$660 Million for States to Plug Orphaned Oil and Gas Wells through President’s Investing in America Agenda.

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Silver Member
May 10, 2017
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Whites, Fisher, Garrett, and Falcon.
Primary Interest:
This will make it harder to be a energy producer in the world.
This could expand into critical minerals as well.

I have to become a politician one day. Apparently it's not too hard, just find a place where there is nobody else running for office as the opposition, pay the registration fee, then boom - you won. Then in a low level office you can have an excuse to go to Washington D.C. and hobnob with higher level politicians. Eventually you can position yourself for a higher office using your previous "experience" of doing basically nothing as a genuine resume excuse for being elected to a more serious position. Once elected to a the House of Representatives in Congress you can then sell out your country's interests to foreign powers and get paid "speaking fees" and have plausible deniability (at least among your sheep- ahem, supporters). Then you can run for president and do it on an even grander scale.
This 'game plan' is also waking up a lot of people as well.
The 'game plan' is also starting to break down.

Thanks for pointing this out.

Biden-Harris Administration Invests $660 Million for States to Plug Orphaned Oil and Gas Wells through President’s Investing in America Agenda

Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding will address legacy pollution, spur economic growth nationwide


Sorry. Playing with AI..

The “truth” from AI (without being able to cite a single source) says the following about plugging orphan gas wells..

”Plugging orphan oil wells is crucial to resource recovery because some of these wells may contain valuable minerals, including critical minerals, which can be extracted and utilized in various industries, making it important to properly seal these wells to prevent environmental damage and ensure the safe extraction of these valuable resources.”

Sounds innocent enough.

Sorry. Playing with AI..

The “truth” from AI (without being able to cite a single source) says the following about plugging orphan gas wells..

”Plugging orphan oil wells is crucial to resource recovery because some of these wells may contain valuable minerals, including critical minerals, which can be extracted and utilized in various industries, making it important to properly seal these wells to prevent environmental damage and ensure the safe extraction of these valuable resources.”

Sounds innocent enough.
Sorry. Playing with AI..

The “truth” from AI (without being able to cite a single source) says the following about plugging orphan gas wells..

”Plugging orphan oil wells is crucial to resource recovery because some of these wells may contain valuable minerals, including critical minerals, which can be extracted and utilized in various industries, making it important to properly seal these wells to prevent environmental damage and ensure the safe extraction of these valuable resources.”

Sounds innocent enough.
But it also says this…

The widespread plugging of orphan gas wells can potentially lead to a net decrease in resource production, particularly in terms of natural gas. Orphan gas wells, if properly managed and operated, can contribute to overall resource production. However, when these wells are plugged, their production potential is lost, resulting in a decrease in overall resource output. It's important to balance the need for environmental protection and well closure with the ongoing demand for energy resources to ensure a sustainable and efficient approach to resource management.

I'm a numbers guy. There are 120,000 documented orphan wells eligible for federal closure funding but estimates of additional undocumented orphan wells range from many hundreds of thousands to several million in the U.S. alone. The average cost to plug an orphaned well is $75,000. Using the documented number of 120,000, if that number is multiplied by $75,000, the resulting figure is 9 Billion dollars to clean up the mess.

The OP's headline read: "Biden-Harris Administration Invests $660 Million for States to Plug Orphaned Oil and Gas Wells through President’s Investing in America Agenda." That's a nice political spin on the words. My way is saying the same thing is: The B-H Admin. is SPENDING $660 million dollars of taxpayer's money to clean up what oil companies should have been doing all along; a result from government lack of oversight and enforcement.

By the way, as part of the '2021 Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act', Congress passed the REGROW Act. This legislation allocated $4.7 billion to plug orphaned wells across the country and lays the groundwork for reducing the number of unplugged orphan wells going forward. (Note the 4.7B number versus the 9.0B. So the government is going to spend 4.7B of taxpayer's money that will plug just over 50% of the orphaned wells.)

My 'two cents': To save the greatest amount of taxpayer money in the future (regarding orphaned wells), each oil company should provide a $75k bond, for each new well--and perhaps additional bonds for wells that are nearly orphaned or being operated by nearly insolvent companies. In essence, put the financial responsibility on the oil companies who created the problem not the taxpayer.
Don in SoCal.

The responsibility of plugging the holes need to fall back on those who drilled it. And how can they justify spending more money when they are x-trillion dollars in debt.
There are some who are campaigning on the fact that the U.S.A. could be the biggest energy producer in the world yet the U.S.A. is importing most of it's energy right now not to mention the minerals needed for the push for all electric cars / trucks. This has a very large impact on the economy any way you want to look at it.

History has shown that just few mines could nearly offset the national debt at that time. This could happen again.

There are some who are campaigning on the fact that the U.S.A. could be the biggest energy producer in the world yet the U.S.A. is importing most of it's energy right now not to mention the minerals needed for the push for all electric cars / trucks. This has a very large impact on the economy any way you want to look at it.

History has shown that just few mines could nearly offset the national debt at that time. This could happen again.
I'm sure it could offset the dept, but who would profit, the companies who own the mineral rights and politicians. Also the problem with open pit mines is the same with the drill holes, nobody takes responsibility. Do you know what they consider reclaiming, they plant a few trees, but leave the craters and mounds of tailings.


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Go read the Acts of Congress since 1866 and the intent behind each act that address "Mining".
Everyone benefits even some of the wording of the Acts of Congress point this fact out. History has also proven this as well.

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The responsibility of plugging the holes need to fall back on those who drilled it. And how can they justify spending more money when they are x-trillion dollars in debt.
That is a key
I'm sure it could offset the dept, but who would profit, the companies who own the mineral rights and politicians. Also the problem with open pit mines is the same with the drill holes, nobody takes responsibility. Do you know what they consider reclaiming, they plant a few trees, but leave the craters and mounds of tailings.
if they had to fully reclaim open pit mines, it would not be profitable to mine in the first place. Thus you would not have a nice car or truck to drive. There is some collateral damage that comes with technology.

That is a key

if they had to fully reclaim open pit mines, it would not be profitable to mine in the first place. Thus you would not have a nice car or truck to drive. There is some collateral damage that comes with technology.
Some people will compare this "surface disturbance" to the hundred of thousands of acres of asphalt parking lots and other surface coverings made by man.

History clearly shows a direct correlation with "Mining" and the direct current standard of living / wealth of any given society.

The following is an example of the current push for ‘All Electric’ that can’t be maintained without the gas and oil production unless people don’t mind a sharp increase in costs all the way around along with growing brown / black outs.

New Construction in Oak Park Will Now Be All-Electric

Alison Lindburg | June 26, 2023

The source of energy for the building shall be all electric and the source of energy shall not be fossil fuels. Energy from fossil fuels may be provided by generators for emergency backup power.

All heating and air conditioning shall be provided by cold climate air source or ground source heat pumps.

A building shall contain an energy recovery ventilation system.

A building design shall include Manuals J and S calculations, or an equivalent design, by a licensed design professional.

All refrigerators, dishwashers and clothes washers shall be Energy Star certified.

Energy for any clothes dryer shall be provided by an electric heat pump.

A building shall contain at least one level 2 electric vehicle charging station at one parking location if a building contains a parking space/garage.

Directly piped exterior gas fire pits and gas cooking grills whose source of energy are fossil fuels are prohibited.

VP HARRIS: "When we invest in clean energy and electric vehicles and reduce population, more of our children can breath clean air and drink clean water."


The following is an example of the current push for ‘All Electric’ that can’t be maintained without the gas and oil production unless people don’t mind a sharp increase in costs all the way around along with growing brown / black outs.

New Construction in Oak Park Will Now Be All-Electric

Alison Lindburg | June 26, 2023

The source of energy for the building shall be all electric and the source of energy shall not be fossil fuels. Energy from fossil fuels may be provided by generators for emergency backup power.

All heating and air conditioning shall be provided by cold climate air source or ground source heat pumps.

A building shall contain an energy recovery ventilation system.

A building design shall include Manuals J and S calculations, or an equivalent design, by a licensed design professional.

All refrigerators, dishwashers and clothes washers shall be Energy Star certified.

Energy for any clothes dryer shall be provided by an electric heat pump.

A building shall contain at least one level 2 electric vehicle charging station at one parking location if a building contains a parking space/garage.

Directly piped exterior gas fire pits and gas cooking grills whose source of energy are fossil fuels are prohibited.
All Electric world..We will be living in canvas tents with sheet metal fire stoves while they tell us we are contributing to climate change and deforestation. Relying on gravity water and hacked up pieced together solar panels. Hmm. Kind of like Africa.

Sorry that was dark.

That is a key

if they had to fully reclaim open pit mines, it would not be profitable to mine in the first place. Thus you would not have a nice car or truck to drive. There is some collateral damage that comes with technology.
Its all good until it happens in your back yard. The beauty of the lord, destroyed by the greed of man.
Now it is all about lithium mines. Steel, copper and other metals are recycled. What happens to the spent Uranium, will be the same as the used lithium, so you will have a double edged sword, first the ugly holes in the earth, then the toxic waste.
Not only that you (we)the consumer(s) will pay more in the end. The cost of a nice ford or chevy truck in the 1970's was $3000 or less, have you shopped for a new F150 lately, $60k - $90k+, do you really need all that electronic stuff, an aluminum frame/body that will rust out sooner than steel, do you need an all electric Ravin or truck that cannot pull your RV across town, let alone get you across country in 3 or 4 days.
Once they get you by the short hairs, they keep adding on as to what you will be charged.

Clean energy is a joke. Mining minerals needed for solar is extremely destructive to the environment. Most of this takes place in 3rd world countries where the people are very poor & laws on environment destruction are non existent. Poor people working in these mines face extreme danger & poverty. This is clearly & handily overlooked by the media.
Wind turbines are a joke as well. Millions of birds die as a result of their use but it is covered up. Offshore windfarms are killing whales at an unprecedented rate. They have to spin 5+ years to break even on the fossil enegy it takes to build & set them up. Diesel machines are used to mine, manufacture, & deliver these "clean" power sources just so people can virtue signal how they are saving the environment. A load of BS. I'm not against alternatives for fossil fuels but what we are embracing now is a scam at the highest level.

Its all good until it happens in your back yard. The beauty of the lord, destroyed by the greed of man.
Now it is all about lithium mines. Steel, copper and other metals are recycled. What happens to the spent Uranium, will be the same as the used lithium, so you will have a double edged sword, first the ugly holes in the earth, then the toxic waste.
Not only that you (we)the consumer(s) will pay more in the end. The cost of a nice ford or chevy truck in the 1970's was $3000 or less, have you shopped for a new F150 lately, $60k - $90k+, do you really need all that electronic stuff, an aluminum frame/body that will rust out sooner than steel, do you need an all electric Ravin or truck that cannot pull your RV across town, let alone get you across country in 3 or 4 days.
Once they get you by the short hairs, they keep adding on as to what you will be charged.
It is what it is. A scar on the face of the earth. I’m glad to not be speaking German if you catch my drift.

I like my refrigerator and washer machine.
100% of it originated from a hole in the ground somewhere. I’d rather it came from the US rather than some third world country or one of our enemies.

Until we start mining asteroids, we will continue to see minerals mined from large scale pits. Nasty but it’s the price we pay.

Clean energy is a joke. Mining minerals needed for solar is extremely destructive to the environment. Most of this takes place in 3rd world countries where the people are very poor & laws on environment destruction are non existent. Poor people working in these mines face extreme danger & poverty. This is clearly & handily overlooked by the media.
Wind turbines are a joke as well. Millions of birds die as a result of their use but it is covered up. Offshore windfarms are killing whales at an unprecedented rate. They have to spin 5+ years to break even on the fossil enegy it takes to build & set them up. Diesel machines are used to mine, manufacture, & deliver these "clean" power sources just so people can virtue signal how they are saving the environment. A load of BS. I'm not against alternatives for fossil fuels but what we are embracing now is a scam at the highest level.
I think most of us agree that this push to electrify everything in the name of saving the planet is currently insanity driven by greed and the desire for control.

One positive thing that will come from this push for electrification…new battery technology and the development of lighter and stronger materials!

Large pits or small deep wells..we are going to have lots of them no matter what.

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