🔎 UNIDENTIFIED Anyone know what it is or what it means?


Jr. Member
Dec 2, 2024
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Golden Thread
I found this pre-COVID and Stearns county Minnesota while looking for agates.

Anybody recognizes this or has seen or found anything similar knows what it says or could help you read it. Simply put I found this rock, and brought it home purely cuz of its shape. Months later after cleaning it I noticed the pictures and symbols on the back broken face side of this rock. After 20 plus hours of research online, six different rock shows and over 4 years of showing people around Minnesota not a single person has confidently told me they recognize it or know what it is. The place that I found it is far from roads and private farmland, I didn't make the markings. The Farmers didn't make the markings and their parents didn't make the markings. so this means that I know for sure it's at least 130 plus years old... I've had really mixed results posting photos online cause of difficulty capturing details on photos... I'll post a comment saying what I see or some of my theories if I get some common sore feedback... Also I answer any questions or tests and results as needed... Hope somebody here can help! Plz comment thanks :)


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Welcome to the forum.
I think it's just pareidolia.

Upvote 2
I think it says.......
"Welcome to Jamaica - Have a nice day".... but my rock reading can be off.

Welcome to TreasureNet...
and i think your rock simply says "i am a rock".

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Here’s a repost that has the contrast adjusted. I honestly can’t tell if it is “artwork” or natural staining (Pareidolia).
Maybe take a few more pictures using different lighting. Thanks for posting.

Upvote 3
I see what you are seeing, and more than you highlighted. you need to "paint" over all the symbols so we can see them clearly

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I was thinking rock all the way but now that Blackfoot pointed it out that back side does look covered in symbols, i originally thought maybe strands of bacteria and algae can look like that in rocks but i see a concentric design, several intersected lines and maybe a hand in the top right… for the first time i think im on the side of the rock being something more

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I was thinking rock all the way but now that Blackfoot pointed it out that back side does look covered in symbols, i originally thought maybe strands of bacteria and algae can look like that in rocks but i see a concentric design, several intersected lines and maybe a hand in the top right… for the first time i think im on the side of the rock being something more
Thank you. Honest the photos don't do it justice. My descriptions and enterpritations have no merit cause I haven't identified any of it. 100% a mystery. 0%closer to i.d. it. Not a single person that has held recognizes any of it. everyone who holds it thinks it's something more. Since I can read/ interpret 0% so far. I'd like to consider what another commenter red when he seen it."welcome to Jamaica" comment upset me at first but I am willing to bet none of you could prove he was wrong. Y'all can't interpret any of it either. he could be right. Perhaps since I think it's a genuine artifact created by man and could have some historical importance is something more etc interpreting what it says might not be possible. What if I could date the age of when the symbols were drawn on, or The material they used to create the symbols they could last all this time. My geological knowledge of Minnesota would suggest it is not a glacially deposited rock so it's less than 12,000ish years and more then 120 years old. Maybe instead I repost asking not for someone to read what the pixel graphs say but to prove that they don't say "welcome to Jamaica" or suggest a useful thing I could do to learn something more about the stone! anything! trying to think outside the box here. Isn't exactly clear what my question is. This is the rock. it is something more than just a rock. that is clear to me. If you agree and know what it is that is so special about this rock and can prove why that makes it so special PM me, comment here, let us know! even the haters are probably just curious I love them for that. Also on a sad note I've been offered $1,000 cash for the stone just cuz I was at the rock show and showed it to a stranger there and he must have been wealthy didn't care about $1,000 that much but new that the stone was something special something more I sure could have really used the money then and now but refused immediately. He was not surprised cuz he knew too that with some actual context on what it is it is surely worth much much more!

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I found this pre-COVID and Stearns county Minnesota while looking for agates.

Anybody recognizes this or has seen or found anything similar knows what it says or could help you read it. Simply put I found this rock, and brought it home purely cuz of its shape. Months later after cleaning it I noticed the pictures and symbols on the back broken face side of this rock. After 20 plus hours of research online, six different rock shows and over 4 years of showing people around Minnesota not a single person has confidently told me they recognize it or know what it is. The place that I found it is far from roads and private farmland, I didn't make the markings. The Farmers didn't make the markings and their parents didn't make the markings. so this means that I know for sure it's at least 130 plus years old... I've had really mixed results posting photos online cause of difficulty capturing details on photos... I'll post a comment saying what I see or some of my theories if I get some common sore feedback... Also I answer any questions or tests and results as needed... Hope somebody here can help! Plz comment thanks :)
My dad says its old ass coins from the vikings

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I’d begin by studying the Anishinaabe tribe from Minnsota; particularly the Ojibwe group.
Find a source (book or on-line) of their documented drawings and compare them to yours.

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Read these words carefully please. it is just a rock. Isnt a thousand carat colored diamond just a rock too. Difference here is clear to me between the two. The diamonds finder can sell his diamond without cutting it for millions. And enjoy his youth before it's gone or do with his fortune as he pleases. The diamond will be cut and sold again for millions. The lapidarist who cuts it has the same reward of = amounts to the finder of the diamond. And finally a seller can appraise and auction the cut diamond gem for millions. His fortune = to the finder of the diamond. = To the cutters fortune. All three have millions. And one person has a rock. I will not find this rock, cut it into a gem, appraise and sell it. For it's full value just as the finder of the thousand carat colored diamond did not have too. From the gym to gemstone all three played an equal part in the diamonds destiny. All three had enough time leftover after their efforts to enjoy some of their equally well earned part in fulfilling the diamonds destiny as some 4th person enjoys its flawless beauty. This 4th person I had paid the most for it and appreciates it more than any other bidder. Has paid An amount of millions equal to the finders, the cutters and the sellers fortunes combined. In comparison to his wealth perhaps spent 1% his savings on as a gift for some 5th person special too him. Where as the finder,cutter, and seller, each invested much of their lives to play their part. Perhaps had nothing but dept and their entire lives invested to complete their roles. For a final payday, reasonably compensated fractions of its worth. They at least had not spent their whole lives to contribute all the important parts of the diamonds journey for the full amount directly from the buyer. Just to die without spending a cent. As that would be a pity. Yet that is what you are asking of me. I found the rock and only want my cut. Please consider the 30+ years of my life I have spent to find this rock. Equally as valuable to the diamonds find. Don't forget this entire time the stone 1,000 carats colored and made of carbon was just a rock. And will always just be a rock. My find too is just a rock. Hey Rock found in Minnesota that tells an important story about its history about the person who broke and shaped a rock he found carving it exactly to his liking and drawing carefully pictographs on one side. When he was finished he decided it was perfect The rock said the message he needed most important to him was that it's reader would interpret it exactly as he said it he'd understand exactly how important it was to him and appreciate the effort and thought it took for him to capture this image. The interpreter of the image perhaps set it aside someplace special to him private where nobody could steal it The sun going to destroy it the water couldn't wash it the ground couldn't eat it and there it's sat without breaking or becoming flawed cracking or chipping never allowing any thing to harm it until I found it. Where did I find it you ask I found it in Minnesota The only place I look for rocks how come someone else didn't find it cuz no one else looked for it as hard as I did for as long as I did no one else wanted it as bad as I did or sacrificed as much as I did for it. And now that I have found it what will I do with it isn't really up to me at all. As I am the finder of it, it's message it's interpretation it's miracle survival against nature's endless destructive threats. the test of time of unknown years waiting for me, it's destined finder. To play my part in it's important destiny. This rock can speak you see. I know this cause it spoke to me and told me of its part it played in Minnesota's history and told me a story about a man who's singled him out and carved him exactly right by hand and decorated him with pictographs to say exactly the right thing so importantly. And he said it just right at exactly the right time and was appreciated and said a side safely to remind of what it had to say. Now you compare a rare diamond full of color and Wait a thousand carrots worth millions of dollars to pay. The finder the cutter the seller too are rich they've earned it but how about you. You did not find this diamond did you? Did you cut it into a gym
My dad says its old ass coins from the vikings
Hell yah now that's a theory!

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Your original post began by asking if anyone knew what it was or what it meant. I erroneously thought that you were looking for input.
Your most recent post is mind boggling IMO. Quite an oration that doesn’t really add anything that might lead to an identification.
Take your “diamond” to a college natural history museum and get an opinion. Someone will have some idea about the item. If I wanted an ID I would move in that direction. But I would just stand pat and take no positive action if I only wanted to talk about it. Sorry, but I’m a little confused by the approach.

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you need to re-post this in the geofact forum, there you will find the folk that you want to hear from.

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It's an interesting find and may actually have man made designs on it. They don't look carved into the surface, but stained or drawn on it. What stain/ink could have survived all those thousands of years and still be legible, albeit faint? It is most likely natural & a trick of nature. Its monetary value is whatever someone is willing to pay for it. Personally I felt $1000 was quite generous. The Indian Artifacts forum along with the afore mentioned Geofacts forum my prove useful. As for the diamond cutting analogy, that went over my head?? ??? :icon_scratch:

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