1980s Treasure Hunter Phantom


Bronze Member
Jan 16, 2007
Detector(s) used
Garrett AT Pro Fisher F5
1980's Treasure Hunter Phantom

Back in the 1980's a guy living in Manvel,Texas homemade his own detectors. He had a money back guarantee. He had ads and also wrote some articles in the Treasure, Treasure Found, Treasure Lost magazines. He hunted for pirate treasure in Costa Rica and hunted shipwrecks in the Gulf of Mexico and Galveston Bay area also.

He later ( in the late 1980's-early 1990's) stated that his detectors were so sensitive they could tell the difference in the denomination of a 1, 5, 10 and 20 dollar bills. He also had ads in the above magazines stating this.
Does anyone else remember those ads????? If you have some of the magazine issues with this "dollar bill" ad in it, could you please scan the ad and post it???

This ad below is from a Feb. 1987 Treasure magazine, Jess Publishing.

Richard Ray Ad.jpg


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Re: 1980's Treasure Hunter Phantom

Yes I remember the ads I have been looking for one in good shape.

Re: 1980's Treasure Hunter Phantom

txglennr said:
Yes I remember the ads I have been looking for one in good shape.

Thanks, I hope you can find one and post it.
I had a bunch of different treasure magazines before 2001. That pesky storm, Allison , left almost 200 of them all waterlogged. :( :(

Re: 1980's Treasure Hunter Phantom

I'M Not looking for the ad but the detector its self.

Re: 1980's Treasure Hunter Phantom

txglennr said:
I'M Not looking for the ad but the detector its self.

This might help with some specs for it.
I'm still interested in the particular ad about the Phantom being able to detect paper bills. Hope someone can find the ad in an old magazine and post it here.

Specs for Treasure Hunter Inc. -Richard Rays, Manvel,Texas homemade detectors.
** Notice the spec sheet says "plus lifetime service". :wink:

phantom detectors.jpg

Re: 1980's Treasure Hunter Phantom

Doesn't weigh any more than a Fisher 1266. 8)

I've noticed that detector sales catalogs most of the time don't even list the weight anymore. I guess they don't think it's that important these days--but I still like to see how many pounds I have to swing on my arm for 8 hours a hunt before I buy.

Re: 1980's Treasure Hunter Phantom

Thanks for posting this!!!

The ads look familiar and I might of seen them in those mags back then.

It would be great if anyone on the forums actually used one for comment. :wink:


Re: 1980's Treasure Hunter Phantom

.........Comparable to the newer machines...... the Phantom 6F is probably heavy at least 4 pounds or more...................also look at the design of the detector and try to find a VIP Gold Mountain detector of the same era...................it is almost the same detector...........the only difference is that the 6F has several serious mods to it...............so Richard Ray did not exactly make all of these from scratch from his basement.......Also one of my dear deceased friends had one of these years ago .....so I am also speaking from a viewpoint of actually seeing and touching one.........Joe

Re: 1980's Treasure Hunter Phantom

I know the ads, I know the equipment, and I Know the man who built them. I have personally witnessed all the claims presented by Mr. Ray. Anyone claiming that his equipment was a "knock off" of something else is mistaken.

Re: 1980's Treasure Hunter Phantom

...I recently communicated with Richard Ray and the Treasure Phantom is Not a Knock Off of the Gold Mountain VIP...in fact he invented both detectors with the Phantom having a lot more sensitive controls........Joe

Re: 1980's Treasure Hunter Phantom

Just for kicks I would still buy one of the Phantoms just can't find one.

Re: 1980's Treasure Hunter Phantom

Just to clear the "air", I NEVER published an advertisement that stated my detector would find paper money nor did I claim it would determine the demonation of any bills. Those claims were made by other magazine writers and testers of metal detectors, not by me. I did accept "blind" test, a number of times and demonstrated that the Phantom detector WOULD read a STACK of $100 bills due to powered silver in the ink... I don't know if it would read other demonations, we never tested that fact.
When our place burned in 1992, I lost EVERYTHING, including much recovered treasure, I didn't even have one of my own detectors. Shortly before my wife passed away she bought me a Phantom detector, so I now have one... It still reads deeper and more accurate than some of the newer detectors, even after all these years... A fact that makes me very proud, in the twilight of my life...
Richard Byrd Ray

your homemade detectors

would like to hear from you as have been coin and beach combing since 1966... now retired and STUCK in a darn retirement community.. here in southern california... would like to be able to try my hand at building one of your detects ... have a great 2013 new years and will await your reply at [email protected]:hello2:

Just to clear the "air", I NEVER published an advertisement that stated my detector would find paper money nor did I claim it would determine the demonation of any bills. Those claims were made by other magazine writers and testers of metal detectors, not by me. I did accept "blind" test, a number of times and demonstrated that the Phantom detector WOULD read a STACK of $100 bills due to powered silver in the ink... I don't know if it would read other demonations, we never tested that fact.
When our place burned in 1992, I lost EVERYTHING, including much recovered treasure, I didn't even have one of my own detectors. Shortly before my wife passed away she bought me a Phantom detector, so I now have one... It still reads deeper and more accurate than some of the newer detectors, even after all these years... A fact that makes me very proud, in the twilight of my life...
Richard Byrd Ray

I bought one of the Treasure Hunter detectors from Richard Ray back in the 1980s. It was one of the best, if not the best, detectors I've ever used, and I've used a lot of them in my 45 years of treasure hunting. My Phantom was stolen in 1992 and I replaced it with a Garrett Scorpion Gold Stinger which I still use and which still beats all of the more expensive detectors that I compete against, just as the Treasure Hunter did years ago. My friends and I made a trip to Alvin, Texas in 1984 just before we headed off to California to hunt for gold and Richard was kind enough to give us a brief but effective lesson on speed gold-panning. I've returned to Gold Country many times since then and have spent anywhere from a month and a half to three months each time while panning and sluicing for gold. I've forgotten many things that have happened since 1984 but I've never forgotten what Richard taught me about gold panning and I've put those lessons to very good use over the years. Thank you, Richard.
~Texas Jay
Brownwood, Texas

Dual Circuit Phantom Metal Detector, The Treasurer Hunter

My parents had a "Dual Circuit Phantom Metal Detector, The Treasure Hunter", and used it only a very little. They also had a "Garrett Bloodhound" sensor with it. My brothers and I have inherited these, and are willing to part with them to someone who appreciates them. They appear in very good condition, as shown by the pictures, but the detector shows no sign of working. It takes four nine-volt batteries, apparently two sets of two batteries. The serial number is H128-884. Does anyone know more about this particular detector, and what the value of this detector and sensors might be? - Thanks, BobIMG_0301.JPGIMG_0298.JPGIMG_0300.JPGIMG_0304.JPGIMG_0306.JPG

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How much for the detector been looking for one.

sent you pm with number of someone that might be able to fix it.

Well guess he didn't want to sell. Thought he could get hundreds for a nonworking detector.

....This detector has become a Legend and of course most Legends are RARE.....if you do Not believe this just try to find one in good operating condition!!..Only seen 3 available in over 10 years of searching.....

Just like the legendary Eric Foster Goldscan 5. Each one custom made by the modern father of Pulse Induction Detectors. If you can find one, they go for as much or more than they did new.


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