$1,000,000 for anyone who can dowse.

I wish you luck in your quest, but I've been fronting these exact thoughts since I first heard about Randi's and Carl's offers, and there is an excuse for every day of the week why the test won't work and how unfair it is, and there's been no movement as of yet from anyone. I invite you to look around for the proof Arthur spoke of, because I've been looking for months and all I've seen are questionable, badly-shot videos and lots of psycho-babble pertaining to everything except treasure locating. There was an interesting thread going on concerning the Ranger-Tell Examiner, but it was deleted several weeks ago. It was picked up and copied over at Treasure America if you're interested. Click on the www link on Dell's profile if you want to check it out.

I thought so. Dowsing is hogwash. If it weren't, these people would not be afraid of being tested by a properly conducted double-blind experiment.

If I am wrong, and any dowser in San Diego wants to prove me wrong, I will be glad to have it proven to me. But I won't believe anything less than a double-blind experiment. Let me know your conditions, I will ensure they are followed. We will then have a third party set up the experiment per your conditions, with neither you nor I anywhere where we can see what this third person does. That person will leave the test area, you and I will enter, and you will show me that you can do what you claim. BUT -- ALL of your conditions must be stated up front. If you must do it in a certain phase of the moon, or when there are no solar flares, or on certain ground, or whatever, you must state that BEFORE the test. I will not accept "well, I failed because of ..." as proof that you can do it, only that you can make up excuses. So, let's eliminate all possible causes of failure BEFORE the testing.

I am not putting up any money, I am not rich. But I am willing to have you prove me wrong, and if you do so I will publicly apologize (on this forum) and thereupon extoll the virtues of dowsing. Heck, I will even take your case to Randi myself and help you win the million dollars at that point. And I won't even ask for one cent of it -- you can keep it all.

Note: for openness and honesty, I suggest all communications be on this board so that all can see there is no deception involved on either side.

Any takers?

Captain Trips, I sympathise with you battling it out with 3811 and Dell whose only agenda is to make a fast buck out of the unwary. There won't be much dowsing for the next several years owing to adverse atmospheric conditions, until then all arguments as to whether dowsing is real or a fallacy is of no value. Every time I remind dowsers or would be dowsers that atmospheric conditions guide their dowsing ability, they tear strips off me and claim they can dowse any time. If so, why aren't they rushing forward to claim Randis big bucks?
I was having a ball dowsing about 3 years ago and was in the process of arranging to have a go at Randis challenge here in Australia when I noticed inconsistencies as to when I could dowse. I discovered that I cannot dowse any time that conditions are not favorable, and that they will not be favorable for several more years. I pulled out of the negotiations very smartly. Mental dowsing is only a theoretical subject at the moment, but when conditions are "right" it is very real, and until dowsers learn when dowsing is possible, they will allways make a fool of themselves pitting themselves against skeptics.

I sympathise with you battling it out with 3811 and Dell whose only agenda is to make a fast buck out of the unwary.

Where did you get your information about me 501....I give my information away for free. I sell nothing. I am not paid by anyone. I do not recomend any product even the ones I use. I tell people how to Dowse on the cheap. I tell people how it works for me and remind them that my methods may not work the same for them. You seem to think your the only one that can find what you are seeking. I don't care how you or anybody else uses Dowsing as long as it works for them. I'm the only one that my rods have to make happy...Art

aarthrj3811 said:

Okay, I checked out the thread where you said the tests were proven to have been flawed. Very interesting, even listing a source. And this was 26 years ago......and doesn't Randi allow for changes requested by those being tested, as Carl does? Just to be able to come to a consensus agreeable for all parties involved? If the folks in Italy agreed to this challenge, then they agreed that they could pass the test using their methods as it was set up. Hindsight is 20/20. The dowsers failed Randi's test because they didn't dowse very well at all.

Sorry 3811, I misread your agenda as you always appeared to back Dell, so I assumed you to be allied to him. I assume too much now and then.

I do consider Dell an internet friend. We have a lot in common and do differ on some stuff. He has his ways and I have mine.. I try to exchange information with everyone as that is how I learn about this subject and I hope someone in San Diego will work with Captain Trips so he can learn more about Dowsing.........Art

I guess I had better apologise to you too Dell while I am at it. I have been called a liar and g-d knows what else on this forum recently and have been getting a bit testy. Seriously Dell, my apology is genuine.

Jeffro said:
Heck, If I was anywhere near Randi, I'd take the test. No problem.


Read the site. You don't need to be near him. In fact, he will not be around during the test, if you don't want him there. Someone else will conduct it if you wish.

Also, if possible, they will come to you. The foundation has members world wide, and many will travel to you to conduct the tests.

Furthermore, if going to the test site is all that stops you, borrow the money to get there. You will be able to pay it back from the money you win!

"If I were near him" is just another excuse to not go through with it, one they have taken pains to make a non-issue. Don't let it stop you! But do read the web site and follow the submission guidelines carefully. Yes, they make it kind of difficult to enter, that's only because they want to take every step possible to make sure that both sides are being on the up-and-up, so no one can dispute the results in any way.

Jeffro said:
I don't believe in dowsing. I have heard some people can do it, but the stuff that folks talk about in the forum here is nonsense to me. Just a bunch of hooey and excuses and fighting.

I'd take the test just on the off chance that I'd beat the astronomical odds and win the mil.

Gotcha. And I agree. If it were to cost nothing to take the test, the payoff beats the odds.

I don't trust myself enough to take the test yet. 110% is hard to match. I was trying out dating pennies.

Take pennies, don't look at them, lay them face down and then dowse on them and use the sensor board for dating. I haven't tried again yet, but someone has to make sure that the pennies are at least 2 years old. I got a couple wrong because I see they were made in 2005, which then if made towards the end of the year will not react to years, but months. And then it's hard to prove what month a penny was made in when it only tells the year.

Anyway, dowser501 I'd like to see the supporting facts that I assume you have since you so confidently preach this solar flare theory all the time.

Oh, and I talked to another dowser...and I forget his name, but he wanted Randi to bury a jug of water in a 1 acre field and told him a year later he would come and locate it for him. And Randi wouldn't do it. What is this?

Sandsted said:
Oh, and I talked to another dowser...and I forget his name, but he wanted Randi to bury a jug of water in a 1 acre field and told him a year later he would come and locate it for him. And Randi wouldn't do it. What is this?

I can't presume to speak for Randi here, but would you dig holes in a field for a year if the final payoff would be a million dollars? If I were that dowser, and Randi actually accepted that challenge, I know the first thing I would do is to systematically destroy that field until I found the jug, cover my tracks as best I could (and if I found the jug in the first month it would have 11 months to repair itself, so no problem there) and then wait till the challenge date. Then I'd simply go through the motions and then point out the jug to him. Or the prize might be awarded before that date and not be available for that dowser after a year has passed.

Dell Winders said:
The Randi, tests are for those who claim super natural abilities. I don't have any super natural abilities. My Dowsing is a learned ability in which any intellegent, rational minded person, is inherhently capable of learning. Even Randi? Dell

Well, if you want to be specific, you are wrong. The prize is for ANYTHING of a "para-scientific" nature, that is, some phenomenon that can not be explained by science or trickery. Dowsing definitely falls into this category. And they state explicitly that ANY form of dowsing, if shown to work, would qualify.

So, you have just come up with another excuse to not try. One that does not hold water. What other excuses will you come up with?

captain, do you belive in this crap, or it is the joke of the day?
If its a joke, try again,

Sandsted, I am lost as to what weird system that dowser was attempting to use. It may have been the water container itself or the disturbed earth. We will never know.I have another post to be lodged in answer to your query on Solar power for dowsing. Any person who claims he can dowse at all times whenever he pleases has his credibility doubted as far as I am concerned . He would be too busy writing down what he has seen underground or digging to be on this forum. Its a big world down below.

Sandsted, I have spent thousands of hours dowsing over 24 years. As a practical business man I wouldnt have spent more than 5 minutes on those rods if they hadnt worked for me first time. I am continuing to finish off a book and investigating on my experiences which have been full time in the past 10 years. Actuall dowsing time looking down into concealed caves and Spanish caches wouldnt have amounted to no more than a few minutes a month as good dowsing periods come along only about 3 years out of 11, which is a Solar Cycle for solar flares, with the occasional unexpected solar flare which may or not be of value as it may be blasting the wrong way into space, instead of bathing the human body, hence powering up its radar type dowsing ability. Hence the lack of proof being readily available and the rest of the last 10 years has been spent investigating what I have seen dowsing underground and typing my experiences and discoveries and digging.
Did you know that the Jesuits hiding of treasures was Pacific wide? And over 2 centuries of tight control the deposits world wide could amount to caches in the millions. Australian Coastline where I live is riddled with them. I think a lot of the caches were from gold mining in Australia in the 17th to the 19th century. I now have much proof and it is all coming together nicely for me. We also have huge caches of silver which would be of American origin
Will post a few good educational photos of proof of Jesuit occupation in Port phillip bay Victoria Australia.

In the instance of buring the container of water. What he wanted Randi to do, was to bury the jar of water about a foot down, then, after a year there would be no sign of disturbance, then he would walk over the field or maybe do some map dowsing prior and just go to one area and mark the spot where the jar is.

He was never planing to dig up the ground with his feet and ofcourse if you were just diging holes in the ground until you found it Randi would not pay you. Its just a simply find one object about the size of a pickle jar in a 1 acre field.

I suppose they could have marked out several acres and repeated the test several times. But there was a flat refusal to his request, Randi stated that it had to be done his way, and then this dowser responded something like, "Yeah, always your way, the way not to pay."

And Dowser501 if you are to educate me with your theory of dowsing, I would advise you first enlighten me as to why your dowsing ability depends on solar flares in the first place.

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