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🥇 BANNER Copper Culture Sawtooth Spear Point.

Copper Culture Sawtooth Spear Point.
Found this 15 minutes ago in central Wisconsin. Still shaking in my boots. Is this the real deal? I did hit it with my shovel chasing a quarter signal.. How do I prevent it from flaking apart? For now it's in a zipper bag till I get home later today. I hope this is real. Always wanted to find a Copper spear.





🥇 BANNER Fugio & Nova Constellation

Fugio & Nova Constellation
I haven't posted in some time . I moved from Martha's Vineyard to the Berkshires. I purchased a property that dates to the 1700's much of it open field. I found an old well in the field and pulled a dozen or so coppers ( some I'll get to posting ). I've started to work some other areas and yesterday pulled these two. They were both at about 8 inches deep. The soil is super rich and not nice to these coins . The Nova is in better shape than the Fugio. The Fugio is completely reached out on one side but the rings are clearly legible. No silver from this field yet ? Will post more soon ...

🥇 BANNER Finally found one - 1785 Nova Constellatio!

Finally found one - 1785 Nova Constellatio!
This coin has eluded me for years, until yesterday. But then I only know of two others that have been found in SW PA. It's a 1785 Nova Constellatio. These coins were minted in Birmingham, England and shipped to the US right after the Revolutionary War. I included a picture from the coin book. Mine is the one in the lower left.
I also found a 1794 Liberty Cap US large cent. Unfortunately, it's a little beat up.

Nova Front 1.jpg

Nova Front.jpg

Nova Back.jpg

🥇 BANNER Gold Coin Day!

Gold Coin Day!
I decided to hunt a party spot on the lake today here in Southwest Georgia. The water level is low and a lot of the beach is now exposed. About the fourth target in , I pulled something I didn't think I'd ever dig. I've been metal detecting since 1977 and have found several gold rings but never a gold coin. That changed this morning! I hunted for the chain but, was unable to locate it.

🥇 BANNER About as close to the fur-trade holy grail as I am gonna get. The Cross of Lorainne.

About as close to the fur-trade holy grail as I am gonna get.   The Cross of Lorainne.
Now I have had a couple of decent years of detecting but nothing compared to THIS!

I found a decent fur trade site in the middle of the Michigan woods and was happy to have unearthed a couple pairs of scissors, musket ball, fire-steel, etc. The usual good stuff I love to find. I kept on until I got a decent deep high-tone and started whacking away (but being careful) and about passed out when I saw this thing sticking out from the roots.

This is a bucket-lister I never really thought I would ever see. A French silver...

🥇 BANNER Unexpected 1825-1835 Militia Waist Belt Plate! Rare Variety Too!!!

Unexpected 1825-1835 Militia Waist Belt Plate! Rare Variety Too!!!
Wouldn't have guessed in a million years I would be digging this up yesterday! Pretty standard yard hunt and my expectations were low. The house is relatively modern, but sits where an 1860's house once stood. I presume there had been lots of landscaping done during and after to construction, but it's not too far from the town center so I wanted to give it a try anyways. The first hour was the usual yard bits like aluminum, nondescript iron, and the occasional modern coin. I got to one spot that was filled with trashy overload signals and pulled out two zinc mason jar lids which...