$1,000,000 for anyone who can dowse.

Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while, so how many dry holes are too many?

Sorry about all those dry holes. If you want to keep digging dry holes it's ok, if that's what you want to do. It would be a lot smarter to do some testing before you take to the field. Learn what the rods are telling you before yelling Ya-Hoo I'm a dowser.

Is it not funny that no one has qualified to take Randi's little test in all these years? It is open to 1000's of different so called Para-Normal activity. I do no agree that Dowsing is Para-Normal.

IT STATES ON RANDI'S WEB SITE THAT NO ONE HAS TAKEN RANDI'S CHALLENGE. How come I have saw people FAIL Randi's Challenge on NATIONAL TV? Are these just commercials to get people put money into his foundation?

Hey Musstag....For a new Rod user you are learning a lot.......Art

Ahh, Art and his mis-quotes are back. Good to see you, drag up a rock and let me explain it.
Musstag said that Spanish priests would dig a dry hole, and just go onto the next location without giving up, an admirable trait. I pointed out that without a lot of accurate record keeping, it's plain to see there were a lot more dry holes that the Spanish dowsers remembered. It's easy to forget that you just dug 40 dry holes in a row if you found a gold nugget in the 41st. I'll do this myself, and call a day with 50 pull tabs and one gold ring a "good day."
As for my own dry holes, I do keep records. On average, I will dig a hole that does not produce anything one out of twenty-five attempts. As for items of intrinsic value, I will dig one item of some kind of worth for every three holes dug. Granted, this might mean one cent and two pull-tabs, but those are the approximate stats.
So you see, Art, there is a great deal of difference between my dry holes and yours. I come by mine honestly, and admit they will happen for a number of different reasons. But on any given day, no matter what the conditions or who is standing around, I can produce these same results, whereas you cannot.

musstag said:
Also fellows, Carls and Randis test are not the same. Carl will let you use certain devices that may be Located a Long way down the Range. I don't think Randi will, Randi wants pure dowsers. Not "new age" dowsers.

No, Randi will allow LLAD devices. I've asked him. And, he currently has several on my LLADs, on loan, so he knows what they are.

Check some history. In the 1500's and beyound, Spanarids found gold all over the world, by dowsing.

Spaniards "found" gold, by dowsing the natives. The overwhelming choice of dowsing device, was the sword.

- Carl

Carl-NC said:
Check some history. In the 1500's and beyound, Spanarids found gold all over the world, by dowsing.

Spaniards "found" gold, by dowsing the natives. The overwhelming choice of dowsing device, was the sword.

- Carl
Good point, Carl. I forgot to mention that.

So you see, Art, there is a great deal of difference between my dry holes and yours. I come by mine honestly, and admit they will happen for a number of different reasons. But on any given day, no matter what the conditions or who is standing around, I can produce these same results, whereas you cannot.

Art, there is a great deal of difference between my dry holes and yours. I come by mine honestly, and admit they will happen for a number of different reasons.

Where do you get your information? How can you come by a dry hole in a dis-honest manner? I have never dug a dry hole except for a few that only contained hot rocks. I have never dug a pull-tab.

But on any given day, no matter what the conditions or who is standing around, I can produce these same results, whereas you cannot.

You must have me confused with someone else....Art

And yet proving it for a million bucks is no good.... I suppose you have so much treasure amassed that a cool million is immaterial? Won't even try? Oh, I forgot, without even trying you already know the test is rigged. Musta dowsed that out too?

aarthrj3811 said:
So you see, Art, there is a great deal of difference between my dry holes and yours. I come by mine honestly, and admit they will happen for a number of different reasons. But on any given day, no matter what the conditions or who is standing around, I can produce these same results, whereas you cannot.

Art, there is a great deal of difference between my dry holes and yours. I come by mine honestly, and admit they will happen for a number of different reasons.

Where do you get your information? How can you come by a dry hole in a dis-honest manner? I have never dug a dry hole except for a few that only contained hot rocks. I have never dug a pull-tab.
This is what I'm taking about. You wander around with two sticks and then say that you've only dug a few hot rocks, and that every other hole contained gold (or silver or whatever, no one really cares.) Simply a case of self-delusion and inaccurate record keeping.
By "coming by them honestly," I mean the difference between you and me. I'm willing to admit that I do not experience 100% success, 100% of the time. You can't, for whatever reason. More of that self-delusion, I suspect.
aarthrj3811 said:
But on any given day, no matter what the conditions or who is standing around, I can produce these same results, whereas you cannot.

You must have me confused with someone else....Art
I can go out and achieve the same results I posted above (plus or minus a small percentage) on any given day, no matter what the extenuating circumstances are. You, on the other hand, can only seem to pull this off when you're alone or with like-minded individuals, but not with someone who is a dowsing skeptic. Which part confuses you?

af1733....Your a great treasure hunter. Your answer is full of false facts so you can come back in your next post and sound like you know what you are talking about.. This is not a debate forum where truth has no value.

Jeffro... Have you ever read Randi's web site? NO-ONE has ever Qualified to take Randi's $ 1,000,000. There has to be 1000's of so called Para-normal applicants out there. I have saw at least three TV specials where people failed Randi's challenge. Are these a made for TV scam?
If it walks like a Duck, Lies on TV, It's a scam. I sure hope you have not given this SCAM FOUNDATION any of your money.

Musstag....Sorry I have been slow with answers as moving is a pain. We can give you information but in the end it is what you learn. You will find out what you can do and all it takes is a lot of practice. The skeptics tell us if Dowsing Worked there would be no treasures and we would all be rich. What a bunch of dreamers.

For those of you with open minds I recommend that you add a set of Dowsing Rods to your Treasure Huntng tool bag. There is information on this forum that will get you started...Art

aarthrj3811 said:
Jeffro... Have you ever read Randi's web site? NO-ONE has ever Qualified to take Randi's $ 1,000,000. There has to be 1000's of so called Para-normal applicants out there. I have saw at least three TV specials where people failed Randi's challenge. Are these a made for TV scam?
If it walks like a Duck, Lies on TV, It's a scam. I sure hope you have not given this SCAM FOUNDATION any of your money.

I don't know much about Randi's site, never been there. But I guess I don't know much about TV either. How is it that no one has ever qualified to take the test, but several have failed on TV taking it?

aarthrj3811 said:
af1733....Your a great treasure hunter. Your answer is full of false facts so you can come back in your next post and sound like you know what you are talking about.. This is not a debate forum where truth has no value.
False facts? Here's a challenge for you. Point them out, then elaborate on your choices. To clear this up for you, if you say I posted a false fact, repeat it and then state a reason why you believe this to be false. You like to throw around accusations, but then never have the stones to back them up.
aarthrj3811 said:
This is not a debate forum where truth has no value.
So....you're saying that.....ummm....what the heck are you trying to say here, Art?

SWR said:
Jeffro said:
I don't know much about Randi's site, never been there. But I guess I don't know much about TV either. How is it that no one has ever qualified to take the test, but several have failed on TV taking it?

I'd like to know how he can get away with calling James Randi's organization a "SCAM FOUNDATION" ???
Because it's easier to cast doubt than offer proof. BTW, don't expect him to respond to this. Art hates when someone points out his stone-throwing. ;D

aarthrj3811 said:
The skeptics tell us if Dowsing Worked there would be no treasures and we would all be rich. What a bunch of dreamers.
Hey, Art? Didn't you say that you only dug gold and hot rocks when you were dowsing? If I'm wrong, then please correct me, but....
aarthrj3811 said:
I have never dug a dry hole except for a few that only contained hot rocks. I have never dug a pull-tab.

Hey Jeffro....That's one of the problems. If you read Randi's web site it clearly states...No-one has ever Qualified to take the challenge. I don't know why there are people failing to pass the Challenge on TV. Some of these experts need to look into this challenge and just maybe study Randi's web site before they comment about Dowsers...Art

aarthrj3811 said:
Hey Jeffro....That's one of the problems. If you read Randi's web site it clearly states...No-one has ever Qualified to take the challenge. I don't know why there are people failing to pass the Challenge on TV. Some of these experts need to look into this challenge and just maybe study Randi's web site before they comment about Dowsers...Art

That wasn't the point- the point was If no one has even qualified to take the test, how could they possibly be on TV failing it? (If they never even qualified?)

Obviously SOMEONE has qualified, or there wouldn't have been a test on TV, now would there?

Hell, I'll go take a look at the site..... oughta be good for kicks.

aarthrj3811 said:
Jeffro... Have you ever read Randi's web site? NO-ONE has ever Qualified to take Randi's $ 1,000,000. There has to be 1000's of so called Para-normal applicants out there. I have saw at least three TV specials where people failed Randi's challenge. Are these a made for TV scam?

Art -- Have YOU ever read the JREF site? I mean really READ it and not just glanced at it! Randi's CHALLENGE (not test) is a two-step challenge. Once a testing protocol has been agreed upon, there is a preliminary testing phase. Of those who did agree to the protocol (a small percentage of those who applied) none have successfully passed the first test. That is, no one (NO one) has been able to do what they say they can do. And this is under a testing protocol which they themselves have agreed upon. (If I say I can get 75% correct on Zener cards, and don't do that in the first test, the challenge has been failed.)

If you actually read the site, you would have read numerous cases where the above scenario has played out. It's not that Randi hasn't accepted any challengers, he has. It's that no one has succeeded at demonstrating they can do what they think they can.

And before you go calling it a scam, remember this: he is an internationally known celebrity. He has to be very scrupulous as to this challenge. It is too easy to call him a fraud. It's another to prove it -- so he makes sure that (a) he is almost never involved in the preliminary testing and (b) there are independent observers, as well as observers from both sides of the challenge, to make sure that there is no possibility of fraud or cheating.

Before you make outrageous claims, especially ones of slander or libel, be sure of your facts.

I'm telling you, Trips, Art isn't interested in facts. He likes to point out anything he thinks backs up his arguments then refuse to discuss the issue again, choosing to feign disinterest in what he thinks is a dead subject. Art actually believes he has accomplished something by calling Randi a fraud, and he has, but only to make himself look foolish.

af1733 said:
I'm telling you, Trips, Art isn't interested in facts. He likes to point out anything he thinks backs up his arguments then refuse to discuss the issue again, choosing to feign disinterest in what he thinks is a dead subject. Art actually believes he has accomplished something by calling Randi a fraud, and he has, but only to make himself look foolish.

Might I add -- Art is lucky he is making such statements on a member-only board. Otherwise it would be considered slander without proof.

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