Are You Wearing A Mask Yet?

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Seems that the nay Sayers are pouting that the percentage of protection is about 40%. That seems to be that a person wearing and exhausting breath is protecting the folks around them by that percentage. Then take a person wearing a mask that is in the presents of that mask wearing person that is exhausting breath is then again being protected that same 40% by inhaling through their own mask. Seems that the percentage has now gone up to 80%, Ill take that percentage over not wearing a mask any day.

What about your eyes? The virus can enter through your eyes as easily as your nose. You are only 50% protected and getting 20% less oxygen. Doesn't sound like a slam dunk to me.

What about your eyes? The virus can enter through your eyes as easily as your nose. You are only 50% protected and getting 20% less oxygen. Doesn't sound like a slam dunk to me.

It is not a slam dunk by far. You also have the option to wear goggles or maintain the proper distance, what ever you like. This is America and we do have options to go ahead and deny the advice and just go ahead and take the chance and then take that exposure home to your love ones of friends. As far as your assertion of 20% oxygen, that can be over come by deep breathing and a good mask. Go ahead and play the health lottery, the percentage of wins without a mask is very very low. I still say that taking the time and effort and just raise the percentage of safety by wearing the mask far exceeds the option of not wearing it. Your choice.

It is not a slam dunk by far. You also have the option to wear goggles or maintain the proper distance, what ever you like. This is America and we do have options to go ahead and deny the advice and just go ahead and take the chance and then take that exposure home to your love ones of friends. As far as your assertion of 20% oxygen, that can be over come by deep breathing and a good mask. Go ahead and play the health lottery, the percentage of wins without a mask is very very low. I still say that taking the time and effort and just raise the percentage of safety by wearing the mask far exceeds the option of not wearing it. Your choice.

Mask,distance,and goggles...No thanks,I'll take the risk.

Mask,distance,and goggles...No thanks,I'll take the risk.

Better hope that one of your friends or love ones never has to go to the operating room, Then you would have to go in and tell them that wearing a mask over surgical areas is not necessary and they can opt to not use them. The same logic there also applies to this C-19 situation. We are all praying that this situation will finally have a proper ending and all will be well again.

1% of US population has been infected with less than 4% death rate,you have a far better chance of dying in a car accident. (1:103)

Survival rate is 96%+

not to mention I was recently in my cabin in maine, in a town of about 100 people or less. There were people in that town having to fight to get covid removed from a death certificate as it is being wrongly used in many peoples deaths. Just think if that is happening in area with towns that small, think of what is happening in larger areas. and that's what you get when hospitals are rewarded funding based on how many covid deaths you report......

Better hope that one of your friends or love ones never has to go to the operating room, Then you would have to go in and tell them that wearing a mask over surgical areas is not necessary and they can opt to not use them. The same logic there also applies to this C-19 situation. We are all praying that this situation will finally have a proper ending and all will be well again.

I have seen through observation people do not THINK for themselves,I do.

Tiredman, please post by our rules and keep political comments out of threads.

TH wrote “1% of US population has been infected with less than 4% death rate,you have a far better chance of dying in a car accident. (1:103)”

That 1 in 103 chance is your LIFETIME chance - your annual chance is a bit over 1 in 8,000.

not to mention I was recently in my cabin in maine, in a town of about 100 people or less. There were people in that town having to fight to get covid removed from a death certificate as it is being wrongly used in many peoples deaths. Just think if that is happening in area with towns that small, think of what is happening in larger areas. and that's what you get when hospitals are rewarded funding based on how many covid deaths you report......

The Rest of the Story about extra money for Hospitals reporting Covid-19 patients... ANY HOSPITAL That Has To Use a Respirator on a MEDICARE PATIENT is Paid about 3x More...It's Not Exclusive to COVID-19. It's Medicare Policy. That Rumor got started on FB. You Can Call Any Billing Department at Any Hospital and They Will Tell You That.

Part of the Federal Stimulus Package.... Hospitals Are Paid about 13% More for Covid-19 Patients Due To Drs, Nurses and All Staff working in a High Risk Environment. They are paid a bit extra for that. Hazard Pay for all the front line workers and the amount of staff needed for disinfecting etc. and this being such a highly contagious virus.

Death Certificates...A lot of DC's have a Primary and Secondary COD. For Instance...We've all heard of folks who die suddenly in their sleep or otherwise of a heart attack, Everyone is Shocked...that would be secondary to a blockage or other heart disease. Covid-19 patients are not different, some have heart or lung problems, some are obese, some have or had cancer, some have asthma, etc.

There's a lot of things that people live just fine with, treated or not, But after contracting Covid-19 they couldn't take it. That's why the Death Certificates are done the way they are.

All of us 'could' have an underlying condition that we might not be aware of. All of us could contract Covid-19. Some of us might not make it and die, or be physically compromised for the rest of our lives. In the meantime if we aren't ALL wearing masks when around folks outside of our home and in public, We Definitely Will Be Contributing to Someone's Death or Disability IF we are asymptomatic and do not know we have it.

It's just gotta happen that we ALL wear Masks and Glasses...Prescription...Sunglasses...Accessory or Riding goggles. I wear Oakley Wrap Sunglasses.

Hawaii won't even allow us Mainlanders In Now along With Europe banning us.

All of it HELPS Stop The Spread.


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It isn't just about dying. I got sick in early April, was unable to walk from the bedroom to the living room for almost a month. Literally crawled. It is now almost four months and I still have shortness of breath and an elevated pulse rate. OK, I am not dead, but MDs are finding more and more folks who had a pretty bad case are having long lasting effects from the virus and some may have permanent damage to different organs. I cannot even walk the 120' to my mailbox without gasping if I walk a normal for me pace. Not so bad if I go slowly but even then I get the mail, cross back to my side of the street and have to sit or lean on the stone wall to get my wind back before I make the last 100' to the house and I have to sit again. I hope I get back to pre-virus condition but it is very hard. I lost more than 10% body weight (and I'm a skinny guy) and much muscle mass and with the elevated pulse rate and shortness of breath makes it impossible to walk far or use my weights to regain muscle. MD says there may be permanent damage to my lungs and heart and I could be handicapped for the rest of my life although I certainly hope not. I can hardly imagine my life without being able to walk a mile, regain my muscle mass, have to be sedentary. Go on you naysayers, gamble with your health, being crippled by the disease is almost as bad as dying. And you are not just gambling with your own health you are gambling with that of your whole family's health. Every day there are more and more stories about young folks bringing it home with their parents or one parent getting hospitalized sick. Parents in their 40s. Do you think just because the mortality rate is not too high (unless it's you or your loved ones) that being in the hospital for a month or more is fun?

TH, what are you talking about? About 38,000 car crash deaths in the US for 2019, already 138,000 covid deaths and climbing, GET REAL!! Regarding death counts, there are also many religious groups who don't allow autopsies on their dead and some who have to bury their dead the same day, these people also have covid deaths which are not being counted yet they are dead of covid.

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So....0.03942857142857%....Equals 139,413 THOUSAND Actual People Who Have DIED and Seperately...3.54 MILLION Known Number Of People Who Are INFECTED In The USofA. Correct?

Not Good At All. Not Good At All.


I saw this stat making the rounds on Facebook yesterday. To say only .04% of the US population has died is super misleading because we don't know how many were infected. Ok, 3.54 million known. That's going to be significantly under counting due to asymptomatic people. Let's be generous and say 10x under-reported, so 35 million people have been infected. 139K / 35,000,000 = .4% death rate. So, if every US citizen was infected (328 million), then we would lose at least 1.3 million people to covid. Now, if my 10x number was too high... Yikes.... You can't downplay something that could kill more than a million people....

Here's another weird one. Our school district just had a press release that said if our 192,000 kids all went back to school, we would have, at a minimum, 40 kids die. That's a death rate of .02%, but damn, they are kids...

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I saw this stat making the rounds on Facebook yesterday. To say only .04% of the US population has died is super misleading because we don't know how many were infected. Ok, 3.54 million known. That's going to be significantly under counting due to asymptomatic people. Let's be generous and say 10x under-reported, so 35 million people have been infected. 139K / 35,000,000 = .4% death rate. So, if every US citizen was infected (328 million), then we would lose at least 1.3 million people to covid. Now, if my 10x number was too high... Yikes.... You can't downplay something that could kill more than a million people....

Here's another weird one. Our school district just had a press release that said if our 192,000 kids all went back to school, we would have, at a minimum, 40 kids die. That's a death rate of .02%, but damn, they are kids...

Might want to check your math, 139,000 deaths Ă· 35,000,000 is 0.00397142857143%, not .4%.

139,000 deaths Ă· 331,000,000 current population = 0.00041993957704%

I saw this stat making the rounds on Facebook yesterday. To say only .04% of the US population has died is super misleading because we don't know how many were infected. Ok, 3.54 million known. That's going to be significantly under counting due to asymptomatic people. Let's be generous and say 10x under-reported, so 35 million people have been infected. 139K / 35,000,000 = .4% death rate. So, if every US citizen was infected (328 million), then we would lose at least 1.3 million people to covid. Now, if my 10x number was too high... Yikes.... You can't downplay something that could kill more than a million people....

Here's another weird one. Our school district just had a press release that said if our 192,000 kids all went back to school, we would have, at a minimum, 40 kids die. That's a death rate of .02%, but damn, they are kids...

Might want to check your math, 139,000 deaths Ă· 35,000,000 is 0.00397142857143%, not .4%.

139,000 deaths Ă· 331,000,000 current population = 0.00041993957704%

Stay safe. Mask up. Better safe than sorry on this one.

It isn't just about dying. I got sick in early April, was unable to walk from the bedroom to the living room for almost a month. Literally crawled. It is now almost four months and I still have shortness of breath and an elevated pulse rate. OK, I am not dead, but MDs are finding more and more folks who had a pretty bad case are having long lasting effects from the virus and some may have permanent damage to different organs. I cannot even walk the 120' to my mailbox without gasping if I walk a normal for me pace. Not so bad if I go slowly but even then I get the mail, cross back to my side of the street and have to sit or lean on the stone wall to get my wind back. I hope I get back to pre-virus condition but it is very hard. I lost more than 10% body weight and much muscle mass and with the elevated pulse rate and shortness of breath makes it impossible to walk far or use my weights to regain muscle. MD says there may be permanent damage to my lungs and heart and I could be handicapped for the rest of my life although I certainly hope not. I can hardly imagine my life without being able to walk a mile, regain my muscle mass, have to be sedentary. Go on you naysayers, gamble with your health, being crippled by the disease is almost as bad as dying. And you are not just gambling with your own health you are gambling with that of your whole family's health. Every day there are more and more stories about young folks bring it home with their parents or one parent getting hospitalized sick. Do you think just because the mortality rate is not too high (unless it's you or your loved ones) that being in the hospital for a month or more is fun?

TH, what are you talking about? About 38,000 car crash deaths in the US for 2019, already 138,000 covid deaths and climbing, GET REAL!! Regarding death counts, there are also many religious groups who don't allow autopsies on their dead and some who have to bury their dead the same day, these people also have covid deaths which are not being counted yet they are dead of covid.

I Am So Happy You Survived Covid-19 and I Am So Sad you have the lingering side effects. I will pray for you everyday for Full Recovery.

I also appreciate you sharing your story here on Tnet. Thank You! If it changes One Opinion you've made a difference here on this forum.

You are exactly right on the undercounting due to religious reasons. Most Amish and Mennonite communities don't even talk about it and they usually are not brought to a hospital. If they get sick, they are taken care of at home and if they die, they are prepared and buried in their community.

There are many religions that do not allow autopsies or even allow mainstream medicine.

In all reality, we will never know the true amount of Covid-19 cases or deaths. Those without symptoms and don't get sick just keep passing it around, which is why we All Have To Take Precautions.

Prayers for a Fast and Full Recovery Gun!


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To all those promoting the pandemic, belittling its consequences, and making a mockery out of those of us who are doing our part....

First, Gunsil ... I'm sorry to hear that you have suffered with the virus and its aftermath. I had mere month of not being able to breathe following a bout of the flu about 15 years ago and am still affected by that. I will pray for your full recovery and for a long and happy life.

As for wearing a mask, I don't like it because it is not comfortable and somewhat restrictive on my breathing, but I wear one like it is my job. If wearing a mask has any modicum of a chance of keeping me from getting the virus or spreading the virus to anyone else, I support it.

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