Alert to all prospectors Get Involved

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Silver Member
Aug 9, 2007
Southern California
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XLT, GMT, 6000D Coinmaster
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All Treasure Hunting
First my apologies to the Moderators, I wanted to post this where all could see so we could all stay informed on what is going on.

All of us need to get involved in what is happening right now here in California with a Land Grab involving the listing of the Mountain Yellow-Legged Frog as an Endangered Species and the Dredging Ban. Please go to my post under the Dredging & High Banking Section, the post is "Alert 2nd Time for the frog & dredging". If we do not ALL write in, call, email, fax our opinions POLITELY then we are all going to loose our rights to prospect. As a side note some of what they, the DFG as prompted by a group of 12 people, are proposing could even close something as simple and non harmful as rafting on the rivers and streams! This is the time to fight! Do not just sit there and read without sending in your comments on these subjects! PLEASE get involved/stay involved!

Thank you, Herb/63bkpkr

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I find it very odd that the state e mail machine (recorder) failed losing all the "public comment" recorded on the exact day they "close" comment on the matter --- that sounds very very fishy to me --- like they are trying to pull a "fast one" - so that during their required by law -"'public comment /imput" meeting only those who are "in house" will be heard (bet those who are "pro" what they want to do will "pack the house") -- thus in effect they are "stuffing the ballot box" so to speak to make it look as though the public supports what they want to do.--when in fact the truth is the public at large doesn't - looks to me like the process is being hijacked.

Thats why i posted the list in dredging and high banking.
So people can send their comments to them. Maybe a way around DF&G fixing the ballot.

the CDFW have done some questionable things before so dont rule out anything! but the deadline has been extended to April 1 and i hope this wasnt a joke on us!! i missed getting my comments posted due to helping "other people". i have my comments wrote down on the printed copy but just got busy with life.i know thats no exscuse,but................

Hi All,
Part of my Alert message was about a video on You Tube about Magadan: Russia's Gold Mine and how after the video of the gold mining was over the commentator added a few ending statements. At the very end of his statement he said something like "is this what is going to happen in the U.S.". I've just watched the video again and it has been modified so his last words are cut but you can tell he's still talking. Is Big Brother really watching??............63bkpkr

why not throw a yellow frog into the fray.those pols dont want emails,they want campaign contributions,ahem,these are liberaly provided by the uh,liberals.sorry,handwritings on the wall,our rights have been bought and paid for.feds do nothing about 1872 usurpation(is that a word?)will continue writing,as always have,meetings yuck,ok.but will spend more time storing beans and bullets.theres a fight coming boyz. throw the tea back in the harbor. where it belongs.good luck.


  • 195474_100002147322121_5097872_n.jpg
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never under estimate a spark

don't give up, its what they want

go to this site, copy a printed news article and fax it, if we overwhelm them maybe they will get the point, or is thier head so far up that tailpipe, i,m not getting the point.

I'm not good with politics as I expect people to do what they tell me they will do, not call a meeting to discuss things and then use the suggestions from us miners against us. After a few times of being knifed in the back I kinda turn into a Bull in a China shop and that just makes waves.

Helping others is what this site is all about. What I'm doing is just giving back what I've received because it feels good.....63bkpkr

A sincere thanks for all your efforts 63!

All the best,


Just doin what I believe is right and NOT spending other peoples hard earned money getting it done. Oops, there I go again sharing my opinion of the government in the United States of America. I need a good propspecting trip possibly coupled with some target practice................63bkpkr

Anything less than the 94 dredging rules and regulation, is unacceptable
But who needs the rules and regs since the state can’t follow there own, so learn your mining rights and tell the state and water resource and DFG to shove a boot up it.
or stay home and watch dancing with the stars
cuz if we can't stop this your sluicing and panning is next, and fishing is now in the crosshairs

I bought a dredge a while back and they started all that BS right after i got it so i ended up selling it... I didn't even get to use it. Don't think they should be able to outlaw dredging over a frog... I've never even seen this kind of frog once in my life. If they care about these frogs so much why don't they catch a bunch of them and throw them in a pond make it illegal to dredge anywhere near or in that pond and let them reproduce so they aren't endangered anymore...

I haven't seen any yellow-legged frogs or even one! Why don't the "Dept.-Cal-State Fish & Game" capture this So Called Endangered frog and breed them in captivity and when they get them in the thousands then they put them in a "Fish & Game" Preserve-pond so the can populate their brains out and keep our streams open to dredging and highbanking. Let Gov. Brown get a $25.00 yearly permit fee so he can shut his mouth about our dredging & highbanking! "Power to the people-Right On!" John Lennon once sang. Golden T.

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