$1,000,000 for anyone who can dowse.

Henry, you must be new here.... When adults speak to each other, they try to repeat each other's statements correctly.

Carl said: "Since you are not a manufacturer, you have to bear the burden (& expense) of travel," which is exactly what he's said from the beginning of all this.

Henry said: "..."you must bear the burden..." This is an incomplete and incorrect quote.

As for everything else you spewed out, if Musstag has no problem with it, as would any reasonable person, then you should keep your trap shut until you're willing to accept the challenge yourself.

musstag said:
Carl, great, thats very fair and flexiable of you!! I thought of several things last nite. Its as if after 3 tries, my senses switched too as if I was HUNTING for paper Plates!!

So we don't use paper plates... we dig 10 shallow holes, say, 4-6 inches deep... for each attempt I bury the gold target in one of the holes. You will know where the holes are at, so all you have to do is scan each one to see which hole contains the gold.

I do believe that if 5 or 10 rings could be put in a 2 or 3 acres area, that was cleared of other targets beforhand, and once placed , not moved, I can find them within 3 hours or less.

There are 2 issues with this kind of test: how to maintain a secure area while the targets are being hidden, since you will know the location; and, how to hide the targets without leaving any trace.

Back to the old 10 bag or ten plates test, Maybe cover and area with some butcher paper or a un-rolled roll of paper towels, have some one hide 5 or so rings under there, AGAIN, not moving them around, and see if we can find all five before we phase out. Maybe the senses could realize that its not the paper we are looking for, if its in one long continous roll. This simulates true doswing conditions better that one target being moved every several minutes.

Could run a shallow trench for, say, 100 feet, then bury 5 targets randomly. You would have to get within a predetermined distance.

- Carl

In oder to dowse you HAVE to be convinced that you can do it. If you think it is a joke you could not find water in the Atlantic ocean. AND not everyone can DOWSE.
Peg Leg

I don't see the problem with the task. What's the catch.. Dowser.

dowser said:
I don't see the problem with the task. What's the catch.. Dowser.

Well, in the past few weeks the JREF has announced there will be changes to the challenge. Get your acts together, and apply NOW. Before too much longer, they will not be accepting challengers, but making the challenges themselves to high-profile individuals (such as Sylvia Browne.)

As to Peg Leg's comments, others here have stated the exact opposite, i.e., that ANYONE can dowse. And I don't care if some can and some can't -- I'm asking someone who can to demonstrate that fact in an indisputable manner, that's all! Is that so hard to do? After all, if someone CAN dowse, then they can do it repeatedly and under controlled conditions. What's so hard about that?

Whats hard about it is getting someone to step up to the plate. So far there have been 10,000 excuses NOT to do it, and 0 people stepping up.

Maybe you need some kind of catchy slogan?

"Dowsing.... its not just for breakfast anymore..."

"Price of ticket- $400"
"Cost of Custom made specialty Rods- $500"
"Watching dowsers face as he can't find his ass with both hands- PRICELESS!"

Jeffro said:
Whats hard about it is getting someone to step up to the plate. So far there have been 10,000 excuses NOT to do it, and 0 people stepping up.

EXACTLY! That's my very point -- if it can be done, why won't anyone actually stand up for themselves and show it being done? There were a few people here who were willing to be "on deck" but never actually went "up to bat!"

Jeffro said:
Whats hard about it is getting someone to step up to the plate. So far there have been 10,000 excuses NOT to do it, and 0 people stepping up.

Maybe you need some kind of catchy slogan?

"Dowsing.... its not just for breakfast anymore..."

"Price of ticket- $400"
"Cost of Custom made specialty Rods- $500"
"Watching dowsers face as he can't find his ass with both hands- PRICELESS!"

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! I just fell out of my chair. Good one!

Hey Guys!! I have found two ways to foil a dowser!! It is pretty interesting info. Very valuable actually. I have not found a way to counter act these two conditions easily enough to install them in Carls test.. So its not my dowsing that needs attention, the PROBLEM is to over come these 2 conditions that can be introducedduring a test that makes a dowser fail. There are anti-bugging devices that can DETECT 1 method of confusing a dowser, but it can't Stop it. And the irony of it, one is a device, the very thing that some of you don't believe in, that can be introduced NEAR, but not at, the test site that will make a dowser FAIL!! In other words several may be Located a Long way down the Range from the test site and a TRUE ( non electronic) dowser or any dowser will get too many signals!!
Also fellows, Carls and Randis test are not the same. Carl will let you use certain devices that may be Located a Long way down the Range. I don't think Randi will, Randi wants pure dowsers. Not "new age" dowsers.

Dell Winders said:
Before too much longer, they will not be accepting challengers, but making the challenges themselves to high-profile individuals (such as Sylvia Browne.)

Since Randi, and the Randi, org. has turned down everyone else for the past 20 years, it appears his interest has always been in attacking high profile individuals. There is no publicity, and no fame for Randi, (just shame) in challenging poor suckers with dreams of grandeur, hoping to be lucky enough to win against unbeatable odds.

Randi, is a magician, an illusionist, a master of deceptive arts and gimmicks. I am amazed how otherwise highly intelligent people are suckered into promoting Randi's, cheap publicity gimmick. But, I did see him perform slieght of hand one time with my Gold coins. He had us all fooled. He's good! Dell

Dell, just because you had a bad experience with him doesn't mean that he is all that bad.

Now, as to the "he has turned down all challengers," well, that just is not true. He welcomed any and all challengers, but they had to submit the challenge in a legally notarized format and had to agree to a testing format that was acceptable to both parties -- the challenger AND the JREF. And once the stage of working out a format was achieved, most challengers dropped the challenge -- just like you did. You never got to the point where you suggested a valid test that they agreed to and vice-versa -- you never agreed to a test that they suggested. The art of negotiation applies here, with both sides willing to reach a compromise. There were a few that agreed to a format for the "preliminary test" but once it got to the final challenge, not a single challenger ended up agreeing on a testing format.

You complain that Randi needs to get his facts straight -- well, that may be true, but it is also true that you are guilty of the same flaw. Get your facts straight before you make blanket statements like this.

musstag said:
Also fellows, Carls and Randis test are not the same. Carl will let you use certain devices that may be Located a Long way down the Range. I don't think Randi will, Randi wants pure dowsers. Not "new age" dowsers.

I have to address this: Randi is not looking for anyone -- yet. That may change as their challenge changes, but as it stands now he accepts any and all "out of the normal" challengers. If you say you can dowse using wire coat hangers, he will test that. If you say you can pendulum-dowse a map, he will test that. If you say you can dowse with an LRL, he will test that. If you say you are a "new age dowser," he will test THAT! He isn't testing dowsing, but any and all "paranormal" claims. For example, he is willing to test the claims that "Penta Water" makes about their product, which has absolutely nothing to do with dowsing.

If you say you can dowse with wire coat hangers, but instead bring an LRL to the test, THAT is something he won't allow, because it wasn't what was agreed to be tested. Like I said to Dell, please get your facts straight.

Dowsing Test. Okay, here is the problem, Stated in a simple way, (there are more ways to do the same thing).
If I put 2 transmitters operating at a certain MHz, 100 yards apart in a North South direction from each other, and Place a gold target directly on that line, and then try to dowse, I will get a postive dowsing response when I cross that North South line, anywhere on that 100 yard path.I find that it happens if I dowse with no 'new age' devices. But a Bug locator device can detect that this is happening, so If I doswe with one of the 'new age' devices, the bug detector pick up MY device signal.... So there is NO Way to determine the target location under that, and many more similar conditions.

Here's a wacky thought- instead of always coming up with excuses NOT to take a test, why doesn't someone come up with an excuse TO take a test? I've heard every excuse in the book, and more new ones being made up every day....(By the way, a good excuse TO take the test would be the cash....)

Much like a manic depressive, coming up with all kinds of excuses not to get off their asses and do something, anything....

At some point in time, I would really like to see the paranoia stop, and the testing begin. I am more than willing to wait the 12 years or so for the "solar flares" to fire up again, or for someone to figure out a way around the "(insert excuse here)". Hopefully the stars and planets will be in alignment on the day of the test, too. And if someone could just figure a way to get those geo-magnetic flux lines to cooperate, we'd be good to go!

I think my post several above this one shows that I have NOT been sitting back doing nothing!! I have done this while also carrying out a normal Life. And abit of successful Treasue hunting to boot!
I also Have learned something that I will not yet share because of its value to me in locating gold by dowsing. I also sense that some dowsers already know of it. So by trying things to take the test I have already gained!
I can pass a DB test with people that are not shills, present or knowing where the test is taking place. But I now know enough to cause someone elses test to Fail! If someone can pass Carls or Randis test, Let me give them a second dowsing test, They will fail my test!

Dowsing test CAN be Fouled, No other way to state it!

I also have a smile on my face, can you sense it, Because I know that dowsing does not work for so many of you. Knowing what I know about dowsing I would really be pissed it I could not do it or if the gift went away. And I sense that some of you Don't want others to think that It will work for them. Thats my 2 dollar gold piece on the subject.

Check some history. In the 1500's and beyound, Spanarids found gold all over the world, by dowsing. Was there so much gold laying around that their priest dowsers found it by random guessing? I know you've heard sunken ship treasure stories, all totaled amount to Many many Millions of dollors of gold. That was from the ships that sunk. Think of how many ships from the new world and mexico that made it back to spain that did not sink. Random guessing, I think not. If a Spanish priest dowser dug a dry hole, did they then abanden dowsing, NO. They dowsed and found it else where. Get what you can from this, try it, or quit it. I may not reply about any of this again. Be careful, don't waste TIME, its the thing LIFE is made of. I have learned a few things from this forum, but NowI have other things to do.

Ho-hum..... and so it goes.

I can assure you there is no jealosy here- keep on keepin' on! :)

musstag said:
Random guessing, I think not. If a Spanish priest dowser dug a dry hole, did they then abanden dowsing, NO. They dowsed and found it else where.
This is the stopping point for me. Just like a gambler who thinks he finally figured out how to win, this is more of a lack of accurate record-keeping than actual skills. He might have won $50K in the last two months, but lost $100K trying to get there. Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while, so how many dry holes are too many?

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