Post Your Crazy, Insane and Problem eBay Customers Here... Sellers Too!

I had another seller complain and threaten me yesterday because I was selling an identical item that they sold (and are going to sell again) and I used information off their old listing. Claimed I copied his text. Only thing is, I didn't exactly, I re-worded it so it wasn't exact. Nothing verbatim and I told them so. Here is the message I received...

Ebay has a policy violation for copying other seller's listing information without permission. You copied and pasted verbatim the title and the bulk of the description of my recent listing: 18284xxxxxx Although it may have come up in your search or eBay suggestions, I have a NO PERMISSION on allowing other sellers to USE MY information for their gain. Even if they are in the eBay catalog it is a violation to copy my original text. Basically, you have no knowledge of the item and found it easier to plagiarize my original wording. I will report both of your listings to eBay within 24 hours. I plan to list another of mine, where I'll explain to the open salt collectors that my information has been stolen.

My response was ...

There is nothing "verbatim" in my listing. Though similar, the wording is not verbatim. I know, I typed it. I guess you have nothing better to do than harass your present competition. Have a good day. Get a life.

They replied back once more with this but I didn't repond back. They have no claim...

I saved it for proof. I have a business that is exclusively open salts and I can recognize my own thinking. I'm not at all worried about competition. There's room on eBay for everyone. I have lots of friends who sell open salts on eBay and I buy from them, they buy from me. The changes you just made still leave my original description intact; you just moved the words around, but, I'll forward all this to eBay for a decision. It's the principle of the matter, and my life is none of your business!


With not verbatim but reworded text, still the best you can do is split sales with him or compete strictly on price. Why not create better text from scratch and just beat him in the market?

With not verbatim but reworded text, still the best you can do is split sales with him or compete strictly on price. Why not create better text from scratch and just beat him in the market?
For me, competing strictly on price is what it's all about. As long as my service end holds up well too. I can usually beat anyone in the market when it comes to the price of an identical item. Why? Because I pay pennies on the dollar for 99.5% of my items. So I will usually always undercut the next seller of an identical item.

Mine is priced lower, is in better condition, and includes a glass spoon also. There is no competition between the two here.
If you read the two listings, they are not the same. Besides the fact that it's a lousy less than $20 item that I could care less about. I happened to have 2 of them and noticed that one had sold recently, so I listed both of mine. Sold one of them already.
For the record... I already knew what they were and who made them. The text is basic information about the item. I did technically create my own listing. Just happens the information is the same as one would expect with an identical item.

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I sold a Tiffany bracelet about 10 days ago. The buyer and I went back and forth and I took a Best Offer. The bracelet was delivered 7 days ago. I get a return request the DAY AFTER Thanksgiving. Her reason was “It was a mistake”. And her note was “Hopefully I can return this”. eBay notes were that I didn’t have to honor this return. I detest the idea of someone renting my jewelry for a holiday event and then returning I suspect in this case. It was $130 sale and I had a new Tiffany pouch and bag. I’m still deciding whether to return or not. She knows my listing is for NO RETURNS.

I sold a Tiffany bracelet about 10 days ago. The buyer and I went back and forth and I took a Best Offer. The bracelet was delivered 7 days ago. I get a return request the DAY AFTER Thanksgiving. Her reason was “It was a mistake”. And her note was “Hopefully I can return this”. eBay notes were that I didn’t have to honor this return. I detest the idea of someone renting my jewelry for a holiday event and then returning I suspect in this case. It was $130 sale and I had a new Tiffany pouch and bag. I’m still deciding whether to return or not. She knows my listing is for NO RETURNS.

Unbelievable. What a piece of work. The good ole days...

Had one that sent a message about a knife that I had for sale. He said there were several available for less and mine were really nothing special. He never made a lowball offer but just wanted let me know my knife was not worth the asking price. I thanked him for his sage advice and told him to feel free to purchase one of the less expensive ones.....

how do you retract a bid on ebay?

The account I am using now is relatively new, and I have not had any problems at all *knock on wood*
The last account I had (closed the account when I absolved an LLC with the same name which I operated a thrift store under for a number of years) did see its fair share of issues. I had just over 10K feedback on that account and about 60 of those were negative. Some were for items damaged, some were just buyers who couldnt read or expected something entirely different than what was listed.

The one story however I will never forget, I sold something, don't even remember what it was, ut it went to a tiny town and the guy claimed he never received it. Well tracking showed it had been delivered that morning, so I called his post office to ask them if they could check on a package that was supposed to be delivered that day. No kidding the post man without me even telling him anything about it yet names the buyer. Says he was in this morning picked it up. I asked how he knew which one I was going to ask about, and he tells me they have a lot of problems with that buyers packages, and that if he is claiming that he did not receive it, to open a claim so they can prosecute for mail fraud. I looked at the time opened the case and it was about 20 minutes after the postman said he picked it up. It was something cheap, it always seems the issues were with $8-20 items, never the big sales. So I ate it, and the postman helped me file a claim over the phone. He was quite happy to do so. Not sure what ever happened to the guy, but I am guessing it was not good.

I have bought and sold a few items on EBay. I have only had one problem selling. I had a "Heathkit Electronic Keyer" that I used for years. I bought it at a swap meet years earlier - it was nice and clean - never opened it up - just plugged it into my little QRP Heathkit Transceiver and worked a bunch of states. Years later I sold it on EBay for the same amount I bought it for... A few days later I get a e-mail from the buyer saying he removed the case and it was filthy inside. Since I said it was in great condition - he felt misled. Dang - never thought about opening it up. The case looked brand new, no scratches, etc. and it worked so I listed it in great condition. I replied and said I would refund him $10 if he would rather keep it. He agreed, sent him $10, he gave me positive feedback and never sold another item on EBay. I still buy stuff I can't find but will no longer sell stuff - not worth the trouble.

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I sold a book to a guy in California - it never arrived , so he opened a case . I told him that I would give him a refund if it didn't arrive by the end of the week . I began searching through my piles of postal receipts looking for his zip code to no avail . I was about to give him a refund when I decided to go through the receipts again . I had sold an old photo to a guy in Connecticut , but I found a 2nd receipt to his zip and it was media mail . I Emailed him - he said yes he had the book - a signed copy of Herbs and Earth by Henry Beston . He said he was in Maine now , but his wife was in Connecticut with the book , they sold their house down there an she was coming to Maine the next day to their new house up here , and she would bring the book . It turns out their new house is just 7 miles from me , they live 3 houses down from my parents . I picked up the book and the guy in Ca now has it & he is very happy . Case Closed !

I sold a book to a guy in California - it never arrived , so he opened a case . I told him that I would give him a refund if it didn't arrive by the end of the week . I began searching through my piles of postal receipts looking for his zip code to no avail . I was about to give him a refund when I decided to go through the receipts again . I had sold an old photo to a guy in Connecticut , but I found a 2nd receipt to his zip and it was media mail . I Emailed him - he said yes he had the book - a signed copy of Herbs and Earth by Henry Beston . He said he was in Maine now , but his wife was in Connecticut with the book , they sold their house down there an she was coming to Maine the next day to their new house up here , and she would bring the book . It turns out their new house is just 7 miles from me , they live 3 houses down from my parents . I picked up the book and the guy in Ca now has it & he is very happy . Case Closed !
Glad it all worked out. I've dome similar, switched labels on packages. Wasn't lucky enough to have the guy return the one though. Had to refund the other person.

Sold a lot of 4 train cars on April 8th. Buyer contacted me on the 13th and said 3 out of 4 cars were damaged. I told the buyer to open a return through eBay. They did & I supplied a return postage label through the eBay system. Since then I haven't heard anything from them, tracking for the package never showed up, and the return never arrived. Yesterday eBay escalated the case.....I explained they never returned the item......they closed the case in my favor......stated the buyer wouldn't get a refund & they would remove any negative feedback. This morning when I got up I had a message from PayPal saying the buyer opened a case to get a refund.

I sold a set of vintage Bose bookshelf speakers to a 'lady' in Omaha. She opened a case claiming that the items were misrepresented; that the speakers had some yellowing on the plastic cases, and that the packing tape smelled funny.
This was my first ever return and I wanted to keep my feedback perfect so, idiot that I am and being unfamiliar with the return policies and procedures, I refunded her money expecting her to return the speakers.
I now know that I should have sent her a return label and got my speakers back before issuing the refund but eBay closed the case and I have no recourse. She got a set of free Bose speakers and I got shafted out of $42.
There was nothing misrepresented about the speakers. I took lots of pics using various light sources that showed the very slight yellowing typical of older white colored electronics and plastic packing tape sometimes has a distinct chemical odor, get over it, bytch!
Poorer but wiser.

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