Check out worked farm ground that is not far from any stream or river, But make sure you get permission first. Good luck!

Thank you. My grandfather lives out in he country and we have alot of hay and corn farms around.

The Ohio River is a great source of hunting. As Digger said though make sure you get permission if it should be private property. Never and I repeat never hunt anything that is protected by the National Park Service. There are alot of mounds in Ohio and the ones that have been discovered are protected!!...................Good luck!!...........GTP(Chris)

where theres dirt there are possibilities

Use Google earth and look for the high ground in bends of the river. Hunt the river there where it is flat and it goes up a ridge. The flat will produce. Ancient creek beds and springs. Look for the flakes first and learn to recognize them and you will soon find some.
Be sure and post your first find and have fun. You are in a very good area.
Good luck.

thats a good tip! the most successful artifact hunters I know including myself will tell you..."dont just look for projectile points look for evidence like flakes or in my area pottery too. that will then lead you to focus in that area then that will not only train your eyes to spot the material but will lead to you finding points and other artifacts.Its not often that the first evidence you see will be a point.

thats a good tip! the most successful artifact hunters I know including myself will tell you..."dont just look for projectile points look for evidence like flakes or in my area pottery too. that will then lead you to focus in that area then that will not only train your eyes to spot the material but will lead to you finding points and other artifacts.Its not often that the first evidence you see will be a point.

Yes pottery sherds or the midden lines in the banks of black fire refuse or old white shell and snails all indicate ancient habitation. Crushed bone at waters edge. They always got the marrow. Could even be a line of river rock six feet up a bank. They were everywhere and some places for 12000 years.

I just wanted to add that the very super best artifact hunter (me) can summon artifacts from within the ground
if you put a lot of time and effort into learning how to do this you will still not be as good as me.

SOHIO said:
I just wanted to add that the very super best artifact hunter (me) can summon artifacts from within the ground
if you put a lot of time and effort into learning how to do this you will still not be as good as me.

Sooo that means I'm better than you!

Johnathan Griswold

haha.. I'm going to have to see if I can come up with a photo of an alligator with a superhero cape holding a spear. I just got in from hunting. seems I'm in a lot of pottery all of a sudden. I'm not going to keep posting pottery pieces. I have some cool ones though. I'll save them for a nother time. came up with a drilled oyster shell. a lot of people figure they were used for net weight.


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