Does the story of how I found this rock. I hope that this is some sort of a treasure map diagram that someone who made it created so that they wouldn't forget where they're loot was buried or to help somehow in in relation to the buried treasure. And then in my perfect world scenario I posted on here and you guys know about other rocks with these symbols help me figure out what it says I use this to go there and find the treasure. If this happened I would be one happy rock hound. Also have some theories about it and whatnot but don't want to overload this with info in case y'all aren't interested but it's getting long anyways so I'll just hint that my theory involves the center scratch out part is drawn to represent the "big woods" ... Also I think that the markings were scratched onto the surface with like a soft piece of metal like lead. And the stone itself isn't really like stones around here it's like a really crumbly sandstone loosely heldtogether all the micro quartze or quartzite is the kind of rock I believe. If you're reading this now then thanks for checking out my post and thanks for your comments as always
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