Back on the Texas Frontier: Seated Quarter, relics...


Hero Member
Apr 3, 2018
πŸ† Honorable Mentions:
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Minelab Equinox 800
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All Treasure Hunting
Howdy all,

Everybody's been posting some great finds, so I figured I throw my hat in as well.

Got out to the fort site in the baseball field again yesterday and fought the mud. I concentrated on coin signals due to the poor digging conditions. Got 6 or so wheats AND: an 1856 seated liberty quarter! Did eek out a few relics too as it was hard to pass up the obvious signals. A couple of musket balls, some camp lead and 2 eagle buttons. The cuff is an eagle "I". Oh, and a silver religious pendant. Pretty sure that's from the baseball players, not the 1800's troops, lol. Bumps my silver count to 27 for the year. Gotta get going on the gold, I'm falling behind :laughing7:

Thanks for looking,


Upvote 25
Sweet seated quarter from the fort period :thumbsup:
A seated quarter is still on my bucket list.

Sweet seated quarter from the fort period :thumbsup:
A seated quarter is still on my bucket list.

Isn't it odd what does and doesn't fall under our coils? I'm still waiting on barber dime, lol.

Very Nice!!! Congrats!!!

Wow it's hard to top a seated quarter! Amazing! Have to do that some day!

That quarter is awesome. Congrats!

A fine hunt, congrats! :occasion14:

Nice seated quarter they are tough to come by.

Your having a good season so far


Awesome dig! Congrats on the Seated quarter!

Great one. Not an easy coin to find down there

Thanks for the comments folks. No idea where I'll be this coming weekend. Might get to scout some new spots if I can't make it back to the fort. Good luck out there!

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