Are you left handed or right handed?

Are you left-handed or right-handed?

  • I'm completely right-handed.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I am completely left-handed.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I write with my left hand but do other tasks with my right hand.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I write with my right hand and do other tasks with my left hand.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm ambidextrous using both hands equally well.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Mona Lisa

Gold Member
Jan 13, 2005
Great Falls, Montana
Detector(s) used
White's DFX & a Sunray probe
Primary Interest:
Relic Hunting
Me? I write left-handed....but I do everything else right-handed. When I paint I use my right hand unless it's detail painting on something small then I switch to my left hand. I throw, eat, swing my detector...everything else right-handed.

I work in a neon sign shop. At one point a few years ago, over half of the employees were left-handed, which was weird because only 8 to 15% of the population are left-handed. I just think it was because we are more coordinated and able to work with both hands.....and I think lefties are more artistic.

Here's some interesting fact about left-handedness.

Approximately 8 to 15% of the adult population is left-handed.[1] Studies indicate that left-handedness is more common in males than females.[2] Left-handedness, in comparison to the general population, also appears to occur more frequently in identical twins,[3] and several groups of neurologically disordered individuals (people suffering from epilepsy,[4] Down's Syndrome,[5] autism,[6] mental retardation[7], dyslexia, etc.) Statistically, the identical twin of a left-handed person has a 76% chance of being left-handed, identifying the cause(s) as partly genetic and partly environmental.[8] Also people of South Asian, Eastern European, Southeast Asian descent are more left-handed than any other ethnic groups in the world[9], while people of Western European, Northern European, and African descent are less left-handed[10].

im strictly right handed. cant do a thing with my left.

Right handed.

Blond hair, what is left.

Blue eyes.

Took care of three post in one. ;) ;D

have a good un.................

Sherm, My next thread was going to be titled "Who's prettier....left-handed or right-handed women?". How do you think that'll fly? ;D :D :P

"I'm ambidextrous using both hands equally well."

You missed one - 'I'm ambidextrous using both hands equally poorly'. I'm a natural lefty who still suffers the effects of being forced to use the right hand in school, sports, etc.. Shot the hell out of my coordination too ..... I wonder if I could sue after all these years?

Mona Lisa said:
Sherm, My next thread was going to be titled "Who's prettier....left-handed or right-handed women?". How do you think that'll fly? ;D :D :P


depends on how many drinks I have had. ;)

Most of the women I drink with are ambidextrous,
two fisted drinkers ;D

have a good un.............

Right handed but I swing my detector with my left hand/arm so I can
dig with my right, to save switching.
I'm also colour blind, I failed to get a job on the railway years ago,
I passed all the tests but I could not see the numbers in the spots.
I wear glasses to read.............. now look what you've started!!!!!!!!!!!!

??? dave.

When I was in the Military, I knew a guy who studied psychology in College. His main area of study was left and right handedness, whether it was genetic, or learned. He believed it was a learned condition. He thought so because of the many people who lose a hand or arm, and learn to write and do things with their other hand.

What he did to prove this, was to start writing and doing most things with his left hand (he was originally right handed) in his freshman year. Not only did he learn to do everything proficiently with his left hand, he got a big surprise!

You can train both sides of your brain to work separately! By the time he got his PhD, he could stand at a blackbopard and with his left hand, write math equations, and simultaneously with his right, write the lyrics of a song!

Merry Christmas,


I am the same as you Mona Lisa :) but i can do most sports both left and right, i detect left handed but play guitar right handed...

heres a question the have left handed guitars, and bass guitars you can even set up a drum set for left handed people....but how come they dont have left handed pianos??

Mona I'm like you. EXCEPT when I used to write on a blackboard I would use my right hand. I don't know why, but it was always more comfortable to write on the chalkboard with my right hand and then sit at my desk and write on paper with my left hand. I remember the teacher had a hard time with lefties when I was in 3rd grade. She used to tell the 2 or 3 of us in a 30-student classroom that we should do the opposite of what she told everyone else to do. Well, that was quite confusing because she would tell them to write A - N - D. So I would wait until she was fininshed spelling the word, then I'd write the opposite way of how she spelled it...D - N - A.
I think I was the first person to discover DNA. :D

I'm a lefty. ;)

EXCEPT....swingin' I'm a righty....oh...and I can't control the computer mouse lefty.

I'm right handed, but I do use my left for chopping vegetables, steering my car and picking my nose (and I never combine any of these activities).

Nana40 said:
I'm a lefty. ;)

EXCEPT....swingin' I'm a righty....oh...and I can't control the computer mouse lefty.

See, Nanners, we are truly twins.....born on the same day....both lefties!

nhbenz said:
I'm right handed, but I do use my left for chopping vegetables, steering my car and picking my nose (and I never combine any of these activities).

Ben...........ah..........ummmm.........(mental picture).........err...........I have no comments for you!..............

Strictly right handed....Out of 7 Brother's and Sister's only one lefty.....Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!

nhbenz said:
I'm right handed, but I do use my left for chopping vegetables, steering my car and picking my nose (and I never combine any of these activities).
[emphasis added]

Definitely more info than any of us need. Which hand do you use for scratching your butt? Uh, on second thought, nevermind.

I write right handed but have more strength in my left hand and always have. Open stubborn lids on jars lefty as an example. I use to bat both ways when I played baseball and softball. I use a broom to sweep or a shovel to dig as well with either hand. There has never been a lefty in my family that I know of until my grandkids came along. My two oldest granddaughters are lefties. My grandfather was ambidextrous, the first true ambidextrous person I have ever known. He would write reports at work with one hand until it got tired and then he would finish it with the other hand. Both sets of writing looked the same and you couldn't tell which hand wrote it! He also shoveled and swept with either hand and I guess that's where I got it. Very interesting post. Monty

HIO: normally right handed Lisa. But as in Gollum's post, due to the surgeons partially dismantling the muscle structure on my right shoulder, I have been carrying an ongoing experiment in deliberately shifting many of the normal tasks, especially over head ones or strenuous ones, to my left hand. So far it is going smoothly.

I am also carefully keeping records of any self noted Psychological or Physiological changes or trends since I am transferring more work to the other half of my brain. forget it Gollum! hehehe

Tropical Tramp

p.s. I would rather not have had this unwelcome opportunity to experiment sigh.

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