cannon ball

  1. Cannonballs - Possibly related to Texas Revolution

    I purchased these on Facebook market about a month ago. Here is the seller’s description: 3 Cannon balls found under the road during road work in downtown San Antonio. Came out of old collection belonging to a contractor. These were found in the 60's during a construction project. So, think...
  2. Cannon Ball Identification Needed

    I need help authenticating what appears to be two cannon balls I found while gardening in Westchester County NY. Below is a description of what I found: Ball #1: 31 pounds 6.13 inches diameter 19.63 inches circumference Ball #2: 61.8 pounds 7.88 inches diameter 24.5 inches circumference They...
  3. ✅ SOLVED Cannonball Identification Help Please

    Hello, I bought a box of five of these "cannonballs" from an estate that had a number of civil war items. So, I'm hoping that they are indeed civil war cannonballs. They weight 3 pounds 10.9 ounces and measure 9-5/8 inches around the center. I'm attaching some pictures. Is there any more...
  4. Found..Small cannonball type. From Cambodia

    Hi everyone. We found this perfectly round ball, like a cannon ball. It is 2 1/2" diameter and 12.2 ounce. Curious if anyone would know what is, when it may have been used and any value? We were digging on a family members land near central Cambodia, north of Phnom Penh. Thank you! :)
  5. A great story and a chance to recover a wonderful civil war relic. Any thoughts?

    Hey guys and girls! My team(mom, dad, self lol) have been hitting our civil war bushwacker spot as often as we can. We've pulled lots of fired and dropped bullets, buttons and other relics. My dad took one of his bullets to work and was showing his crew. One guy struck up a conversation with him...
  6. Small round heavy bronze looking ball?

    Hi everybody! My sister gave me this... small, really heavy ball, that for years we have referred to as the cannon ball. She found it back in 2010 in the middle of nowhere Utah. I finally decided to do some research on it, and starting to think it is probably not a canon ball afterwards. Any...
  7. Cannonball fragment, need help with ID

    Yesterday I got to make a last ditch effort to hunt the place where I found the 2 pieces of 12 pound case shot last fall. The earth movers are on site scraping up all of the top soil to build a new apartment complex (very saddening). Anyway the construction crew couldn't give me written...
  8. Finally some good iron.

    It took me more than two years of digging, and at least a full year of searching hard for a particular Civil War camp, and I finally.... FINALLY found my first pieces of (12 pound) cannon ball that I get to add to my display. I had found a few chunks last winter while volunteering for an...
  9. Metal Ball

    I found this metal ball, maybe cast-iron, in my yard a couple years ago (I live in San Diego). It's exactly 1 pound and almost exactly 2 inches in diameter. Is it a cannon ball?
  10. Construction Crew Finds Cache of Buried Cannonballs

    Cannonballs found at old civil war arsenal in Pittsburgh - WTRF 7 News Sports Weather - Wheeling Steubenville
  11. Cannonball, shot put, or other?

    I found this guy the other day. Its extremely magnetic, I believe its pretty obviously cast iron. Diameter measures approximately 4.01 to 4.02 inches (my calipers have short noses). Weighs 8lbs 11.6oz. Found at goodwill and I'm a sucker for cast iron. It is quite well rounded and appears to have...
  12. Confederate Cannon ball fused.

    I found this bad boy yesterday hunting with some friends in GA on private land not far from a major battle. I didnt get a much of the dig on video because most of the huge iron was plow points and I honestly thought that this would be more of the same. It was super shallow in the edge of a creek.
  13. Revolutionary War half a cannon ball!

    Revolutionary War cannonball shell! I found this sticking out of the ground in the woods. It is a cannonball shell from the Revolutionary War. I had know idea what it was up until today while I was looking up cannon ball pictures on the internet. Also I think it is from the Revolutionary War...
  14. 4.5 cannon ball from war of 1812

    4.5' cannon ball from war of 1812 so i have two other pics but there to big apparently. but i can tell you within 3 inches of where i dug it up. over ten yrs ago in the niagara on the lake region in ontario. also the sight of the war of 1812. it is 4.5-5 inches in diameter. has a hole in it...