Treasure Clue, can you help?


Bronze Member
Jan 22, 2005
Tampa, Florida
cegodsey said:
As far as the hunt, stick me with a fork, 'cause I'm done.? My wife won't let me do it any more (I have to be sneaky about getting on the computer just to do this).? Every time I get a chance to work on a puzzle, either my wife catches me, or my kid comes and gets me and drags me away.? So, I guess it's just not meant to be.

I can relate! My wife went so far as to hide my book! I had to promise to stay on the Metal detecting side of this site to even get online! ;) LOL!


May 4, 2005
Atlanta, Georgia
When i saw MS he said only he and his wife knew where the tokens were hidden. Since the east coast is pretty well covered that leaves the west coast. They really don't have to check on them because he put them in knotholes. He was asked by a small child what his favorite pictures were in the book. He replied that page 46 was his favorite followed by page 57 which he said he drew in an hour and a half (maybe while he was putting the token in?) I also find it curious that hardly anyone mentions page 19 which has to be someway connected with the clues. MS put too muchtime in the picture for it to be counted out. That has to be one of the ones that he spent a lot of time on. The leaves in the picture are oddly colored and don't really match the rest of the picture.
Just a thought



Hey All

Carol is on her way back from Arizona to St. Louis (driving). Unfortunately, tokenless. If you have any places enroute for her to check, please pm me and I'll call her or give you her number. I will let her post her experience when she gets home. She's having a good time and keeping a positive attitude, despite the disappointment and she's taking lots of pictures.




If I am repeating what someone else posted earlier than sorry!
I just found an illistration of that dragon thing's head on the upper~right~hand corner of pg. 68. It matches the one surrounding Ana on pg. 77, the head on 78 (upper left hand corner) , and the head~neck on pg. 83.

The farie on pg. 77 has pink wings. on her right wing, our left ;), i think that there is an ant on the larger portion...

The small stone looking dragon on pg. 78 that is shaped like an "S" is the same one that starts off the new paragraph in chapter 8.(pg. 45)
In that same box is an ant. Could that be the pair between chapters??

Hope that helps someone!


May 31, 2005
North East Ohio
Errrrgh, I hope MS will put page numbers on all pages in his next book. It's really hard to tell what page you're looking at once they fall out! ;) I guess i'll have to go thru with some post-it notes or something.



This is the park map for what I really believe is the drop-cap S map. No one else believes me, so I'm posting it for anybody that sees the obvious connection. Anybody in AZ, please go find the token. It is possible that the token may be hidden off of the main road, before you get to the entrance of the park. I only ask that you include me as a co-finder when you redeem it.

If the above link doesn't get you right to it, look around in that album. There are two pages. It's a black and white image of the bottom of the S and the Red Rock map.



Hey, Ern. I believed you and so did Carol. What are we, chopped liver ??? :'( :o

I want you to be right because you really deserve a token, especially after Anita and Dardanelle.

I hope someone finds the ant there and that you get credit and compensation. ;D

Hopalong at the Hop



does any one have any info on the bettle at all i am willling to trade info
tscout3 :) :) :) :)thank you all thank you all thank you all



I've been reading for a while but this is my first post. I've been thinking of a dreamcatcher.zac' dream-spider the gatekeeper-gem in the spiders web-good dreams,bad dreams-good fairies and bad fairies.
Just a thought before I go off to work.I owe I owe off to work i go.

hope this thought helps.conscript:void(0);



Oops! Carol and Peggy: Didn't mean to chop your livers... I've just had to deal with so many people that don't believe me that I forgot that there are people that do. Guess I was all caught up in the negative cloud that surrounds me. I guess it's not that they don't believe me, it's more of a "yeah, that could be the park, but I wouldn't go just on that info." After Iowa, it only takes me ONE really good match. There are a lot of people doing this, and it has come down to a "who's gonna get there first" situation.


Off the Radar

Cegodsey, nice you really think?? Makes sense and looks possible. Are you in a position to hunt? If not....



Thanks, Ernie. I can't wait for Carol to post her trip experiences. Whatever could go wrong did go wrong! And, a lot of things went right, too. She may win the prize for most miles driven without finding a token. She is probably still sleeping, God love her, Emma, and Lil' Boo.





OK, I got this off of the ATT site, and I think it may be of interest. I guess you could say I was lurking or spying... From what I have read about the spider, it appears that the knots tell you what page to use for a map to the location. Now, if I had to think of a page that when taken as a whole gives a map, I'd have to say Salt Lick Sit Tea.

Don't know if that means anything to anyone, but I thought I'd post it.



Hola mis amigos.

My apologies for disappearing off the face of the planet! ;) I've just been incredibly busy with some personal things lately, and needed to dedicate all of my time to them. I'm hopefully going to have some more time to get back into the swing of things here soon.

Was the winner of the dragonfly a patron? Hope all is well with my old friends, and look forward to meeting some of the new folks! :)


Hero Member
Feb 21, 2005
St. Louis
I'm back and what a trip !!! ? I have to tell you i'm glad i went . It was the best and almost worst experience i ever had . I had ?to drive through 4 states with a 4 year old , that i have to say was a good girl about the whole thing . ?I went to the park that ernie posted ?in the gallery . It was a gorgeous park and if you are close to it to look please do for Ernie's sake . I have to tell you though that i looked in every tree that wasn't a cactus and came up empty . I searched all the trails and even went back for ?Ernie to look again . My sis and daughter looked on the road to the park and all the roads up to the trail area . If i hadn't went back to look i probably would've missed the BIG rain storm in ?OK. on ?Sunday. We were stuck on the highway , near the exit in altus ok. where the firefly token was found . ?We were stuck on the highway for almost 4 hours because the storm knocked down a transformer and power lines were across the highway and a fire had started while the crews were trying to remove the lines . After we finally got detoured we were on our way . My daughter doesn't do well on long trips and was also car sick a few times along the way . As peggy said if i could've went wrong it did , but ?i am glad to have gone the distance . I would've probably never saw the states i did if i didn't go .

I want to say a BIG thanks to peggy who was there with me along the way .

Thanks Ernie for the experience . I had the best time . I wish i could've got the token . I did believe you . I hope you know that .

Omni , thanks for the words of incouragement along the way . I wanted so bad to bring one home the team on treasurenet .

Scuba , thanks for calling me and helping us out . It was nice to hear from you . I know your thoughts , but am glad you were there to check on us and wish us luck and thankls for talking with my daughter . She was so happy to have talked to the frog man . She just wished you were balded .

Peggy again i couldn't have made it all the way without you there . It was a long trip and i'm glad to have had a great frien along the way .

Tracie , ?I only wish i could've found it . I was so hoping i would . Glad to have your encouragement on my hunt . Don't let my experience be the norm for the hunt . ?We can still do it .

To all , ?I'm glad to have done it and i know those who ?have hunted already know what i mean . Even if no token was found a treasure was . ?I hope to get some pics ?in the gallery soon . Most were on the highway ?so they may be blurred , but hope to post the best ones for you all to see. HH carol


Hero Member
Feb 21, 2005
St. Louis
Pancho , we were wondering where you had gone . Take care of the important stuff and hurry back , cause the tokens are going fast .


Hero Member
Feb 21, 2005
St. Louis
I have some pics posted in the gallery . I couldn't get them all for some reason , but hope you enjoy the ones i posted . Carol



hi, I'm new here and I've read the book like four times and still don't totally get it, but i have gotten all the hidden phrases as of i know, but i was wondering how to put these clues together. i was also wondering if anyone know if there are tokens around Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Minnesota, and Iowa, because i could check it out for anyone. just wondering tho. thnx BATOTW ???

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