Are you allowed to go through barb wire fencing to prospect an area?


Jr. Member
Apr 20, 2013
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Ok. You driving through a pretty remote area and around you is nature. There are fences like this on the side of the road.


Now it's likely it could be ranch property or something similar, yet there isn't much around but nature. On road where there aren't many cars, possibly a dirt road. Say I go through one of these fences to access a creek or river and pan for gold there. Do you think anyone would care? Could I be harassed by park rangers or someone who owns the property? What if there aren't any signs? Maybe it's just to keep cattle or animals out of the road or from leaving a very large area of property? Please help because I'm looking at areas on google maps I want to prospect but there are these damned fences even though there is nothing around for miles.

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The inherent purpose of a fence is to keep something out, keep something in, or both.

This seems like a very situational question. Without more information, the safe bet is to assume that it is to keep you out.

The inherent purpose of a fence is to keep something out, keep something in, or both.

This seems like a very situational question. Without more information, the safe bet is to assume that it is to keep you out.

+ 1.

Fence looks fairly new, too. I don't understand -- how are you going to 'go through' a barbed wire fence without damaging it?

Best bet would prolly be to locate the owner and ask permission.

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If it ain't yours it's somebody else's!
Try to get permission, if not keep looking.

Fences don't grow out of the ground by them selves if there is a fence it was put up by someone to keep others out get permission first.

+ 1.

Fence looks fairly new, too. I don't understand -- how are you going to 'go through' a barbed wire fence without damaging it?

Best bet would prolly be to locate the owner and ask permission.

It's pretty easy for a fence of that type to just push down the wire and climb through the middle. It just seems ridiculous to me that tens of miles of wilderness can be fenced off from the road like this with no signs. And its the only way to get to this place. I don't know maybe it's a dumb question.

Also the pic isn't THE fence I want to get through it's just a pic I got to use as an example.

And the general consensus is do not cross the fence line without permission. If you do you could be looking at jail time, a fine, confiscation of All your gear, etc, etc.......not a good picture.

In your case I would offer that more research is needed on your part to locate the land owner and attempt to gain legal access to the land. Best of luck........................63bkpkr

Ok. You driving through a pretty remote area and around you is nature. There are fences like this on the side of the road.


Now it's likely it could be ranch property or something similar, yet there isn't much around but nature. On road where there aren't many cars, possibly a dirt road. Say I go through one of these fences to access a creek or river and pan for gold there. Do you think anyone would care? Could I be harassed by park rangers or someone who owns the property? What if there aren't any signs? Maybe it's just to keep cattle or animals out of the road or from leaving a very large area of property? Please help because I'm looking at areas on google maps I want to prospect but there are these damned fences even though there is nothing around for miles.

This is too obvious to answer .

Sorry I think your messing with everyone here.

I'd be willing to go through Briars to Metal detect,
I even do knowing I'll be bleeding Profusely for a few minutes after,
and have to do it all over to get back out.

But Barb wire ain't natural.

Well you say the answer is obvious but then you say you'll go through them to metal detect LOL. Gold panning seems a bit more disturbing and maybe more likely to upset a land owner or park ranger type people than metal detecting idk.

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Ok. You driving through a pretty remote area and around you is nature. There are fences like this on the side of the road.


Now it's likely it could be ranch property or something similar, yet there isn't much around but nature. On road where there aren't many cars, possibly a dirt road. Say I go through one of these fences to access a creek or river and pan for gold there. Do you think anyone would care? Could I be harassed by park rangers or someone who owns the property? What if there aren't any signs? Maybe it's just to keep cattle or animals out of the road or from leaving a very large area of property? Please help because I'm looking at areas on google maps I want to prospect but there are these damned fences even though there is nothing around for miles.

If I were you I would answer your own questions.

Do you think anyone would care? Hell yes someone cares, why on earth did someone take the time to construct and pay for the fence.
Could I be harassed by park rangers or someone who owns the property? Yes and at gun point.
What if there aren't any signs? This does not mean you can enter.
Maybe it's just to keep cattle or animals out of the road or from leaving a very large area of property? Maybe? Discordia is it really worth it?

I get the sneaky feeling your young and naïve. I think you should step back and think this out. Everyone has given great advice. Your best bet is take the advice of others or find another way to the river. Have you even checked who owns the land where the river runs, is it State, Federal, Private, etc?

Good ol boys wont be very nice if they catch you on their land.

Well you say the answer is obvious but then you say you'll go through them to metal detect LOL. Gold panning seems a bit more disturbing and maybe more likely to upset a land owner or park ranger type people than metal detecting idk.

Please Reread I said I'd go through Briars

: a plant having a usually woody and thorny or prickly stem; also : a mass or twig of these


they are Natural not Owned

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Oh sorry I thought briars might have been another word for a type of fence >_< Well I think I'll just avoid that area. There is alot of surrounding area that is public land and I've been back packing on before. There are creeks but many of them lead to this main sort of river area, (although most of the year it's probably dry or almost dry). I'm certain nobody would be there to see us it's just the whole leaving your car parked there thing that makes it oh so obvious you crossed the fence. might cause some um... discord?:laughing7:

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In the southwest you can only cross a fence or walk up a creek if you are heavily armed and a member of a drug cartel or La Migra. Or if you're an illegal alien rushing to Obama's latest welcoming party...

I know a guy that shot out the tires of a trespassers car then held them at gun point until the Sheriff arrived to arrest them. Another guy dumped a trespassers pickup in the bottom of an old coal mine strip pit w/ 60' of water in it. They were the friendly type. Some landowners put trespassers in the same category as rapists. Then there's the guy w/ the sign "Trespassers will be shot. Survivors will be shot again". Get permission, you don't own it.

It depends on the state. Each state has its own laws. Learn the trespass laws for the state you live in. Period. That way, when you are within the letter of the law, and are harrassed, you KNOW the law, and won't be bullied.

Access is a big problem for a lot of us. I was 0-3 for my first choices due to the fences/gates you showed. Then I was blocked by a rockslide at the fourth. I kept going to accessible spots and found some good samples at the next two. You just have to do your research and find another way. You sound young enough to repel down a mountain where I would have to have a helicopter to get me to a special spot. Thing is, we could both get there, one way or another.

Good evening,

As a land owner myself (54 acres in Northern Az) if you see a fence please ask permission. We have property outside of Williams, Az and it's in good deer and elk hunting country. Sadly some hunters think they can come and squat on private land during hunting season and leave a huge mess. It's NO fun for me to get out of the heat of Yuma, Az and head up to our property at 7000 feet where the weather is nice and spend the first half a day picking up others trash and mess on MY property. Then when that's done I get to go fix the holes cut in the 3 strand fence and go buy more chain for the gate that WAS locked and now the chain is cut into 3 pieces so I can't relock it. This only needs to happen once or twice before land owners get real tired of trespassers. Ah the joys of owning remote property...

Aw I wish I could have seen the pictures. Lol @ how hopping fences turns into illegal immigrant debate.
Access definitely is a challenge. But you know what? I read a bob marely quote today that said "When one door is closed, don't you know another is open?"

@Fabrication Specialists- I am not the person to litter and leave a mess. I generally try to respect nature. Like I would maybe cut through some brush to access a place, but I try not hurt or disturb things if it isn't necessary. But I live in an apartment and there is a sort of trail that goes up to some hills and teenagers completely trash the area with garbage and bottles that go up there all the time and smoke weed. I don't have a problem with people smoking weed or hanging out but when cops show up alot because of it (also because of graffiti), and the place is trashed it gets really old.

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