🥇 BANNER About as close to the fur-trade holy grail as I am gonna get. The Cross of Lorainne.


Full Member
Dec 27, 2016
Harbor Springs, MI
🥇 Banner finds
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Garrett AT PRO
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All Treasure Hunting
Now I have had a couple of decent years of detecting but nothing compared to THIS!

I found a decent fur trade site in the middle of the Michigan woods and was happy to have unearthed a couple pairs of scissors, musket ball, fire-steel, etc. The usual good stuff I love to find. I kept on until I got a decent deep high-tone and started whacking away (but being careful) and about passed out when I saw this thing sticking out from the roots.

This is a bucket-lister I never really thought I would ever see. A French silver 'Cross of Lorainne' stamped 'RC' (Robert Cruikshank / Montreal silversmith) which dates this to the late 1700s. I am not sure I can ever top it.

Crazy. Crazy. Crazy. Cheers fellow diggers!!


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Upvote 174
My gills turned green with pure envy.
Congratulations on the beautiful fur trade cross.
That certainly deserves a special place up on the banner.
Display it proudly.

Cheers to you "mglentz4125" !!! Whenever I see people here mention "The Fur Trade", what immediately comes to mind is the movie "The Revenant", an excellent movie with great cinematography that displays the hardships & ruggedness of the early fur traders. I'm sure the person that lost that cross lived a hard, adventurous & exciting life, and was heartbroken after the loss. You salvaged a great piece of history.
Huge CONGRATS !!! Great find !!!

1700s Silver Cross.png



  • 1700s Silver Cross.png
    1700s Silver Cross.png
    444.4 KB · Views: 190
When y'all say "fur trade item" is this just referring to that era of time? Slowly picking up the lingo
Actual fur-traders that would either get the furs or trade for them to ship back to Europe. In Northern Michigan this was basically ground-zero

Cheers to you "mglentz4125" !!! Whenever I see people here mention "The Fur Trade", what immediately comes to mind is the movie "The Revenant", an excellent movie with great cinematography that displays the hardships & ruggedness of the early fur traders. I'm sure the person that lost that cross lived a hard, adventurous & exciting life, and was heartbroken after the loss. You salvaged a great piece of history.
Huge CONGRATS !!! Great find !!!

View attachment 2050257

Holy smokes that auction link! I best not let my wife see what that other one went for or she will start shopping :)

View attachment 2050246Now I have had a couple of decent years of detecting but nothing compared to THIS!

I found a decent fur trade site in the middle of the Michigan woods and was happy to have unearthed a couple pairs of scissors, musket ball, fire-steel, etc. The usual good stuff I love to find. I kept on until I got a decent deep high-tone and started whacking away (but being careful) and about passed out when I saw this thing sticking out from the roots.

This is a bucket-lister I never really thought I would ever see. A French silver 'Cross of Lorainne' stamped 'RC' (Robert Cruikshank / Montreal silversmith) which dates this to the late 1700s. I am not sure I can ever top it.

Crazy. Crazy. Crazy. Cheers fellow diggers!!

View attachment 2050243View attachment 2050244View attachment 2050245
Outstanding find! Made me go on a research blitz to learn about the Lorraine Cross, the Fur Trade and Robert Cruikshank and his role in Montreal history. Definitely a rich historical piece!

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