From experience ... everyone wants their palm greased, especially folks who handle other peoples' money. The law makes it illegal to do that, and that really ticks off some bankers who miss "the good old days" when graft was simple.

So, now you have the taxman AND the banker against you because both are jealous that you got something they couldn't or didn't ...

Maybe 50 years ago this might have happened but even if it did it was rare.

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And in an effort to hinder/punish/catch/whatever the crooks, we will screw all the innocent people in every way conceivable because we can.
Thank You, Your.......uh, THE Goobermint.

And in an effort to hinder/punish/catch/whatever the crooks, we will screw all the innocent people in every way conceivable because we can.
Thank You, Your.......uh, THE Goobermint.

No one sets out to "screw" innocent people. Do you have a better method ? If all power and authority could be granted to camp-ferguson, then the *MOMENT* you (or any of us) puts in any safeguards to ensure ability-to-replay, is the *MOMENT* that there will necessarily be people having to "jump through hoops". If the safegaurds were "loose" (such that everyone would have zero problems complying), then trust me: That's the moment crooks (or crooked loan agents trying to make more loans) would find a "way around" it.

So while no one wants to "screw" anyone, there's going to be safeguard-hoops, to "keep the honest people honest". So the problem is not the "goobermint". The problem was the people who had found creative ways to make themselves look loan-worthy, yet weren't . Blame THEM, not the goobermint.

No one sets out to "screw" innocent people. Do you have a better method ? If all power and authority could be granted to camp-ferguson, then the *MOMENT* you (or any of us) puts in any safeguards to ensure ability-to-replay, is the *MOMENT* that there will necessarily be people having to "jump through hoops". If the safegaurds were "loose" (such that everyone would have zero problems complying), then trust me: That's the moment crooks (or crooked loan agents trying to make more loans) would find a "way around" it.

So while no one wants to "screw" anyone, there's going to be safeguard-hoops, to "keep the honest people honest". So the problem is not the "goobermint". The problem was the people who had found creative ways to make themselves look loan-worthy, yet weren't . Blame THEM, not the goobermint.

Tom, I will totally disagree with you on this one. So many laws to get revenue. In Michigan we have seat belt stings. Get caught without wearing one you get an 85.00 ticket. Supposedly for our safety? Helmets are not required for motorcycles here. Blight laws to get revenue. Ohh I can go on and on and on. How about civil forfeiture? States are getting away from it but it was a HUGE deal.

Our government is out of control to get revenue any way they can. Why did nobody in the banks get punished for the mortgage crisis? They have more money than us small folks.

I really feel some safeguards are put in place so the government can get money.

.... I really feel some safeguards are put in place so the government can get money.

"Some" or "all" ? In your particular case of this thread you started, I would say the safeguards (even though it became a headache for you) were an understandable outcome of the housing/mortgage fiasco.

I will never forget when my wife and I bought our first house PRIOR to the meltdown (back when anyone who could scribble an "x" for their signature, and had a pulse, could get a mortgage for an upscale house). I was shocked at how easy it was to get shepherded through the system. Even thinking to myself "gee, I could be making all of this up!".

Fast forward 9 years later, my wife and I upgraded to a nicer home in a gated community. But this was AFTER the housing/mortgage bruhaha. And THIS time, when we went to get the mortgage on the NEW house, it was just like you ran into: Many more hoops to jump through. Did I enjoy it ? No, of course not. But based on the excessively simple "honor system" ease of 9 yrs. earlier, I could see how many unqualified people did indeed get into houses they had no ability to be in. And it was plain to see how these hurdles came-to-be.

Thus no, this was not a govt. ploy to "get money".

and as for tickets for seatbelts: Again, not fun. But let's be brutally honest: If they didn't occasionally do that, you can bet your bippy that people would simply flaunt it and not wear belts. I'm old enough to remember when the laws first came into effect. (late 1970s?). And back then, everyone thought "yeah right", and just ignored the new law. Until rumors spread that there was actual enforcement. And they DO lessen the injuries of an accident. So again, not sure why you think that is an example of "the govt. just wants money".

Or how about "civil forfeitures". If someone's done a crime, then doesn't the criminals "think twice" about breaking the law in the future, if their vehicle can be confiscated ? (like for DUI's, or used in commission of crimes, etc...). So while it's true the govt. is on the winning side of the $$ there, yet .... w/o that, there would be no "teeth" against whatever it is they're trying to abate.

The laws passed so I had to prove the gold was mine had nothing to do with the housing crisis. It has everything to do with the war on drugs. You have to prove the money you get is legit. You are not allowed to have any cash laying around over 500.00 when you buy a home now. Well you can have it, you can't buy a home with any of it.

Civil forfeiture is about getting caught with large amounts of cash and YOU having to prove you got it legit.

Why would the government care if you kill yourself not wearing a seatbelt? They don't care if you wear a helmet on a motorcycle. They don't fine people for their safety, they fine you to make money.

The laws passed so I had to prove the gold was mine had nothing to do with the housing crisis. It has everything to do with the war on drugs.....

Huh ? This isn't making sense. If you had taken that cash (from the sale of the gold) and bought ANYTHING ELSE in the USA, you would not have faced that scrutiny. If you'd bought groceries, metal detectors, lumber, etc... you could show up with the money, and not have been asked "where did it come from?" Only when you show up with money for your of the down-pay, to be matched with a mortgage, THEN do you get scrutinized.

So if it was d/t a 'war on drugs", why do we not see the scrutiny, in anything other than mortgage financing ?

Maybe 50 years ago this might have happened but even if it did it was rare.

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... I wish I lives such a sheltered life that I should be able to unsee and unhear some of the things that go on.

One local sheriff was busted for being part of an illegal drug smuggling organization, even building a business front with hidden compartments for hiding the cocaine and marijuana. He got a reduced sentence (house arrest) and remained the sheriff. He just can't carry a firearm now because he is a convicted felon.

One local judge, busted in an unrelated smuggling case (until he lost re-election this past year) was allowed to conduct court hearing drug cases and was allowed to practice his private firm's work in Federal Court ... he just had to arrive at a particular time and remain until all other cases completed. Then the official conducting the hearings had to inform the FBI of what time the judge left their courthouse. Had to wear an ankle bracelet, so the time away from home and work had to be accounted for.

Real life isn't so rosy.

Tom in CA:

Banks make mistakes lending money. Generally not to individuals who can't repay the loan. The housing debacle was driven by non-bank lenders who then packaged the loans and sold them overseas.

The OP wasn't dealing with a bank.

Good luck to all,

The Old Bookaroo, CM


You conflate the laws, rules and regulations regarding obtaining a single-family mortgage with the money laundering laws, rules and regulations driven by the "War on Drugs."

Two different things.

Good luck to all,

The Old Bookaroo, CM

Huh ? This isn't making sense. If you had taken that cash (from the sale of the gold) and bought ANYTHING ELSE in the USA, you would not have faced that scrutiny. If you'd bought groceries, metal detectors, lumber, etc... you could show up with the money, and not have been asked "where did it come from?" Only when you show up with money for your of the down-pay, to be matched with a mortgage, THEN do you get scrutinized.

So if it was d/t a 'war on drugs", why do we not see the scrutiny, in anything other than mortgage financing ?


HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Living in a make believe world eh???

This statement of which is exactly in compliance with the theory of projection. You are fulfilling it to the penny with this statement.

Example: If a person likes a certain movie, he will tend to "project" that ... so too will/does everyone else like that movie. Or if he doesn't like the movie, he tends to project that ... so too will everyone else leaving the theater dislike it. So too does it go with moral scruples.

NOT SAYING YOU ARE CORRUPT (and skim money, etc....). I mean, none of us here are Mother Teresa. But ... just sayin' ....

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This statement of which is exactly in compliance with the theory of projection. You are fulfilling it to the penny with this statement.

Example: If a person likes a certain movie, he will tend to "project" that ... so too will/does everyone else like that movie. Or if he doesn't like the movie, he tends to project that ... so too will everyone else leaving the theater dislike it. So too does it go with moral scruples.

NOT SAYING YOU ARE CORRUPT (and skim money, etc....). I mean, none of us here are Mother Teresa. But ... just sayin' ....

Sorry Tom, however, I live in a world where I have regular interactions with law enforcement. On Friday of last week, I located a perp the prosecuting attorney's office refused to look for. Oh, they said they couldn't find him ... with seasoned investigators looking for weeks. Since I have a personal interest in seeing him brought to justice, I offered to help. Within 15 minutes I had located the perp, spoken to someone with eyes on him (his jailer - being held in another state on unrelated charges, but the paper was issued in the PA's jurisdiction) and filed a report with the prosecutor's office. Later that day, I burned video of the perp for their use in prosecuting him.

I regularly deal with bankers. We had one in Arkansas that committed suicide in the bank before it opened one morning. Apparently, he shot himself twice yet somehow failed to finish the job ... but had the wherewithal to pick up that ACP 45 one more time and shoot himself in the head. Of course, the bank had to be cleaned up by the Sheriff's office right away for business, so before noon, all evidence --- sorry, all soiled carpet had been removed and his desk cleaned up. Oh, and a new officer was already using his office before 5:00 the same day. Nothing untoward here.

I've been threatened by the State Troopers because I asked the wrong question of a witness in a murder case. I've had the State Troopers stop a witness on the interstate and simply hold them there until the judge deemed they were no shows. That same witness had his business closed down a couple weeks later by the State because he refused to back down his eyewitness testimony about a murder carried out by a family member of the prosecuting attorney's personal secretary ... and when he arrived after the trial told a TV reporter about his being held so the trooper could verify "information" in question on his driver's license - took about 2 hours.

Tom, I went on bounty hunts with my grandfather starting when I was 3 years old. So, maybe I am crazy. Perhaps that is why I am one of the best skiptracers you'll ever find --- period.

If you live in an alternate reality where people have become more honest, then good for you. Problem is, in the real world, they've just become more sophisticated --- and more greedy.

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Sorry Tom, however, I live in a world where I have regular interactions with law enforcement ...

Well then this explains it. And is the same reason I didn't insinuate the same to Scuba (who used to be an LEO). Persons that work in some LEO related field DO tend to see the "seedy side" of life. Dealing daily with criminals, hate, violence, cheating , skimming, corruption, etc.... So the "projection" in their (your) case might not be a "projection" of THEIR OWN traits. It is simply because they are seeing *ONLY* that in their daily work lives. That's why that's amongst the most stressful jobs on the planet. Same for prison guards: they HAVE to "assume the worst", lest they be taken advantage of by those they guard (who are, ... doh ... criminals after all).

Contrast to if you are just in a normal world job, surrounded by normal people, I'll bet you dollars to donuts you wouldn't be saying all these "all-those-in-power are corrupt" type statements. Unless, of course, you were crooked and simply "project" that so-too is everyone else.

Believe it or not there's good people in this world. Who will chase a guy a mile to return a nickel they owe them. Don't skim. Don't lie. Stay faithful to their wives, follow the straight and narrow, etc.....

Tom, you just have no idea of the good things I could tell you --- Suffice it to say Jesus said: "the Ruler Of This World is coming, but he has no hold on me." Wasn't talking about Caesar. Wasn't talking about God.

You're bright, you figure it out.

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