AzVipers Road To Riches

Just an update. Our family will be heading to Lake Havasu Friday morning to spend 4 or 5 days. My brother is now in home Hospice. There has been some mixed communications from my sister-in-law, my sister, and my brother of the time my brother has. He is a fighter and is going to fight this cancer. He says he feel good and feels that the radiation may have worked, but will not know until his next PET scan. The reason he was placed into Hospice was the pain.

Gold mining has been the furthest from my mine. Been toying around with a Drone outfitted with a GoPro to keep my mine occupied, but I do have plans to use the Drone to look at areas up close. The Drone is outfitted with FPV so I see where I am flying in real time...

We are praying the next PET scan comes back with really good information.

That is an interesting drone.

Hope your brother kicks cancers ass! That is one bad ass drone! Makes for a good diversion from thinking about all the other crap going on in your life. I fully understand. :thumbsup:

Hi Keith,

I lost a good friend to cancer last year and it was a long 2 year fight for him, I pray this god awful disease does not take your brother from you. I'm glad you said he's a fighter tell him to keep fighting. You and your family are in my prayers

Great to hear that your brother is finally home! (hospice or not!) Sucks feeling crummy but sucks worse when you are not in a place that is soothing to the soul (Home). Awesome drone, cant believe the range on that thing. Excellent choice of song by the way.

Hey Keith...did you build that drone from scratch or did you buy a kit? lol
Seriously tho, thank you for checking in...been wondering. Sorry about all the crap that life has thrown at you and yours. Prayers go out to all. I got a healthy dose of it myself 6 weeks ago...the kind where every morning you have to get the toilet to see if you need to go to the emergency room or not. Procedures finally scheduled for me next week. Oh yeah...had to stop drinking and put my dog down the same week the doc called me. Well, almost gave up drinking.

It does tend to make prospecting the last thing on your mind but try to make time for medicine I know of. :thumbsup:

Thanks everyone... I wish I could spend more time in the forums. My brother continues his fight but its not getting better. Mayo told him there is nothing else they can do. He cannot even get a PET scan due to having the limit on radiation. My brother has lost 65 pounds and cannot eat due to the narrowing of his throat, he lives on Ensure drinks. He will have to come off of Hospice to have his throat stretched in order to be able to eat solid food. Last weekend was tough as I spent 4 days in Lake Havasu. He gets tired very easily. Damn life is so f**king shitty to see him in the shape he is in. I am very grateful that his wife of 48 years is there to take care of him daily. His son and his family have moved within 2 hours of Lake Havasu and my sister and brother-in-law are nearby. I try to get up and see him all I can. He believes the radiation is working due to the pain levels have decreased, but I am not so sure that's true due to all the pain meds he is on.

I will stop by again soon. Hope everyone is AOK... thanks again...

Jeff, the UAV started out as a kit that I have modified. I had built another from scratched but never finished it and sold off most of the gear from the quadcopter. This hexacopter is very stable and outfitted with GPS stabilization. It is also outfitted with a GPS tracker in the event I loose control. I simply dial the cell number and receive a text message with a Google Earth link showing me where the hexacopter is at. I took the UAV up to Lake Havasu last weekend and took my brother out to a remote spot on the lake. I offered to let him fly it but refused.

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Keith...All I can tell you is the throat stretching procedure is a piece of cake. I just talked to my doc about it cuz my 89 year old mom has had the same condition for almost 10 years. She grinds most of her food and drinks Slim Fast. I keep telling her she doesn't need to get slim or fast and she say's she drinks it for the protein. I told her she will have it done this year cuz I can't be with her 24/7 and if she chokes while I am with her, I would probably crush her if I did a Heimlich on her.

That Drone is awesome Keith and it's no surprise to me you tweaked it. Our lives will settle soon...and maybe not the way we would like, but eventually you'll be flying high, posting vids and I'll get back to digging and using that Miller Table you built me.

Keith, it's difficult to read about your brothers battle, but it's
a battle we all must face, someday. Hoping that treatment he had
will show some promise! Prayers are in the wind.

My older sister just went through 8 weeks of chemo and radiation
for a tumor in her colon, and 2 weeks ago they gave her an "all
clear", in that they couldn't find any cancer remaining. She lives
in Costa Rica, and there's no way I could ever get down there to
see her. We all got our fingers crossed that the battle is over.

Awesome copter, btw...:occasion14:

Many years back I had a customer that developed some very advanced
UAV technology. At the time it was highly classified, and likely
still is to some degree, but in short they were developing
camera and sensor technology for UAV's that is still light
years beyond what the consumer can access today. Believe
it or not, it was not originally developed for warfare, but for the
commercial fishing industry. Today it's on the battlefields of
the world, protecting our boys, and identifying the bad guys.

Hang in there brother, and never feel alone...cause you ain't!


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I knew this day was coming. My brother passed away Friday evening at 10:01PM after a long battle with cancer. At the end bone cancer spread throughout his body. Bone cancer is very painful and the last two weeks he was on some of the strongest pain relief meds known.

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Rest in peace brother, one of the happier moments you and I shared!!!​

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Sorry to hear of your loss but pleased to know the pain is over for him and those who love him too.

That is sad when a fighter loses the battle. And bone cancer _is_ bad; my dad's prostrate cancer moved to the bones. I am so sorry.

Although I did not know him, seems the world has lost another great man. My family is praying for you. Grieve and heal my friend. No more pain, just good memories of the time you had together. Praying for peace.

Just got the word on your brothers passing. I'm really sorry for your loss, but at least he is no longer in pain. He put up a hell of a fight for a very long time and now he can rest.

When you feel up to it, come on out and we'll do some digging.

So sorry to hear of your loss. My thoughts are with you and your family.

I have had no interest in getting out. My knee that I was born with continues to get worse and I know I need to see a surgeon. Still have the mining gear and its all packed in the trailer. Someday I will make use of it again. Walking down hill is the worse as it put pressure on the knee. Just buying time until we get through the summer months and I will see the surgeon. Still flying multi-rotors and here is a video I recently did. Comments and suggestions welcome. Its best to open the video into Youtube but not fullscreen as Youtube compress the video. The video was shot in 1080P and looks outstanding on a big screen run from my laptop.

Hope all is well with everyone. Jeff I still see that you are out in Kingman. I will be heading up to Lake Havasu this Saturday to help clean up some of my brothers belongings.

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Jeff I still see that you are out in Kingman. I will be heading up to Lake Havasu this Saturday to help clean up some of my brothers belongings.

Well give me a call and if you're going through Golden Valley you know you're always welcome man. Or if you need a hand let me know and I'm there. H3LL... give me a call anyway. New developments on my end.

Until I get this knee looked at my prospecting days are on the ROCKS ... I am having fun making videos though, but the only problem is if my drone were to go down where I am flying there is no recovery as walking down hill is my biggest issue and why I am not prospecting. Jeff I have very limited time that I will be up your way as this run to Lake Havasu is just over 24 hours and then back to Tucson. Hope to get down south next Friday were we were prospecting and do some videos. I bet I will have Border Patrol on my ass once the big bird is airborne. My latest video filmed yesterday morning at 6:30am. Make sure to expand the video by clicking on the YouTube icon below the video.


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