Archaeologist or Treasure Hunter...

Di I actually just enrolled at the nearby university for archaeology. Havent started yet thouth. Always wanted to be an archaeologist since watching indiana jones as a kid. Went to schooland got a degree in computer programming instad butnot happy so now going back for that. As a treasure hunter I figure it could openup some sites that would be off limits to us. And should help me to preserve wha I d find.
Sorry I couldnt help ya sooner but ask again in a couple years lol

Darren in NC said:
Anyone here experienced in archaeology (or know someone who is)? I have a project that may require the services of an archie who doesn't mind treasure hunting at the same time. Any future Robert Marx's out there?


Why not ?
I am in Greece and have some useful equipments

Darren, not a bad idea, but I have met a lot of Archaelogists and Anthropologist in my time and I have nerver met a single one that didn't have a bit of, or a whole lot of Larceny in 'em. But they are so greedy they darn sure don't wanta share with anyone else or for anyone to know they are stealing from the site themselves, becuase even tho they all do it, they gotta maintain a lying front to the govt and others that front their project monies. Only giving up just enough to satisfy them. And the very few that are honest, end up wondering just where in the hell the finds they did make went to, except for the token museum item. Sad, but true! ::) Comanchero

By the way, an Archaeologist friend of mine years back ( he's gone now), told me that if I could get back into the "Real Inner Sanctum" of the Smithsonion Institution, I would see some things that would not only "Stun the Heck out of me" but would make the biggest liars and hypocrits out of most of the Archaeologists and Anthropologists than anyone could ever imagine! ;D And, from what I have seen on just my own, in all my travels, I do not doubt what he said one bit! ;D 8) C.

I dunno! Since I don't know you personally, or how much you already know about our "prehistoric" planet, I jusst flat outright dunno what might "stun" you other than a Tazer! ;D Made 4 million years ago of course! :o ;D Comanchero

Darren, best of luck finding an archeologist to put in your pocket, but they are like doctors, the best of intentions turned sour by overzelous professors and universities >:( . they have had there brain's washed and waxed ;D,

and remember that MBA only means "mediocre but arrogant" ;D .

are you looking for a marine archeologist ?, they are specialists that are hard to come by, but if you check the universities that offer marine arch. you may be able to contract with a recent grad. but most states have there own appointed archies that they will try to force your hand with :( . and don't give em any specifics until you've protected your ownership rights somehow otherwise they will find some way to squeeze you out of the picture.

Hey lobsterman - thanks for your reply. I have had a few contact me. Mostly business people with some schooling or archaeology as a hobby. No state archies have taken me up on it. The project is in South America, so no takers yet. All in due time...

boy i'd love to go look for some of those old burial mounds, although most have already been raided by the locals. if you go down there don't pass up the emeralds that are prevalent in the rivers there. you could even hire some of the locals to harvest them for you :) .

i read a good book about some of the treasures in south america...
"The Treasure Hunter" by Robin Moore and Howard Jennings, copyright 1974 . ( i think it also mentions ways of getting the loot back to the U.S. and avoiding customs and the taxes )

also some of the areas that are prone to landslides would be a good place to check out ( both above and below the slide areas ) entire villages have been getting buried for thousands of years.


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