Bob Brewer is retiring from on site treasure work 3/30/2022.


Jr. Member
Dec 11, 2016
Hatton, AR
Primary Interest:
Cache Hunting
Many of you on the forums won't remember Bob Brewer, alias Hillbilly. I'm here to announce my retirement from on site treasure work. My team (13) men and women have all passed away leaving only me, John London and one field man to do all the work. Last week we found the final marker to the Jesse James Keehi Hills yarn in SW Oklahoma. We will at some point return there to see what they left us. We did find Jack's grave, it was a hobby horse with it's left hind leg cut off. Of couse this was the lame jack excuse for burying the gold. Some people never learn, do they 2late2dig. We'll invite you to our dig.
We have finished our work in Danville, Virginia and Northern North Carolina. I might add here that the treasure legend of Confederate Gold at Danville has been proven to be partly true but mostly hogwash. The treasure depository there covers over 1100 square miles. There were/are still caches left there but are not touchable due to their location. The Granddaddy of the caches wasn't in VA, but in NC instead. Now that I will have more time to write and make DVDs the complete Danville depository will be explained.
It took John and I only sixty hours to outline the depository. Of course some of you know that once the depository limits are found the template we have shows the location of the caches. We tried in 2010 to tell the Danville story on the History Channel but everything we showed and explained went over the head of the show's director. So we will do it our way with a DVD production using slides, video and maps. That is coming in a few months.
Our 28 year hunt for the LUE was concluded last May. We found the location of 7 caches, but there are many more. Arizona was the first time we used drones in our search for clues. We have some breath taking 4K video of clues being found and recovered using the drones. If you are familiar with Arizona State Trust Lands you will know why recovery of most LUE caches is not possible. Those lands don't allow vehicle traffic, mining claims or treasure trove permits.
The last hunt we assisted on is in Utah. History aired a program on it. I am in work on a DVD slide show exposing how that show was fraudulent because it featured a person as a "treasure hunter". He observed several informative treasure panels and failed to tell how any of the symbols read. I look for History to soon come out with a program attempting to debunk anything I say about the show. We'll just let our media prove our work on the site. Of course we have neither one been to the site, we just viewed History's production and took will use what we saw there as our evidence. I have been warned by History and A&E not to use their intellectual property. If you watched the show you will have seen several of my copyrighted photos used without my permission and even clips of me in the show.
If they go back and find the beautiful clues they missed, I'm sure they won't be able to interpret their meaning.
For you unaware of my age, I'm in my eighty third year and still going pretty strong. Linda (wife) fell and injured herself badly so now I am home caring for her. At least I'll be near my office and computers so maybe will get some of the work out I promised. I have been involved with treasure signs, symbols and maps for 74 years. If you don't believe in the "Black Book" pehaps you will when we get through explaining how the code in that book works.
Hunt hard, live well from your work.
Bob Brewer (Hillbilly Bob)

This has to do with hoax island how?

Sounds like yet another yarn of, “we found the treasure BUT are not allowed to dig it up” and , “we tried to get a cable show and failed”.

Of course I’d love to see someone prove me wrong and produce an actual treasure.

This has to do with hoax island how?

Sounds like yet another yarn of, “we found the treasure BUT are not allowed to dig it up” and , “we tried to get a cable show and failed”.

Of course I’d love to see someone prove me wrong and produce an actual treasure.
Singlestack: I'm sure I don't know you and know dang well you don't know me. From what you said it shows you are a newby to this game. Everything I said in my post is true. I am not about to get into an argument with you or anyone else. But I'm sure many people on this forum know me and my reputation for helping serious treasure hunters with their projects since 1987. Likely you are a late comer to treasure hunting. If you would take time and check out some of the things that are said on this website you probably wouldn't be hostile to everyone that makes a post about what they have done or are doing.

I'll take a few minutes to educate you on old treasure hunters that were gone long before you were old enough to have heard about them. Let me tell you of a few real treasure hunters, whom I carried a shovel and water for or worked side by side with over the last 40 years. Remember Dane Chastain and his brother Jet? Ever hear of Ed Bartholomew AKA Jesse Rascoe? How about Michael Paul Henson whose research accounted for several pots of gold, there are a few that know about some of those finds! Paul Tainter and his sweet wife Joan, Jim Alexander, founder of Alexander Enterprises, South Houston, Apache Jim Wilson, Bob (Snuffy) Smith, Charles Garrett, Tommy Veal. I tutored Dr. Roy Roush with his introduction to a real KGC treasure.
There is not doubt I was responsible for interesting modern treasure hunters in the KGC. The first researched book on the KGC since 1932, was mine in 1993, admittedly it was self-published because no publisher would put their name on the story. The fact is true, that I was tutored by a Sentinel that guarded the caches in the depository surrounding his son's farm, where I spent many of my childhood days. I actually helped the agent make hootowl trees and lay down treasure clues. As for getting series on History Channel I've been there and done that. I was the original KGC hunter on the first 5 or 6 episodes on History and other cable Channels. If you read the credits for the Disney Movie, National Treasure II Book of secrets, you will see I was the consultant for the treasure lore in that movie. It was me that deciphered a pirate treasure map for Nat Geo, for a treasure buried in Madagascar. I gave the first ever presentation on KGC treasure symbols at the largest treasure show ever, TVE Treasure Extravaganza show in 1994, also I was the keynote speaker at that show. I was the first to post anything about the KGC or Confederate Underground on this very forum when it first began in the 1990s. Our Golden Circle Research team held a KGC school for those interested in the KGC, twice a year, in March and October for 12 years. I have photos of people, many believe are the world's greatest KGC hunters, attending one of the training secession held from 1993 until 2007. Several "absolute experts on the KGC" you all know, all attended one or more of our schools. If you want photos of them I'll post them on our website "" You might be surprised to learn who they are. One is a proficient author of KGC books, most people rave about, and he was one of my students. I showed him his very first KGC depository and two months later he wrote his first book using information I gave him and photos I allowed him to take in two KGC depositories. He even admitted that fact in one of his books. He attended with another person who in a few months was hiring out to help other treasure hunters with their projects. He only knew what I taught him which was not even close to how the treasure symbols work. The man that started a long lasting KGC Blog site was one of the least likely persons I ever met who would find anything.
There are very few on this website that ever seriously looked at what I named "The Black Book." That is the Bible on KGC treasure but only the few who really read every word could be successful at working a KGC site.
You must be pretty naive to think a person that finds a KGC cache would post a photo on this forum like it was only a Confederate button or something. Did you ever hear of IRS or FBI, check the Dent’s Run fiasco in PA.
Check out the many treasure shows where I made long presentations on the KGC. Now, have I ever come clean on my knowledge of KGC symbols, maps, signs, clues etc.? No! I haven't because we have yet to disclose the true name the KGC was a front for from 1835 to 1864. The old humbug, Bickley was allowed to advertise for members of the KGC in newspapers and claimed to be President of the KGC, he was a nobody in the actual organization behind the KGC. It would do no good to reveal that name because all the naysayers would have a field day. That's why John and I never divulge any secrets, even to people we consulted with to find their KGC stash.

Now have a field day with this post. If you even half believe there is lots of gold out there to find, you need to hang out with us on our website. Nowadays you won't learn much about real treasure hunting by watching you tube or television

Oh! I'm seldom on this forum, but I haven't seen anyone here mention the video I put on YouTube. It's titled
"Jesse James' treasure Turtle map tree or like that. It is the real McCoy of a KGC treasure map tree and proof they used coded symbols to make treasure maps.
I'm done... I hope this isn't taken as being political. I mean it to be informational.
Forgive any errors, my old eyes are not good now.
My Best to all the sincere people on this forum.
attachment is two of our crew in a drone photo looking at where we found the final clue to the LUE[2021-09-17 08-11-17.948].jpg

Again, what does this have to do with hoax island?

We have finished our work in Danville, Virginia and Northern North Carolina. I might add here that the treasure legend of Confederate Gold at Danville has been proven to be partly true but mostly hogwash. The treasure depository there covers over 1100 square miles. There were/are still caches left there but are not touchable due to their location. The Granddaddy of the caches wasn't in VA, but in NC instead. Now that I will have more time to write and make DVDs the complete Danville depository will be explained.

Bob Brewer (Hillbilly Bob)

Do you mean one of the treasures is buried at the Danville National Cemetery?

Do you mean one of the treasures is buried at the Danville National Cemetery?
Franklin stated he already found that one and moved on.

However, Frankin hasn't provided any proof of actual treasure.

Maybe Rennes can provide actual proof of their find?

Franklin has stated that all of the treasures he has found cannot be recovered as to their location. Rennes stated above that that may be the case with them as well.

With all the claims of actually finding treasure here, I for one would like to truly congratulate and help promote the fame of the person that actually shows proof of their claims!

I think someone has confused Oak Island, North Carolina with Oak Island, Nova Scotia. Or something?

Now there is a fine example of cartography and clue interpretation. ;-)

Do you mean one of the treasures is buried at the Danville National Cemetery?
Oak Island was mentioned but most of the post was directed at the guy who though I was hurt because I didn't get a series on History. I hope he read my last. (edited for rule violation)
HBB from Rennes/Marta's desk.

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Oak Island was mentioned but most of the post was directed at the guy who though I was hurt because I didn't get a series on History. I hope he read my last. If you waiting for a reply to this last confused person check it out on ""
HBB from Rennes/Marta's desk.
I thought promoting other websites wasn’t allowed

I think what myself and others are wondering what your post has to do with Oak Island, Nova Scotia???
I know I'm confused.

Also, BTW what is going on in SW OK? I'm in the Lawton area.
"Last week we found the final marker to the Jesse James Keehi Hills yarn in SW Oklahoma."

Many of you on the forums won't remember Bob Brewer, alias Hillbilly. I'm here to announce my retirement from on site treasure work. My team (13) men and women have all passed away leaving only me, John London and one field man to do all the work. Last week we found the final marker to the Jesse James Keehi Hills yarn in SW Oklahoma. We will at some point return there to see what they left us. We did find Jack's grave, it was a hobby horse with it's left hind leg cut off. Of couse this was the lame jack excuse for burying the gold. Some people never learn, do they 2late2dig. We'll invite you to our dig.
We have finished our work in Danville, Virginia and Northern North Carolina. I might add here that the treasure legend of Confederate Gold at Danville has been proven to be partly true but mostly hogwash. The treasure depository there covers over 1100 square miles. There were/are still caches left there but are not touchable due to their location. The Granddaddy of the caches wasn't in VA, but in NC instead. Now that I will have more time to write and make DVDs the complete Danville depository will be explained.
It took John and I only sixty hours to outline the depository. Of course some of you know that once the depository limits are found the template we have shows the location of the caches. We tried in 2010 to tell the Danville story on the History Channel but everything we showed and explained went over the head of the show's director. So we will do it our way with a DVD production using slides, video and maps. That is coming in a few months.
Our 28 year hunt for the LUE was concluded last May. We found the location of 7 caches, but there are many more. Arizona was the first time we used drones in our search for clues. We have some breath taking 4K video of clues being found and recovered using the drones. If you are familiar with Arizona State Trust Lands you will know why recovery of most LUE caches is not possible. Those lands don't allow vehicle traffic, mining claims or treasure trove permits.
The last hunt we assisted on is in Utah. History aired a program on it. I am in work on a DVD slide show exposing how that show was fraudulent because it featured a person as a "treasure hunter". He observed several informative treasure panels and failed to tell how any of the symbols read. I look for History to soon come out with a program attempting to debunk anything I say about the show. We'll just let our media prove our work on the site. Of course we have neither one been to the site, we just viewed History's production and took will use what we saw there as our evidence. I have been warned by History and A&E not to use their intellectual property. If you watched the show you will have seen several of my copyrighted photos used without my permission and even clips of me in the show.
If they go back and find the beautiful clues they missed, I'm sure they won't be able to interpret their meaning.
For you unaware of my age, I'm in my eighty third year and still going pretty strong. Linda (wife) fell and injured herself badly so now I am home caring for her. At least I'll be near my office and computers so maybe will get some of the work out I promised. I have been involved with treasure signs, symbols and maps for 74 years. If you don't believe in the "Black Book" pehaps you will when we get through explaining how the code in that book works.
Hunt hard, live well from your work.
Bob Brewer (Hillbilly Bob)
Hi Bob. If I had known you were posting on Tnet, I would have watched for your posts. I read your book about ten years ago and referred back to it, many times since. It’s still on my book shelf with my other favorite books. I’m not a treasure hunter but I have always loved the stories and enjoyed treasure related research. I believe it was your book where I first read about place names to watch for. I wish you well in your future endeavors and I will check out hoot owl

Many of you on the forums won't remember Bob Brewer, alias Hillbilly. I'm here to announce my retirement from on site treasure work. My team (13) men and women have all passed away leaving only me, John London and one field man to do all the work. Last week we found the final marker to the Jesse James Keehi Hills yarn in SW Oklahoma. We will at some point return there to see what they left us. We did find Jack's grave, it was a hobby horse with it's left hind leg cut off. Of couse this was the lame jack excuse for burying the gold. Some people never learn, do they 2late2dig. We'll invite you to our dig.
We have finished our work in Danville, Virginia and Northern North Carolina. I might add here that the treasure legend of Confederate Gold at Danville has been proven to be partly true but mostly hogwash. The treasure depository there covers over 1100 square miles. There were/are still caches left there but are not touchable due to their location. The Granddaddy of the caches wasn't in VA, but in NC instead. Now that I will have more time to write and make DVDs the complete Danville depository will be explained.
It took John and I only sixty hours to outline the depository. Of course some of you know that once the depository limits are found the template we have shows the location of the caches. We tried in 2010 to tell the Danville story on the History Channel but everything we showed and explained went over the head of the show's director. So we will do it our way with a DVD production using slides, video and maps. That is coming in a few months.
Our 28 year hunt for the LUE was concluded last May. We found the location of 7 caches, but there are many more. Arizona was the first time we used drones in our search for clues. We have some breath taking 4K video of clues being found and recovered using the drones. If you are familiar with Arizona State Trust Lands you will know why recovery of most LUE caches is not possible. Those lands don't allow vehicle traffic, mining claims or treasure trove permits.
The last hunt we assisted on is in Utah. History aired a program on it. I am in work on a DVD slide show exposing how that show was fraudulent because it featured a person as a "treasure hunter". He observed several informative treasure panels and failed to tell how any of the symbols read. I look for History to soon come out with a program attempting to debunk anything I say about the show. We'll just let our media prove our work on the site. Of course we have neither one been to the site, we just viewed History's production and took will use what we saw there as our evidence. I have been warned by History and A&E not to use their intellectual property. If you watched the show you will have seen several of my copyrighted photos used without my permission and even clips of me in the show.
If they go back and find the beautiful clues they missed, I'm sure they won't be able to interpret their meaning.
For you unaware of my age, I'm in my eighty third year and still going pretty strong. Linda (wife) fell and injured herself badly so now I am home caring for her. At least I'll be near my office and computers so maybe will get some of the work out I promised. I have been involved with treasure signs, symbols and maps for 74 years. If you don't believe in the "Black Book" pehaps you will when we get through explaining how the code in that book works.
Hunt hard, live well from your work.
Bob Brewer (Hillbilly Bob)
Hey bob I appreciate your long and dedicated time trying To find these lost treasures. I found a tree nearly 40 years ago that amazed Me as a young child. I am now 50 and recently stumbled across the tree again. I live in Danville and this tree is just outside of there. This tree has many carvings including elm trees , a one legged horse , crescent moons, has the initials WHP on there and other arrows pointing Directions. Of interest are two other names carved in there Varina and Mary. Hold this be a treasure tree or is it most certain that most if not all of the treasure was taken on after Jefferson Davis and Parker stopped in Danville

Picking my way through this strange tale’s tendrils, I found myself thinking a lot about treasure and treasure hunts. I couldn’t shake the disconcerting feeling that there may be a lot more treasure hunting out there than actual treasure, perhaps to a hugely disproportionate degree.

I believe this quote from this article wraps up Oak Island and many other "treasure searches"

I have located the Keechi Hills treasure and it will be recovered. I also have treasures located around Buzzard's Roost and we plan to recover those also. Then there are three other large Jesse James treasures buried in Eastern Oklahoma. All these treasures are on our radar for a speedy recovery soon.

I have located the Keechi Hills treasure and it will be recovered. I also have treasures located around Buzzard's Roost and we plan to recover those also. Then there are three other large Jesse James treasures buried in Eastern Oklahoma. All these treasures are on our radar for a speedy recovery soon.

Every few years you claim you will recover them.....still waiting.

Bob, I just discovered your work. My grandfather was also named Bob and lived in Mountain Grove Missouri. I believe he has had several conversations with you about a petroglyph around his area of southern Missouri. My grandfather has been gone a couple years now and I have just discovered all of his notes, pictures and other information he collected for 45-50 years. I have a copy of “Forbidden Knowledge the story of the Knights of the Golden Circle”. Any chance we could talk?
You are talking to John London not Hillbilly Bob Brewer. Everything he said is all well you know. That KGC Template is a useless piece of junk. Just to get people to believe they know something when they know nothing. As far as the largest cache being in North Carolina is a joke it is in Tennessee and everyone knows it. There are depositories all over Virginia. And that template will not take you to anyone of them My partner wanted one of those template so bad, I went to Lowe's got some plexiglass and made him one. Just a useless piece of nothing.

You are talking to John London not Hillbilly Bob Brewer. Everything he said is all well you know. That KGC Template is a useless piece of junk. Just to get people to believe they know something when they know nothing. As far as the largest cache being in North Carolina is a joke it is in Tennessee and everyone knows it. There are depositories all over Virginia. And that template will not take you to anyone of them My partner wanted one of those template so bad, I went to Lowe's got some plexiglass and made him one. Just a useless piece of nothing.
Coming from someone who alters photos in an attempt to sell works of fiction.

You are talking to John London not Hillbilly Bob Brewer. Everything he said is all well you know. That KGC Template is a useless piece of junk. Just to get people to believe they know something when they know nothing. As far as the largest cache being in North Carolina is a joke it is in Tennessee and everyone knows it. There are depositories all over Virginia. And that template will not take you to anyone of them My partner wanted one of those template so bad, I went to Lowe's got some plexiglass and made him one. Just a useless piece of nothing.
Well thanks for letting me know this isn’t Bob. Very confusing as the article is written as if you were. I have no clue what your ranting about. Have a good day.

Many of you on the forums won't remember Bob Brewer, alias Hillbilly. I'm here to announce my retirement from on site treasure work. My team (13) men and women have all passed away leaving only me, John London and one field man to do all the work. Last week we found the final marker to the Jesse James Keehi Hills yarn in SW Oklahoma. We will at some point return there to see what they left us. We did find Jack's grave, it was a hobby horse with it's left hind leg cut off. Of couse this was the lame jack excuse for burying the gold. Some people never learn, do they 2late2dig. We'll invite you to our dig.
We have finished our work in Danville, Virginia and Northern North Carolina. I might add here that the treasure legend of Confederate Gold at Danville has been proven to be partly true but mostly hogwash. The treasure depository there covers over 1100 square miles. There were/are still caches left there but are not touchable due to their location. The Granddaddy of the caches wasn't in VA, but in NC instead. Now that I will have more time to write and make DVDs the complete Danville depository will be explained.
It took John and I only sixty hours to outline the depository. Of course some of you know that once the depository limits are found the template we have shows the location of the caches. We tried in 2010 to tell the Danville story on the History Channel but everything we showed and explained went over the head of the show's director. So we will do it our way with a DVD production using slides, video and maps. That is coming in a few months.
Our 28 year hunt for the LUE was concluded last May. We found the location of 7 caches, but there are many more. Arizona was the first time we used drones in our search for clues. We have some breath taking 4K video of clues being found and recovered using the drones. If you are familiar with Arizona State Trust Lands you will know why recovery of most LUE caches is not possible. Those lands don't allow vehicle traffic, mining claims or treasure trove permits.
The last hunt we assisted on is in Utah. History aired a program on it. I am in work on a DVD slide show exposing how that show was fraudulent because it featured a person as a "treasure hunter". He observed several informative treasure panels and failed to tell how any of the symbols read. I look for History to soon come out with a program attempting to debunk anything I say about the show. We'll just let our media prove our work on the site. Of course we have neither one been to the site, we just viewed History's production and took will use what we saw there as our evidence. I have been warned by History and A&E not to use their intellectual property. If you watched the show you will have seen several of my copyrighted photos used without my permission and even clips of me in the show.
If they go back and find the beautiful clues they missed, I'm sure they won't be able to interpret their meaning.
For you unaware of my age, I'm in my eighty third year and still going pretty strong. Linda (wife) fell and injured herself badly so now I am home caring for her. At least I'll be near my office and computers so maybe will get some of the work out I promised. I have been involved with treasure signs, symbols and maps for 74 years. If you don't believe in the "Black Book" pehaps you will when we get through explaining how the code in that book works.
Hunt hard, live well from your work.
Bob Brewer (Hillbilly Bob)
Rennes, Is this Bob Brewer? Im just picking up information from my grandfather and My grandfather has several hand written letters between him and Bob Brewer. I would just like to be able to speak to Bob if that is possible. Thank you.

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