So Im going to buy a bazooka

Pretty paranoid Ed! If I found a honey hole 20 years ago, it would be empty by now!!

Here's a shot of my -50 cons from today's quick after- work dig. I used the shake and tap method to dance the gold out of the cons and then just set the pan down to snap a shot :) image-1429133018.jpg

Awe heck guys, that's just the -50mesh material. Just wait 'til you see the bigger stuff!!

Ok, here's the rest. Took longer than usual to clean because of all the little lead flakes (damn hunters!) image-2817991351.jpg This is all 20-50 mesh except the 3 flakes by the suction pipette, those are+20 and the top one I can easily pick up as it's quite 3-D. Love it! Especially here in metro Denver! Ba-ZOOK-a! Ba-ZOOK-a!

Nice haul there!

Hey sorry to De-Rail your thread, I just realized! Did you get your BGT yet?

P70, no worries about it. I have enjoyed everyone's stories and showing the results of their BGT. As for your question, no I have not ordered one yet. I still can not decide between the 36 or 48 prospector, and if I should go reg or heavy weight, I think I've decided on the larger grizzly though. If to much material gets in the trap I just put some wire mesh over the bars to classify it better. Any thoughts.

Ah, Crap!
Kevin, obviously has skills.
Hah, unless there is some sort of technicality!

What is your recommended recipe for a rather "small" crow?

as some things are rather intolerant of me.

Ah, Crap! Kevin, obviously has skills. Hah, unless there is some sort of technicality! What is your recommended recipe for a rather "small" crow? as some things are rather intolerant of me.
uh, thanks. No need to eat crow, just know that short sarcastic comments don't work well here.

...looking forward to congratulating you on your gold haul too Craig!

yesterday wasnt a bust but i did get the color ive come accustom to seeing... scoped out a new spot a little further up stream that im gonna try to get a couple of hours in today before this snow thats coming tonight.

i checked with arvada planning and development to make sure arvada city has right of way to ralston creek and 95% of it is owned by the city. stopped by code enforcement and the police to make sure there are no special rules/laws to prevent me from panning/sluicing and its a GO!

i checked with arvada planning and development to make sure arvada city has right of way to ralston creek and 95% of it is owned by the city. stopped by code enforcement and the police to make sure there are no special rules/laws to prevent me from panning/sluicing and its a GO!
yup! Good job checking your facts before you dig! Be sure to pack out all the glass and trash u find. Looking forward to seeing how it goes...

P70, no worries about it. I have enjoyed everyone's stories and showing the results of their BGT. As for your question, no I have not ordered one yet. I still can not decide between the 36 or 48 prospector, and if I should go reg or heavy weight, I think I've decided on the larger grizzly though. If to much material gets in the trap I just put some wire mesh over the bars to classify it better. Any thoughts.

If you go with the longer model it will require a little more water flow. What you have said about the grizzly is true I use mesh and it works great just have to clean it out every so often.

i think im finally gonna check out ralston creek today! i took a walk down the path a while back and found a bend that got some pretty big trees along the one edge. i believe these trees are at least 100 yrs old.

I found this spot along a creek that had big trees so I figured they where old trees. Worked it all day with only finding specks. Later I went back to that spot cored ths trees and the where only 60 yrs old went higher up on the old bench cored this smaller trees and they where 125 yrs old. I wish I would have thought of coring them first before I spent a day digging lol

well still not skunked with my BGT yet... not a lot of color but still color. i was just reading about that coring thing this morning. thats time i could be sluicing... im pretty sure this tree is pretty old.(not the spot i was at today) today i went more towards the heart of arvada. had a home owner come out and ask me not to tear down the damn in the middle of the stream... he said they are trying to oxygenate the water so it dont smell and i told him not to worry i would build the damn up even more... i told him i would fill in my holes and pulled half a trash bag of trash out of the creek... he thanked me and said 2guys last spring came and just sloped the the damn for and aluminum sluice he said. im really hoping that its just cold tomorrow and that the weather guys got the forecast wrong and it dont snow!

well still not skunked with my BGT yet... not a lot of color but still color. i was just reading about that coring thing this morning. thats time i could be sluicing... im pretty sure this tree is pretty old.(not the spot i was at today) today i went more towards the heart of arvada. had a home owner come out and ask me not to tear down the damn in the middle of the stream... he said they are trying to oxygenate the water so it dont smell and i told him not to worry i would build the damn up even more... i told him i would fill in my holes and pulled half a trash bag of trash out of the creek... he thanked me and said 2guys last spring came and just sloped the the damn for and aluminum sluice he said. im really hoping that its just cold tomorrow and that the weather guys got the forecast wrong and it dont snow!

those trees i was talkn about.


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Lol this :censored: is funny... Super thread robbery. AlaskaGold go with the 36" heavy weight big grizzlies, with good flow no need to mesh the grizzly unless a lot of flat rock is present, and the 36" is plenty big enough to pour buckets and shovel right into it

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Lol this :censored: is funny... Super thread robbery. AlaskaGold go with the 36" heavy weight big grizzlies, with good flow no need to mesh the grizzly unless a lot of flat rock is present, and the 36" is plenty big enough to pour buckets and shovel right into it

Anybody seen wallet, I think I got robbed! Just kidding. No wait really I can't find my watch!

Thanks hangtownd, I've come to the conclusion that's what I'm gonna get. I'll be making my purchase tonight! Now to see what it's gonna cost to ship the thing to Alaska.

I know this thread is older but I thought I would post an update to my quest to buy a BGT. I went online to make my purchase of a new prospector, added to my cart and saw the shipping was over a hundred bucks. Ouch! So I can't justify buying a sluice that cost me almost as much to ship as it does for the unit. And I wondered why I've never seen one in Alaska! Guess I'm out for a new Keene I can pick locally for 135 bucks. I will continue to watch you all run shovel after shovel with no classifying! Lucky sons of guns! Thanks for your input everyone!

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