
Dec 17, 2010
OK, so I have searched coin rolls off and on for a few years, pretty much by just asking the tellers for halfs when I go in to do my usual banking, occassionally was finding a silver or so if they happen to have any 1/2's most of the time they don't one point I even started ordering a few boxes of 1/2's from a couple banks - however this all resulted in ALL SKUNKS- never got anything from a box.. I used to find a silver seldom in hand rolled coins, now I NEVER EVER do... over and over again IF I get some 1/2's theres no silver at all... once I ordered dimes and quarters boxes thinking there just had to be something in it- NOTHING after all that work - ALL SKUNKS...... I know its meant to be a fun hobby, but seriously its running dry, theres nothing left to find....... I found this site last week, its pretty interesting and i enjoyed reading it but I read about your finds over and over again, and I wonder HOW CAN IT BE?? SERIOUSLY??? Are you really finding stuff or is it made up to keep the dream and hopes going? I have yet to ever find a walker or ben.... Because its dry over here, there is nothing.....Anyone in W.A.? thats where I am and I cant find anything... except about 15-20% copper in pennies, at least that is still there...
Truthfully I get a little embarassed to ask for the rolls...... " HI, do you have any Eisenhowers dollar coins?" ... "NO" .......... " Well, Do you have any 1/2 dollars? " ....... "NO" .... " Oh... hmm.. well do you have........." I get embarrassed asking...... and even more when I ask for full BOXES of anything... I get the weird look followed by " What do you need all those coins for? ".... "Uhhh....... Ummm.....uhhhhh..... "My husband asked me to get them!?!?"
I was encouraged by the site, so today i went hunting, ALL DAY about 15 banks hit, ALL said no to the eisenhowers, but I got about $250 in halfs all together scattered throughout the banks, i can report I found ONE lonely silver, only a 40%.. AMAZING tho! ONE - and it only took all day ... !!!! ... this is the 1st silver in months but i spent all day doing it... I get at least a handful of 1/2's weekly from a few banks and its always NOTHING anymore... Please any tips? Is there something I am doing wrong? You think its my area? Any tips on increasing the chances? I dont know how you guys are doing it.. i feel like those days are long gone and over... dry... dry..dry...Thanks!

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Diabla said:
OK, so I have searched coin rolls off and on for a few years, pretty much by just asking the tellers for halfs when I go in to do my usual banking, occassionally was finding a silver or so if they happen to have any 1/2's most of the time they don't one point I even started ordering a few boxes of 1/2's from a couple banks - however this all resulted in ALL SKUNKS- never got anything from a box.. I used to find a silver seldom in hand rolled coins, now I NEVER EVER do... over and over again IF I get some 1/2's theres no silver at all... once I ordered dimes and quarters boxes thinking there just had to be something in it- NOTHING after all that work - ALL SKUNKS...... I know its meant to be a fun hobby, but seriously its running dry, theres nothing left to find....... I found this site last week, its pretty interesting and i enjoyed reading it but I read about your finds over and over again, and I wonder HOW CAN IT BE?? SERIOUSLY??? Are you really finding stuff or is it made up to keep the dream and hopes going? I have yet to ever find a walker or ben.... Because its dry over here, there is nothing.....Anyone in W.A.? thats where I am and I cant find anything... except about 15-20% copper in pennies, at least that is still there...
Truthfully I get a little embarassed to ask for the rolls...... " HI, do you have any Eisenhowers dollar coins?" ... "NO" .......... " Well, Do you have any 1/2 dollars? " ....... "NO" .... " Oh... hmm.. well do you have........." I get embarrassed asking...... and even more when I ask for full BOXES of anything... I get the weird look followed by " What do you need all those coins for? ".... "Uhhh....... Ummm.....uhhhhh..... "My husband asked me to get them!?!?"
I was encouraged by the site, so today i went hunting, ALL DAY about 15 banks hit, ALL said no to the eisenhowers, but I got about $250 in halfs all together scattered throughout the banks, i can report I found ONE lonely silver, only a 40%.. AMAZING tho! ONE - and it only took all day ... !!!! ... this is the 1st silver in months but i spent all day doing it... I get at least a handful of 1/2's weekly from a few banks and its always NOTHING anymore... Please any tips? Is there something I am doing wrong? You think its my area? Any tips on increasing the chances? I dont know how you guys are doing it.. i feel like those days are long gone and over... dry... dry..dry...Thanks!

You are in W.A.? Meaning state of Washington? You'd probably be one of the first or few I've read from that area. A lot of banks I ask for halves say no or they might have a few. Road trips are a total gamble in my opinion. Most of the silver areas seem to be the northeast. Based on where I'm from, I get sporadic finds. Occasionally, I'll get something. I've also gotten 13 straight boxes of skunks before getting a 40%er. I got better boxes last year. Now, with the boxes I get, I'm guaranteed to have one of them be a skunk. It depends on how many you do. Some areas are better than others. John from Arizona said that he gone through something like 45 straight skunk boxes. He says Arizona is very dry. My area used to be better but I consider it to be in between. It used to be better, not as good as Northeast but better than Arizona. There is no ryhme or reason or special tactic for you to get more silver guaranteed. If you keep at it, it will eventually turn up.

Its all made up. I had to get a extension cord for my keyboard cause my nose has grown so long I couldn't type without poking holes in my monitor. Fish stories I tell ya, lies all lies!
Seriousely I'd say your just late to the party and some monster hunters cleaned your area out long ago. Sure there is still silver to be had, just gotta find it. HH Mark

Seriously? Seriously. You make your first post on the forum and it is to complain? Seriously? Welcome aboard anyway. You have to move a lot and I mean A LOT of coin to find the silver most on here do. You don't read about the majority of the skunks. Sounds like you are looking for a huge payoff, that ain't gonna happen. Look at my totals for the year. I used to find 5X that much searching less than 1/2 as much. You find what you're willing to work for. Plus, like you wrote, you can't find loose halves anymore. That's due to competition.

Yes seriously....... I have been known to find a few Silver coins in my time here. But it has Seriously evaporated in the last year. Just did 4 skunk boxes on Friday. I used to do 15 boxes a week but I'm back to work now after a 15 month layoff and can't do 15 anymore so I am hanging on to a Friday search which has only produced on average of 1 keeper per box in the last 3 months. this coming from someone who just 1 year ago was pulling as many as 300 to 500 keepers a month......... Ah yes the high price of silver has made competition very fierce, and most of that competition is coming from bank tellers in my opinion. 4 years ago tellers were begging me to take their silver coins now they just laugh and say "SERIOUS???" when I ask them if they have any halves........ Times, they are a changing.......


Ever heard of taking someone snipe hunting? Its all a gigantic scam. There is no snipe just like there are no silver coins. We actually get commissions from the banks for sending them new customers and they know its us sending you to them when you ask for halves. Seriously!

Competition is fierce now.. when I did this 10 years ago, skunks were probably 1 in 6 boxes.. now skunk boxes are guaranteed.

We all live in an alternate reality where every coin we get from a bank is silver.

AGCoinHunter said:
We all live in an alternate reality where every coin we get from a bank is silver.

Haha....To be Honest (hate starting a sentence with that) I used to be skeptical a litte bit at first..not thinking people were making this Shii up...But how easy it sounds..I have found several Silver Halfs..and have been skunked more then enough..
It IS suppose to be a fun hobby..its practically legal gambling...If your not finding something..i would give it a break..or just give up :thumbsup:

Depends on your area. The East Coast is still pretty good, but lots of competrition.
Things will turn around.

silver spoon said:
sf bay area dont worry about complaining.Some people complain to let off steam its all good you will hit your silver steak one of these days.Dont listen to some people in here it a pretty negative forum but there are alot of good people in here.complaining is completely normal.This forum is disigned to comfort people in time of need and be compassionate.Ive heard many people in here say stop complaining stop winning i say to them hey chill out it all good.Anyways you have a wonderful christmas and a good new year.And dont get discouraged in here it a good thing to get knowledge and hey complain all you want cause i will listen..
OK, I'm sold. this forum is DESIGNED to comfort people in need. I thought it was to discuss coin roll hunting. I was making a point. You don't walk in to a store you've never shopped at before and complain too the manager the prices are too high.
P.S. To everyone else, I'm now convinced. ::)

It really is the luck of the draw, you go through boxes and boxes with not one piece of silver, then BAM, a box with 15 to 25 good sliver coins. Then again you can have a few boxes in a row with good coins. Ya just never know. Keep trying and your luck will change.

I have gotten several boxes with nothing, and then will get a bunch of keepers out of the next several boxes. It's always disappointing to get SKUNKED, but it happens to all of us. Keep at it and there may be a change. Try a different location, your area may have a ton of other people looking.

in regard to AZ being dry,I just started this a few weeks ago.I got a 10$ roll,and got 1 ben and 9 40's! I went back for more,but they had none.Now with a broken knee,I'm out for a while,but I got hooked!

This has made it much more enjoyable to me!!!!!

When I first started I would go through every coin and look at the date. When you have a few boxes that gets very time consuming...especially when you have to pick up a magnifying glass to see every fourth coin or so.

So...I started rim searching. I look at the rims for the distinctive silver appearance...if it even looks close I look at the date as well. When I am done with a roll I dump them into my other hand and listen for the sound of silver...I then dump then into the bag doing the same thing. So far I have picked out many by appearance and only one by the clink of silver.

I'm sure I have probably missed a couple, but I have decreased my time searching by ten times at least. I do not search for errors or 87's anymore...only silver. I am willing to sacrifice a few to sort through so much more in the same amount of time as date searching. Just my opinion... you I just recently went through a dry spell with about 15 skunk boxes. last four boxes have produced 19-20 silvers and I am happy with that. Keep at it, you'll hit the jackpot one day.

enamel7 said:
silver spoon said:
sf bay area dont worry about complaining.Some people complain to let off steam its all good you will hit your silver steak one of these days.Dont listen to some people in here it a pretty negative forum but there are alot of good people in here.complaining is completely normal.This forum is disigned to comfort people in time of need and be compassionate.Ive heard many people in here say stop complaining stop winning i say to them hey chill out it all good.Anyways you have a wonderful christmas and a good new year.And dont get discouraged in here it a good thing to get knowledge and hey complain all you want cause i will listen..
OK, I'm sold. this forum is DESIGNED to comfort people in need. I thought it was to discuss coin roll hunting. I was making a point. You don't walk in to a store you've never shopped at before and complain too the manager the prices are too high.
P.S. To everyone else, I'm now convinced. ::)

Can we all just sit around a campfire and sing kumbaya while holding hands? I have seen more than my share of complaints lately with the influx of new blood.

silver spoon said:
sf bay area dont worry about complaining.Some people complain to let off steam its all good you will hit your silver steak one of these days.Dont listen to some people in here it a pretty negative forum but there are alot of good people in here.complaining is completely normal.This forum is disigned to comfort people in time of need and be compassionate.Ive heard many people in here say stop complaining stop winning i say to them hey chill out it all good.Anyways you have a wonderful christmas and a good new year.And dont get discouraged in here it a good thing to get knowledge and hey complain all you want cause i will listen..

Who said I was complaining? Just stating a fact of my finds in my area. People complained about me complaining about the "lying teller" thread and yes I wanted to complain to management about the lying teller. Yet, like I said, I did this on and off for 10 years. I know that skunks are just part of it. Just stating a fact that skunks are more common now compared to when silver was $5.00/oz. That's all.

Hi Diabla. Welcome to the board, don't mind the grumps.
Boxes and bags (if you can get a bank to sell you bags) are the way to go. Customer Wrapped Rolls for halves, in my opinion, are a waste of time (I am an ostracized minority with that opinion)

Figure 3 out of 4 boxes will have nothing and the fourth will have anywhere from one lonely 40% to a potential motherlode.

If those odds don't work for you, try dimes or pennies. Dimes you can hit a silver 1-2 per box or around 6-8 per $1000 bag. There are sporadic reports of big hits in dimes but by and large the payout is steadier, but less Ag overall than hunting halves.

I've been doing this for about 3.5 years now. I never had a "big hit" - never found more than 15 or 20 40%ers or maybe 4 or 5 90%ers in a box so haven't really noticed any hard times or lean times, to me its been a slow steady grind all along. I think some of the posters had good scores a while ago and now are finding those, so they are a bit pessimistic as to the potential still out there
If you are prepared to go through 3 skunk boxes for every box with silver, then you are ready to start your ordering! If not, then maybe small purchases of .999 fine silver once a month is the most cost-effective way to increase your hoard.

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