Anti-suction dredging legislation


Full Member
Apr 2, 2008
Fresno Ca
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As many of you are already aware, Senate Bill 670
(anti-suction dredging legislation) was overwhelmingly passed by
the California Senate several days ago. The bill will now go to the
California Assembly. Our staggering defeat in the Senate has placed
our lobbyists into a full regroup mode.

All of this legislative activity (which will affect future dredging
seasons) is happening under the darker cloud of ongoing litigation
against suction dredging (which could have an impact upon our present
season) in California. Our adversaries have filed a Motion asking
the Court to prevent the Department of Fish & Game "from spending
any funds allocated from the State of California's General Fund on
any activities which allow suction dredging to occur under the
Department's current regulations." This Motion will be heard by the
Court in less than 2 weeks!

We are fighting the biggest, hardest battles our industry has ever
faced. You guys have always been there to help in the past.

Now we need you more than ever!

I have explained all of the important details, which include updated
explanations from our lead attorney and main lobbyist; and I am now
asking for your help. This is all contained in our latest
Action Alert -- which can be found at:

We need your help on this more than ever. Thanks very much for
whatever you can do!


Dave Mack, President
New 49'er Prospecting Association

The New 49er's, 27 Davis Road, Happy Camp, California 96039, USA

flyspekau said:
As many of you are already aware, Senate Bill 670
(anti-suction dredging legislation) was overwhelmingly passed by
the California Senate several days ago. The bill will now go to the
California Assembly. Our staggering defeat in the Senate has placed
our lobbyists into a full regroup mode.

All of this legislative activity (which will affect future dredging
seasons) is happening under the darker cloud of ongoing litigation
against suction dredging (which could have an impact upon our present
season) in California. Our adversaries have filed a Motion asking
the Court to prevent the Department of Fish & Game "from spending
any funds allocated from the State of California's General Fund on
any activities which allow suction dredging to occur under the
Department's current regulations." This Motion will be heard by the
Court in less than 2 weeks!

We are fighting the biggest, hardest battles our industry has ever
faced. You guys have always been there to help in the past.

Now we need you more than ever!

I have explained all of the important details, which include updated
explanations from our lead attorney and main lobbyist; and I am now
asking for your help. This is all contained in our latest
Action Alert -- which can be found at:

We need your help on this more than ever. Thanks very much for
whatever you can do!


Dave Mack, President
New 49'er Prospecting Association

The New 49er's, 27 Davis Road, Happy Camp, California 96039, USA

You should place this in other areas of the forum too. It will not get seen in a category that only had one other post in it, ever.

I'll PM the moderators, and ask if this could become a sticky note in "legal issues"

BuckleBoy said:
You should place this in other areas of the forum too. It will not get seen in a category that only had one other post in it, ever.
I'll PM the moderators, and ask if this could become a sticky note in "legal issues"

Thank you Buckles,
I dredge for gold and appreciate your efforts to help even though I am unaware that you were into dredging or gold prospecting.
I salute you sir. :icon_salut:


Goodyguy said:
BuckleBoy said:
You should place this in other areas of the forum too. It will not get seen in a category that only had one other post in it, ever.
I'll PM the moderators, and ask if this could become a sticky note in "legal issues"

Thank you Buckles,
I dredge for gold and appreciate your efforts to help even though I am unaware that you were into dredging or gold prospecting.
I salute you sir. :icon_salut:


I'm not into gold dredging or prospecting. What I Am into is preserving our Rights to do what we love.

it is seen! im glad you posted it here. ive seen it on other sites aswell!this needs tobe everywhere, to inform everyone of this!and everyone needs to respond to comments to the California Govenor when it hits his desk! if we dont do this, we will eventually see it come to our/your state,and then what are you going to do? there are so many other very important issues coming up this year and if we all dont respond to them, itll be over and the wacoenviromentalists/jerk polititions will have won!

I asked the moderators to kindly move this post to the "Legal Issues" forum where it will be more likely to be seen (since folks who do not dredge or pan likely have this section blocked).

At this point it doesn't appear that the post will be moved, so someone will have to post it there themselves.

"Legal Issues" forum

DONE :icon_thumleft:

I didn't want to multi post thinking it might get yanked.

That truly sucks no pun intended north of you there's British Columbia and the rules with Department of Fish & Game make it very tough. Have thought about joining New 49'er Prospecting Association. Dan

Don't forget PLP2 needs donations also they work hand in hand though I'm pretty sure but I'll check on that.

Thanks guys for any help will update as things move along personally I'm already of thinking of alternatives to mining because I'm pretty sure this time around we're going to lose, the politicinas we have now are mostly democrats and they sure seem to be tied in with environmentalist to the hilt $$$$$..$$$$$$ and there filling the linining of pockets on this one >:(

We will fight but I WILL NEVER STOP MINING......all this does is makes law abiding citizens into outlaws.It seems that everything I enjoy has been outlawed or will,trapping,metal detecting,looking for arrowheads, etc.What do they want us to do stay inside and watch T.V????

I agree with you 110 % , Kuger!I'm just gonna keep doing what Ive always done.Just cause its a law, doesnt make it right.Good luck-Ray

This was started by a few of the Indians, backed by the Sierra Club, next to Dave McCraken's 49ers on the Klamath in Happy Camp. It is not the first time that this group(s) started this. Seems these Indians, after successfully killing off the Steelhead and Salmon with their gill nets, now want to chase out all tourists from the area. With the loss of tourists, prospectors and fishermen, there will be no industry in the area for anyone including the industrous indians of the same tribe. Ergo, they can all sit back and collect money to live on from the Federal Government, Indian Bureau (live on the blanket and teach their children to do the same). Governor Arnold vetoed it before. Perhaps he will again. BTW...I am at Happy Camp now and have talked with many of the local residents from the community of Klamath River to Hamburg and Happy Camp. They are all in agreement and, with the loss of the monies generated by the 10s of 1,000s of prospectors yearly that make up their economy, the locals will be hurting and will have to close many of their businesses.

soooooooo much BS out there that those groups are feeding dumb politicians and society and sounds like most of them are buying it go figure most of them voted for obama :icon_scratch:

HI SWR:Again, to a point I agree with you, but in this case one huge winter storm damages the ecosystem more than 10,000 amateur gold hunters with 6" or less dredges can do in years. So the basic logic of the bill's sponsors, escapes me. it is being done without thinking it through, just on emotional appeal..

Besides, with a 3 - 5 year or more, depression in front of us, this may be the only way for many families to survive, just as in the 1920's.

It is far better to let them earn a bit of money and independence, than to have them on the role with you paying for it.

The Winter storms will continue to modify the ecosystem regardless.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Afternoon my friend: The Klamath Indians also have Au dredging rghts, plus the fishing rights. They should do fairly well. In actual fact, they probably could earn more moey dredging all year around..

Don Jose de La Mancha

SWR said:
flyspekau said:
As many of you are already aware, Senate Bill 670
(anti-suction dredging legislation) was overwhelmingly passed by
the California Senate several days ago. The bill will now go to the
California Assembly. Our staggering defeat in the Senate has placed
our lobbyists into a full regroup mode.

I have taken the time to read SB 670.

You should get off your butt and get in the field to get the facts before mouthing BS. The Klamath River Indians gill netted the fish out of extinction on the Klamath like the Indians have done to the Great Lake's fishery with the salmon there. It is arm chair people mouthing baloney that only know about the environment that they read from their brochures sent to them by environmental groups, that only know about the environment from what they see from the same brochures or TV. It is the law that the Indians cannot gill net across the river. Thus, they set up gill nets like this....



......... fishery. Suction dredging up to 8 inches provides food from the bottom for the smaller fish by exposing crustation and larvae. You should fully understand the environment and then you would know that this bill, that was passed by desk ridden legislators, has no merit other than to keep people out of State and Federal parks for all reasons so that only a few State and Federal employees can have the privilege of using BLM, National Forest, and State Park land. This is the guiding principal behind some of theses groups. There is already a ban on metal detecting in many of our tax dollar parks in the US. This is because of very uneducated folks that do not care to participate in outdoor activities unless they can do it from an armchair.

It is within reason to halt suction dredging until a scientific review can be done in regards to polluting and damaging the ecosystem of the Klamath River.

The staggering defeat in the Senate should be evident it (review) is needed. Just my opinion.

SWR said:
Real de Tayopa said:
HI SWR:Again, to a point I agree with you, but in this case one huge winter storm damages the ecosystem more than 10,000 amateur gold hunters with 6" or less dredges can do in years. So the basic logic of the bill's sponsors, escapes me. it is being done without thinking it through, just on emotional appeal..

Besides, with a 3 - 5 year or more, depression in front of us, this may be the only way for many families to survive, just as in the 1920's.

It is far better to let them earn a bit of money and independence, than to have them on the role with you paying for it.

The Winter storms will continue to modify the ecosystem regardless.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Its a coin toss...either the hobbyist/full time dredgers go hungry, or the Klamath Indian fishermen go hungry :dontknow:
Understanding the law doesnt mean it has merit.No study has ever proved that dredging is detrimental to the fish,it is quite the opposite.#2 dredgers move many pounds of mercury and lead,#3they are trying to stop dredging in the whole state.....I live 80 miles from any salmon so why shouldnt I be able to dredge in my back yard?

No what I am saying is,the Klammath river is 150 miles from me,the sponsors of the Bill are completely ignorant and are printing outright lies,and yet this all in the end might take away my means to feed my family

non mining humans have done more damage to our water systems than anything or anyone ever will. i dont suppose those environmentalists go out into the streams like WE DO and collect the lead and trash they find do they? what becomes of the 56 trillion sinkers fishermen lost, and that INCLUDES gill net weights. how bout the lead shot from waterfowl hunters? i know i have said this before, but we to some degree need to take this matter into our own hands. we , as the true potential victims here, need to provide our club presidents and our lobbyists with solid, no nonsense statistics. in case you havent noticed, the politicians only read the numbers. other than "hey, it cleans the gravel for spawning" , can we, or do we really have anything else that says we arent a detriment to the ecologies of these vital waterways? even though we might not say it, or brag about it, miners are largely responsible for any lead cleanup from these well as glass and nails and other trash. its time to start keeping these materials and turning em over to a club president, a blm official, somethin..... to have them properly weighed and documented. in this way, we can say, well, mercury is a problem, but its also here naturally, we didnt import it and polute these streams. in fact, MINERS have removed XXX number of lbs of lead and general garbage from these rivers. beyond sitting at a desk and bitchin about what they perceive to be an injustice, what have they actually physically done to improve THESE problems? dont ever kid yourselves tree huggers, miners love the environment, the ecology and nature as much or more than you ever did. the reality of it is the gill netting karuk have made thier own bed, and expect someone else to lay in it. mining is vital to small town economies, much moreso than a gill netted fish that they sell on the black market. real cool. id like to know how much money this tribe receives from the government every year. thats right, how much of OUR money do they get for just bein an indian, and id like to know where they think it comes from. if miners can no longer dredge, a huge portion of that money thats not in the economy now for ALL store owners and businessmen should come directly out of thier government check. nothin in life is free for anyone, why should it be for them.

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