a small movement, which I assumed was either a thermal or static reaction so I grounded myself with my anti static wrist strap which I use when working on electronics. and moved my hand far enough away so that there was no further visible movement .

Having established an effective zero base I commenced experimenting with myself as the source. Using the same technique as in trying to influence a compass needle - one in which I was only able to mentally move it once in spite of hundreds of tries - I placed my hand near the glass, but far enough away to eliminate any thermal reactions, and tried to mentally attract and repel it.

At first there was only the slightest wriggle, almost a tremor, but it was encouraging enough so that I continued experimenting all night. When one is immersed in these experimental thingies, time ceases hehehe.

Finally I was able to consciously to either attract or repel the aluminum, sheesh to say fascinating is putting it mildly. the possibilities are wonderful. I suggest that you dust your's off and experiment with dowsing factors, it could explain a lot, maybe even finally open the door to it's explanation.

Any way ART, thanks for a memorable night.

Tropical Tramp



Gold Member
Apr 1, 2004
Northern Nevada
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Dowsing Rods and a Ranger Tell Examiner
Bob told me in an email that "All demonstrations we tried were perfect."
Art, is his statement true, or false?

After the incident with the Skeptics I had to leave to go to a bussiness meeting. Like you I have been told that later Bob found all the objects. I have no reason to not believe these people...I reported the facts as to what I saw...

Realde...A very interesting device. I read about it in a report by a Dr Paul Doppler in the late 1930's....I reproduced his experiments and did a lot of different test. Some of my results were different from yours but I know it was how the disk is hung. When I got a rubber string that looked like a small spider web strand it worked the best. When I got my hands to close to it the disk would go crazy. Your right that this device can explain a lot to some of us.

SWR...My question about Dowsing underwater was not fair. Not a lot of divers have the experience of being 75 feet down in a river that has 25 feet of water. With 70 to 80 pounds of weigh you can walk around quite well. If you move around to much your suit heater will not keep you warm. The Dowsing rods will work underwater but the coin gets lost in the gravel.....Art

Nov 8, 2004
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
art I know that I can change the field around my body with simple devices. I know that thoughts of sadness will move the bodies aura in and happyness moves it out. I know these things will affect dowsing rods so I assume that they will affect other devices also....Art

Since science has established that we consist of nothing more than an intensly complicated interwoven fields of differnt enrgies, this is perfectly logical.

Tropical Tramp



aarthrj3811 said:
Bob told me in an email that "All demonstrations we tried were perfect."
Art, is his statement true, or false?

After the incident with the Skeptics I had to leave to go to a bussiness meeting. Like you I have been told that later Bob found all the objects. I have no reason to not believe these people...I reported the facts as to what I saw...


Still a little confused as to the outcome of the test. While you (Art) were present, Bob found nothing, and you discovered that condition was caused by nearby skeptics? (That was a question.)

Then, after you left, do I understand that Bob found ALL the hidden targets according to d-b test conditions? (That was also a question)

More importantly, did you (Art) observe how the d-b test protocol was carried out?




JudyH said:
Thank you Art and've given ME some food for thought.... ;)

And are much more likeable when you are not condescending.

I've learned from reading and prior experiences that taking part in these forums is not going to be like winning a popularity contest. That's a given, and I accept that as one of the ground rules. Sometimes a condescending tone is used to make a point, sort of like using a lot of bolded sentences. I have several different sides I could show you. You're not close to seeing the entire repertoire yet; and you may never be exposed to it. Generally, my approach to forum communications is customizable according to who I'm talking to and how they want to carry on the interchange. :D


Nov 8, 2004
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
art: =I know it was how the disk is hung. When I got a rubber string that looked like a small spider web strand it worked the best. When I got my hands to close to it the disk would go crazy.
HI art, try glueing a strand of spider web with instant glue for your suspension. simplier, and probably more sensative. It would present the light movment in a horizontal plane which is quite acceptable .

Tropical Tramp



Gold Member
Apr 1, 2004
Northern Nevada
Detector(s) used
Dowsing Rods and a Ranger Tell Examiner
Still a little confused as to the outcome of the test. While you (Art) were present, Bob found nothing, and you discovered that condition was caused by nearby skeptics? (That was a question.)
That is my opinion..Yes

Then, after you left, do I understand that Bob found ALL the hidden targets according to d-b test conditions? (That was also a question)
That is what I am told by my sources.I beleive these people.

More importantly, did you (Art) observe how the d-b test protocol was carried out?

I know how the first test was done...There were 3 people picked at random to place 10 different objects 100 feet from the unit and make a list of the locations. They then picked one of the objects from the list and entered freq into the unit. They would also do the judging.....Art



Gold Member
Apr 1, 2004
Northern Nevada
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Dowsing Rods and a Ranger Tell Examiner
Hey Realde....People don't seem to understand that the human energy field can be chanced by simple things. Most of my experiments involve a set of Dowsing rods. A bar magnet can be placed in a pocket and chance the polarity of your hands. A simple house hold dimmer switch with a magnet attached when placed on your belt will chance the entire polarity of your body. Thoughts can move the energy feild in and out. And the most important fact is.....Each and every body reacts different to each one of these tests....Art


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aarthrj3811 said:
After the incident with the Skeptics I had to leave to go to a bussiness meeting. Like you I have been told that later Bob found all the objects. I have no reason to not believe these people...I reported the facts as to what I saw...

So... based on what you saw, would you agree that "all demonstrations ... were perfect?"

aarthrj3811 said:
Then, after you left, do I understand that Bob found ALL the hidden targets according to d-b test conditions? (That was also a question)
That is what I am told by my sources.I beleive these people.

I have been told by an independent observer, who happens to be a dowsing proponent, that Bob failed miserably.

- Carl



Carl-NC said:
aarthrj3811 said:
After the incident with the Skeptics I had to leave to go to a bussiness meeting. Like you I have been told that later Bob found all the objects. I have no reason to not believe these people...I reported the facts as to what I saw...

So... based on what you saw, would you agree that "all demonstrations ... were perfect?"

aarthrj3811 said:
Then, after you left, do I understand that Bob found ALL the hidden targets according to d-b test conditions? (That was also a question)
That is what I am told by my sources.I beleive these people.

I have been told by an independent observer, who happens to be a dowsing proponent, that Bob failed miserably.

- Carl

Errrrr.... aaaaa..... seems we have at least two different renditions of the same event.

[rolleyes]Look bewildered[/rolleyes]


Nov 8, 2004
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
=Jean310 . I have several different sides I could show you. You're not close to seeing the entire repertoire yet; and you may never be exposed to it. Generally, my approach to forum communications is customizable according to who I'm talking to and how they want to carry on the interchange. :D Jean
Isn't that true of all of us? But don't go to far jean, it can lead to Schizophrenia

"I have yet to find some one that can't teach me something, hence I am not superior simply because of a higher formal education"

Still my motto. I neither look up or down at a person based upon their formal education, but rather on ther relationship with me and others..

p.s. I agree with La Judy, however a condescending attitude always guarantees a defensive negative reception.

Tropical Tramp


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Mar 19, 2003
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aarthrj3811 said:
There is an instrument called a Radiodynamometer.... Carl and dissagree on what is turning the object but it is certain that it is some kind of energy coming from the objects.

No, "all of science" and you disagree on what is turning the object. You can take your device (again, it's called a versorium, predating Dobbler by over 300 years) to any physics department, in any university, and ask any professor, "What is causing the disk to move?" How many of 'em will say, "some unknown energy we don't yet understand," and how many of 'em will say, "electric field?"

- Carl



Gold Member
Apr 1, 2004
Northern Nevada
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Dowsing Rods and a Ranger Tell Examiner
No, "all of science" and you disagree on what is turning the object. You can take your device (again, it's called a versorium, predating Dobbler by over 300 years) to any physics department, in any university, and ask any professor, "What is causing the disk to move?" How many of 'em will say, "some unknown energy we don't yet understand," and how many of 'em will say, "electric field?"

Gee Carl....You are always say object do not emit anything. Now you say it is an electric field. The last time I checked my rods would find electric lines, telephone lines and cable TV lines which all have electric current.

I will believe my sources and Bob plus my knowledge of how the unit performs...Art



Carl-NC said:
aarthrj3811 said:
There is an instrument called a Radiodynamometer.... Carl and dissagree on what is turning the object but it is certain that it is some kind of energy coming from the objects.

No, "all of science" and you disagree on what is turning the object. You can take your device (again, it's called a versorium, predating Dobbler by over 300 years) to any physics department, in any university, and ask any professor, "What is causing the disk to move?" How many of 'em will say, "some unknown energy we don't yet understand," and how many of 'em will say, "electric field?"

- Carl

Electric field......... I think that's sort of what I indicated, and I haven't even seen the device.

Okay, I took about 2 minutes and went googling, and this is what I came up with:

Nope, sorry Art, these devices will not work to prove that all objects are emitting signal lines. These things work for a completely different reason.



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Jul 28, 2005
New Mexico
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aarthrj3811 said:
SWR...My question about Dowsing underwater was not fair. Not a lot of divers have the experience of being 75 feet down in a river that has 25 feet of water. With 70 to 80 pounds of weigh you can walk around quite well. If you move around to much your suit heater will not keep you warm. The Dowsing rods will work underwater but the coin gets lost in the gravel.....Art
You should post this apology in the same thread you asked the question, Art. I haven't seen SWR posting in this one lately.

Also, how do you dowse at 75 feet in a 25-foot deep river?

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