Anti-suction dredging legislation

The dfg has basically shut down the Salmon season here the last few years, in particular the Sacramento river.Funny though, There is little if any dredging going on in the lower Sac.But we have had a few dry winters coupled with the usualwater diversions to agriculture and So cal. How come nothing is ever done about the real culprits in fishery declines?

Too much political pull!They dont want to chase the wrong rabbit,it might turn into a wolf.We are small,easy target.Aside from the fact I am many miles from any salmon there are at least three dams(with no fish ladders) between me and the ocean!

enjoy the down time. usfs stands for Ur Sure Full Of SHIT. 15 years i paid mortgages raised kids etc by fishing the deep blue sea.when that livelyhood was snuffed by the DAMS on the rivers,the real cause,i turned to mining.the tables have turned, and now the commercial fisherman associations have backed the krooks, and are probably ? twofaced mfs.dont post in a dredging forum if your a stinking greenpeace rat.

Hey Kuger, actually you do have salmon near you and they are thriving.You ever been to Camp nine during the fall? You can almost walk across the backs of the kokonee !Oh, and guys dredge there too!

Yea your right there Ray,You know I have been going down there my whole life and had never seen what your talking about until a couple of years ago....that was unreal!!!!It also amazed me that were red,I always thought that that was a reaction from salmon leaving salt water going to fresh....guess not!Yea they are thriving!I guess I must dredge right then!!!! :icon_scratch: :thumbsup:

hey fellow city planner supervisor, since we'll get tax money lets build a starbucks across the street from that other starbucks over there, who cares if we rip down those trees and the suite will be empty in two years atleast we got some money now. and the impact of changing that whole section of open field and woods will be minimal who wouldnt rather look at stucco and steel anyway,build,build, build ,tax, tax, tax, who ruins the environment? this is all a bunch of b.s. i will dredge no matter what happens i love the beauty of the places i spend my day and would stand up in person to anyone who was ruining it, so what are these polititions protcting other than their interests and connections.................. i hope everything goes completely to sh#t soon so i can go on living without this crap in my way... burn baylon burn...........

babylon.... sorry... burn, babylon, burn................. there that sounds better :laughing7:

pvillehunter said:
hey fellow city planner supervisor, since we'll get tax money lets build a starbucks across the street from that other starbucks over there, who cares if we rip down those trees and the suite will be empty in two years atleast we got some money now. and the impact of changing that whole section of open field and woods will be minimal who wouldnt rather look at stucco and steel anyway,build,build, build ,tax, tax, tax, who ruins the environment? this is all a bunch of b.s. i will dredge no matter what happens i love the beauty of the places i spend my day and would stand up in person to anyone who was ruining it, so what are these polititions protcting other than their interests and connections.................. i hope everything goes completely to sh#t soon so i can go on living without this crap in my way... burn baylon burn...........

Amen to this. Each year I have to watch as the roads I take to my house turn less and less 'natural' and more and more built up; with houses, gas stations, wal-marts, and other useless buildings we don't need more of. When will it all end? When theres no trees left to bulldoze? When people are living on top of each other stacked like pancakes? And wheres the environmentalist's when some company burns another 100 acres to put up condominiums killing native species and trees that have stood for hundreds of years. You dont hear them complain about that, but god forbid you move 10 feet of dirt when the first rain that comes along moves thousands of times that...

SWR - Numerous studies on the effects of suction dredging have been done. Just do a google search and you will find a wealth of knowledge on the positive effects that suction dredging has on an aquatic ecosystem. Is an independent govt. paid study required on every river in the united states. Be realistic and at least admit that there is an alternative agenda is this case. Environmentalist groups appear to be blinded by their hatred of outdoor recreation enthusiasts that they refuse to see the facts. The tribe is hell bent on keeping anybody out of their river for any reason and it is just starting with dredging. It is unfortunate that small groups of activists have such a loud voice while recreational prospectors just wanted to be left alone to enjoy their hobby. We aren't in the business of lobbying politicians whereas the environmental activists have long ago grabbed the ears of the california state assembly.

packfan_1982 said:
SWR - Numerous studies on the effects of suction dredging have been done. Just do a google search and you will find a wealth of knowledge on the positive effects that suction dredging has on an aquatic ecosystem. Is an independent govt. paid study required on every river in the united states. Be realistic and at least admit that there is an alternative agenda is this case. Environmentalist groups appear to be blinded by their hatred of outdoor recreation enthusiasts that they refuse to see the facts. The tribe is hell bent on keeping anybody out of their river for any reason and it is just starting with dredging. It is unfortunate that small groups of activists have such a loud voice while recreational prospectors just wanted to be left alone to enjoy their hobby. We aren't in the business of lobbying politicians whereas the environmental activists have long ago grabbed the ears of the california state assembly.
They have nothing better to do,they dont recreate!!!!We are letting them get away with it.Just read some of the comments posted at the bottom of the articles posted on the internet,by people that have no clue....."The dredges are noisy","they only find $10 worth of gold"(so why do you care?)

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