Are you older than dirt ?

Remember when the prize in the Cracker Jack box was actually a "prize" and not some stupid piece of paper? My favorite was the siren-sounding whistle.

Heck, actually I got all 25 and 50 more correct?? I even remembered when I could go into a national forest to fish, hunt, camp and prospect without waiting a year for a permit, or even needing one. sigh

Don Jose de La Mancha .

I got all 26.

At one time we gave out a jar of pudding, stamps, silverware, dishes, and a game token with every fill-up.
That was after we washed front and back windows, checked tire pressure, checked oil and filled w/washer fluid.
Regular was 25c and ethyl was 27c. Smokes were 25c.

I still have my skate key because used the skates to make scooter and skateboard.

yup; just as I suspected....i'm older than dirt.

remember penny candy? :)
some things 2 for a penny!

6== I feel a little better abt myself today

I remember 20.......I'm not older than dirt...I'm the QUEEN of DIRT! LOL

Penny candies...OMG...those were the days...I use to love getting Mary Janes and those RED HOT BALLS and Bazooka Bubble Gum (real bubblegum!)

OK, ya got me! Got all 25 and many more....
*Gas powered Maytag
*Ration stamps
*Orange Nehi cooled in the creek out back
*Dynamite purchased at hardware stores by anyone wanting it.
*Japan dropping fire bombs in the Oregon forest near where I lived. Sleepless nights for a while.
*Kerosene lamps
*Wood burning kitchen stove, water heater.

I still have an icecube tray from an old fridge in the garage. I also remember all of them listed and a few more. Remember the old woodie station wagon? Kaiser was the first car with a one piece windshield! I also rode in a rumble seat! Yup, I am as old as dirt!

We used to have what we called the huxtervagen, a converted school bus, with a chicken and rabbit cage on the back...that came around to the farms on Saturdays and sold basics to the farm wives and kids...

Bottled cream, sugar and flour in cloth sacks, bluing, Fels Naptha soap, salt, pepper, cinimmom and other spices, and of course, penny candy...

We'd even trade a pullet or 2 or several dozen eggs for a bag of flour...

Always had packaged cigs, makings and chew.

Sometimes had warm soda pop (7 Up or RC) but never beer.

I seem to remember a few more than are listed as well.
How about getting two pieces of Double Bubble gum for a penny.
and Tootsie Toys.

I remember when Pole Vaulting was a NEW sport.

There weren't any pop tops or pull tabs,
you opened the can with a church key.

How about soda pop coolers half filled with water. The drinks stood upright in the cooler. And returned bottles for 2 cents and a moonpie was 5 cents. Drinks were 8 cents. If you could find 7 bottles, you could buy a moonpie and an RC cola.

When the truck with the live chickens in the back cage came around my grandfather would buy 25 of them then cut off the heads and my grandmother would pluck them. I could not figure out how a chicken without a head could manage to run away and hide behind something like a large rock. Can anyone explane that? Could their memory be that good?

Boy am I really dating myself, but here is a Christmas card that I sent in 1942. while in the Guadalcanal campaign.

Since Dec 7 is coming up, this is either early or late.depending.

Don Jose d eLa Mancha


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